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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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I am not rising to you , kate. You are unwell.
Sorry Mamya but bad memories of after cricket feasts in Bradford.
mamya can i have some more stuff for my chest,i think i have upset lady a,but i think she's taking a liberty here,she took my brylcream i had won.
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I can assure you my pies are immaculate as is his lordships hair (and other bits)

Katy sit still dear while the meds work.

Home made pickled onions for you Tony.
Here's your liberty bodice, Kate. I'm sure it will all be better in the morning.
mamya that pork pie was orgasmic, can i have another one please.
lady a 'keep the heid' did you buy a record today,i'm stuck?
Delirious, as I said.

Steady on, Toffy.
mamy - that is very nice of you to break out they homemade ones
mamy do you have much claring up to do?
home made what tony.well i am sure you have had eneugh of me tonight,i really am going to take my meds,and try and finnish my crossword,see you all next week if i'm not barred,it was fun tonight.
Well, I'm off to bed now (with my cotton wool balls and my brylcreem).
See you all next week, if we're spared :-))
Of course you're not barred, Kate.
Jarred, maybe but not barred. :-))
lady - is anyone seeing mama home - or is she staying in the cupboard?
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No barring, just some jarring of the pickles, the clearing up can wait.

More pies fresh from the Aga (Oven not Khan)
Lekke Slaap
Slaap Lekker
will walk you home then?
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Tony I did explain earlier I am the resident retainer, I have my garret.
Thanks mamya, just had another one, will sleep sound tonight.

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