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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 18:59 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome once more to each and every one of you.

I am sure that the fort was held in excellent and robust fashion in my absence and that Matron and the Butler did all the necessary paperwork and stocktaking at the end of proceedings.

So far for tonight's raffle I have:

Four dressings (large, non-adhesive)
Three tubes of Savlon
Two rolls of cotton wool
and 54 plastic pinnies.

I have had no word yet of a speaker this evening, but no doubt a member will step into the breach if no one turns up.

Now where are my raffle prizes from the last 2 weeks ?


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Sorry, folks. Got to go for a bit. See you later I hope. Please pull the raffle without me, but remember that the prizes I want to win are the Sun hat, the Dracula Doll and the yellow wallpaper.....
Refills for the misses lady-j & invisible - don't fret miss, after a few Phews you won't mind what they are...
room over here, sibton sweetie
I don't know if I can take another I'm feeling a bit sqiffy! lol
Evening to all friends (and non-friends)
For the rifle I have a dead kettle, last year's bus pass, a slinky toy, a bobotie recipe, a crab shell and a copy of Dr. Henry Jones Junior's lecture notes for next semester. Need a tailcock!
have some food from the buffet, invisiblelady -- it will soak up some of the tailcock.

refill if you please LiK.
hello daisy ... you just watched '----crystal skull'?
Hi Daisy ooh would love the slinky, last one got all warped.
Ah thank you dt, so civilised
Do you need a tailcock refill or one of Mamya's voltaire-vots?
The Meltons are good for soaking up.
Very good evening to you, miss Daisy - one flagon of Phew (refill awaits)

Mr excel - your refill, sir...

may I say, completely off-topic, that I enjoyed your preview earlier
ooh DT, you've come over all Candide..
oh yes please
Oi, Im watching you bard. lol
I see the Proms is playing Copeland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" followed by "Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman." Now which two characters are they portraying?
These vollies are the size of a small house......may I get you a knife fork and a pressed serviette? - or rather Mr Buttle will as we can't do him out of a job.
thank you..this phew really is delicious tonight.

---preview? .. are you talking to me? if so, to what are you referring?
That's lovely dt, I forgot to say hello to Matron and buttle, they were so busy
I will have you know all my buffet food is delicately sized.

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