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Mamyalynne | 19:59 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
210 Answers
Good evening members new and old.

Once more the drawbridge is down and I am throwing the doors open to you all. Her Ladyship is a little delayed - no doubt high tea has developed into an evening soiree, such is the way with the aristocracy. However I did not want anyone to be waiting outside in this chill damp air.

The buffet sideboard is as usual laden with delights and I have a huge pot of freshly made wild mushroom soup on the Aga.

This week's guest Tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' a real kick-start to the night and does 0-60 erm, very quickly.

My contribution to the Rofl:
4 rolled up newspapers
Empty cookie tin (model of a tractor)
2 pairs of fishnet pop sox (one lilac one lime)

So gather round and we shall have fun.


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Right, pouring down, I'm sleeping in the big house Not with alex mind, me and Unk will be in the lower lesser upper guest bedroom, see you tomorrow for a full English.
My , My we are demanding, considering Uncle Joe's fees haven't been paid in months.... I think you'll find it continental only on Sundays.
No butler service on Sundays, I'm afraid...
I think the soup is wearing off....the lights have gone all crinkly with rainbows around them....
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Do I have to make up the guest suite, I am a bit wobbly on my pins.
Continental? Something escaped from Strictly? Or the Fred Astaire film earlier today?
Your Felineship, care for a whirl?
Nah, Miss Meg can sort it out herself, Mamya...

Still all crinkly....
Slop stone?? Still confused, even more confused after wrestling Elllie for the joint. Wandering off now, not going back to that place, may find a nook in the big house, set 2 extra spaces for me and Unk tomorrow mamya if you don't mind.
Perhaps I should have tried the soup, but I'll settle for another Biker-boot.
Any biker to go with it?
Alas, Miss Daisy, while the offer is most inviting, I fear that in my weakened condition I shall be unable to twirl...
Well, Uncle Joe is in with his lurdship, they are playing chess now.
I have crashed out in the bridal suite, what super soup that was!!
Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while you can still stand, they're lovely!
I think I could manage a glass or two of Biker-boot now, please.

Chess ? are you sure ? Draughts more likely in this house...
boo hoo on the other side of the moat
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Soup - good grief ......999
Can we throw you a line so you can swim over , sib ?
No need for such drastic measure, Mamya...move away from the phone...
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♫ Row row row your boat ♫
♪ Michael row the boat ashore ♪

Soup still seems to be in me...
Alfie helped, brought remains of chicken

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