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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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Not Walt Whitman - noooooo way
well mama you and your trolley I just did'nt know who to ask - thought me might let me in your cupboard
What exactly have you got, Wu/Tang ?
these tonics are lovely everyone is giving me differant ones.have you ever tried a jack daniels and coke,i am having one for the first time ever and its bloomon'lovely.
...personally..i dont handle cash...i leave that to the lady!
Ladyalex, do you have feather duster or should I bring my own? I will of course supply my own protective clothing. No need to pay you for them.
I do hope you're feeling a bit better, Kate.
Ca' canny on the tailcocks with your chest.
Daisy, that is Mamya's department. However, as no one has been in the attics for several years, I feel that feather dusters may miss the mark
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Oh industrial strength cleaning products required up in those attic realms, we may find long lost Aunt Agatha up there.
...well..pleased to meet you ..lady..must crack to introduce you to Slim..excuse me....
Did not know that you had Mark incarcerated in the attics. However I am sure that we could come to amicable agreement. He may be lonely. Perhaps he could share my sandwiches. He would come in useful if I need to move any furniture during my duties. Unless of course he is in restraint.
What you get up to in the attics with restraints is your own affair, Daisy. Just keep the noise down.

Wu/Tang, nice to meet you too , dear. And thank Razors for the rent. Every little helps, as they say.
What is the protocol if I meet Aunt Agatha? Is she titled? How do I address her? Do I curtsey? Does she fancy Mark?
Aunt Agatha would appreciate it if you curtsied to her...but she may (or may not) have been up there for a while so may be a little shocked to see you .
Ask Mamya for some of her sal volatile just in case.
If you do find the old dear, do try to persuade her to come down so we can get her in next door. They deserve each other, her and the Home.
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Has everyone got their raffle tickets?

Shall I start the draw Milady?
Please do, Mamya.
Here's hoping I get the brylcreem...lordalex looks so dapper when he wears it...
<<<<tip toes in with skirt tucked in knickers, waves to Mamya and mouths.. sorry I'm late... :D
Missing Alexanderd

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