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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
My deepest sympathy Shaney. I'm sitting here quietly reading the thread on my phone andlistening to my bro playing quiet music on his guitar and when I read about your dearbrother I had to come on to let you know how sorry I am for you. x
My bro is one of the ten pound pommies too, my dad kept giving me ten quid to emmigrate, but I kept spending it so he gave up haha
Thanks Jude .He had a long life and I mustn't be sad .
He was in a lot of pain for a long time .
I've been a bit snivelly I must admit . I keep welling up .
These things pass.They must .xxx

indeed, Shaney, indeed
Oh Woofy,how lovely of you ....thank you xxx
Shaney, you are welcome.
That has made me cry Woofy. He wrote and performed such wonderful songs. The best and most talented of the Beatles and so appropriate for Shaney at this sad time.
I chose it for DH's funeral.
Oight oight my good friends
oighty oight, I think I am feeling sleepy... I hope.
snowing here (lightly) again, due to be snowing all day, and I'm supposed to drive to the dentist tomorrow. This may not work out.

The rest of you just stay in bed.
Morning all, hope you are OK shaney!

Yes jno, I am still in bed, although nothing to do with the weather, it's Sunday, and Mr N hogs the golf on the tv in the front room. I have a cold but not too bad.
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Morning all..hope you're ok this morning shaney. x

Light snow in the air but it's gathering force and I can feel my positivity ebbing away, I've got aches on my pains and this weather is getting me down.
am still in my bed, looks chilly outside!!
Not snowing, but windy and grey and the icicles are still hanging there all around the house. Captain LL of the Antarctic has taken his trusted husky (Meggie!) out to venture to the Norfolk Pole. Silly man!!!

I am achey, have a bad tum again, and am grumpy about it all. Had a really bad night.

Apart from that I am OK. See you later x
Did any of you watch Winter Watch on BBC2 yesterday evening. It featured a Today programme from 1963 in it's entirety. It makes you wonder what all the fuss is about now. I honestly can't say that I remember people moaning too much about it all. It was colder than Siberia. Worth watching on BBC Player if you can.
Its snowing in a Not-heavy-but-determined-to-lay way here.
We are off to a country restaurant for our lunch,where there is a big log fire, feel headachey so will be back in bed after lunch!
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chilly?! I wish we had your chilly have 13°/14°C today...we have 0°C with a real feel of minus 8°C.

Lottie I'd like to bet that people did complain in years gone by...there were fewer newspapers/tv stations and no internet to report it all. And radio stations didn't have phone ins and 'snow lines'. I really can't believe it was all endured with a cheery a child I can remember crying with 'hot aches' and the misery and pain of chilblains so quite how the ill and infirm coped I really don't know.
Robi they died. I remember that winter, being cold, having oilstoves around the house burning day and night, can you imagine the fuss now if you put a paraffin stove in the children's bedroom over night?

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