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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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thought it was cancelled for some reason
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Tonight's guest Tailcock is of course the BGT* - a heady but entertaining in it's on way tipple Drinks and nibbles are arranged on the buffet sideboard in the long gallery.

For the raffle I have:

3 sachets of silvikrin shampoo
Half a tub of Brylcreem
12 pink cotton wool balls
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Sorry about the late opening, maybe her Ladyship left me a post it note and Alfie ate it?

Welcome in Tony, do help yourself to nibbles.
Has Lady given you keys?
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I am resident retainer Tony, have a little room off the scullery, I pay far to much in wages to the aristo's to afford a place of mine own, I am comfortable though.
have to put my beret in raffle along with

some bird seed
and 1/2 packet of rice
Puff, sorry to be so late...puff, puff....broadband problems.......seems to be fixed now, but there's no knowing once a gremlin gets in.

Thank you for opening up, Mamya and hello, TonyV.

Tonight's tailcock looks scrummy.
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Forgot to add for the minutes, TTFN sends her apologies as she is off once more to the place they call the countryside.
That TTFN girl gets around, doesn't she.
This countryside place must be good...
do you keys to wine cellar as well?
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Good evening Milday, ssssh Tony.
Not unless she's had some cut in one of my absences...
Raffle prizes from here

* A picture of Amanda Holden in her lingerie
* A picture of Amanda Holden (I think) naked but the picture has been torn in half
* A picture of Simon Cowell with a Policeman about to serve a Super-Injunction
* A blow up Baywatch Doll but the vitals are missing
* A lifetime sentence to listening to Michael McIntyre shouting
* A month for any Lady here with Louis fawning over you.
* A Cheryl Cole anti-depression kit.

"The Moat is Afloat"
sure she would'nt mylady - - do we have a speaker tonight?
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DTC friend or foe?? to the stars - what a super selection once more.
lustadyalex - just bringing some crayfish to put on your table
put some nets down in your moat
bon sure madame,here at last,here are some ruffled prizes for you,a french phrase book ,dog chewed.a bunch of roo-barbi,2 o'o'd eggs,(only 6 weeks).bar of derbak soap.
i cant drink tonight i have a chest infection and on aunties bionics.lemon or peach tea for me please.
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Oh I have a warming lemon and liquorice brew, very good for sore chests
sounds nice and differant ,i'll try that please.mamya

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