As her Ladyship the Leisurely continues to gallivant across this fair land, it is my honour once more to welcome you all.
We were to have a talk of 'How to gather edible fungi safely' but sadly Mr Alonzo Porcinihas been hit with a bad dose of food poisoning, maybe when he has recovered we could ask him again.
Tailcocks and nibbles adorn the buffet sideboard as usual and raffle tickets this week are number pink and can be purchased as you enter.
My offerings this week :
A tin of Dubbin.
Bar of lily of the valley soap.
6 Moth balls,
and a Toblerone.
Hi Starbuck, ,,lol..and I was lead to believe that all the bats were in the Belfry =)
quite unnerved me..I think I might try another G&T..just to steady understand.
Is that a very old port you have there mamya. Don't hog it all for yourself. I think ttfn and myself deserve a small libation. Noraq should have some too as a little something for managing the tricky stairs and the bats.
Evening Mamya and guests, Just popping i with a little something for the raffle. A little wooden dragon statue. Please do not let it breathe fire or it will consume itself.Oh and a couple of slightly used candles. Too near the dragon when he got cross last week.
Not able to stay long, well, perhaps one teeny G&T (not that teeny!) Daughter siniging at the British Museum tonight and am waiting for a phone call to say she survived. Bit worried after watching "Night in the Museum"
Daisy - good for your daughter, you must be very proud.
I have cogitated and have made my decision! Mamya, may I please have a prune tailcock with a little Kaolin & morphine chaser please?
Singing at the British Museum? How marvellous! What is she singing daisy? What sort of song? Please tell us all about it. You will definitely need some fortification to get you through the night. Have another g and t, or try some of this magnificent port.