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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Oh woofy sounds like my house when hija is living here plus the mud! She's in and out at all hours!
biddy outing sounds good... everyone can step outside their front door at 11am sharp, go back in at 11.05 and chat about how it felt. (Probable answer: cold.)

The visit to the banker wasn't entirely successful as it turned out we didn't have the accounts we thought we had and they were all earning a ha'penny in the pound interest. So we've set up another one that earns a bit more - a bit - and moved lots of money across.
oh jno, could you move some of your money across the med so that some may drop into my lap as I am standing waiting outside my door tomorrow at 11am?
good thinking, but I don't know if my cursor will stretch as far as Spain. However, if you just give me the number of your bank account and your password, I'm sure something can be arranged.
Oh sorry jno I've just given all my info to Jose Luis and promised not to share!
honestly, you two.....I have just made a tray of chocolate brownies with a fresh raspberry baked into each square. I saw Rachel Khoo bake raspberries into madeleines and then on Bake off on monday, one of the comedienne girls baked fresh raspberries into a victoria sponge. I tried yesterday baking them into cupcakes but put 3 into each as they were large cupcakes and the cupcakes sank.The brownies look pretty damn nice though.
Oh woofy you have been busy, sorry but I don't like brownies or any cake with fruit in. I like dry sponge! I can tolerate currants if I have too, love nuts though!

I made bolognaise sauce in the slow-cooker, was hardly worth it, tasted no different to the one I bung on for 15 mins! I give up!
Evening each. Your fruity things sound lovely Woofy. I really fancy one.
I'm pleased you've sorted your nether region out Shaney. Nothing worse than to keep on having to go for a p. I've had that before as well.
Well yesterday I went to the hospital for a review and have now got a 5 week break from the Work shop. I have a home practicing sheet of 4 exercises which I have to do twice a day. They are a series of 3 x 10 of each movement every time so that's 240 a day. I have an appointment in February so I expect that may be my last one if my measurements have improved again. Let's hope so.
Tomorrow I'm off down south until Sunday so I'll be back again soon.
I think the snow will have all gone then what do you reckon.!
Anyway I hope you are all feel good and have a warmer weekend.Going to watch footie now on Sky. See yer later'gater(s)
Hi jude, well done and keep exercising! Do you feel the hand/wrist is getting better, can you do things and not hurt so much, hope so.
Oh well done Jude, keep the work up won't you? Neti there's not much point with bolognese sauce as the bits of meat in it are small. The bonus is tenderising large pieces of meat or whole joints.
The brownis are good, the sharpness of the raspberry cuts the sweetness of the brownie beautifully and you get gooey middle contrasting with the crisp edges. next time I will try fresh cherry.
today we have had hail and sleet and the temperature is dropping again, but we did go shopping and go and look at the cold and foggy sea.
Silly me, I'll learn one day!!
Neti I got my steamer out today and steamed the floors, kitchen, hall and living room. It took about 30 minutes and they look normal again with plain water and little effort....I loves my steamer.
Haven't used my steamer in years, it's such a bother. and I am just a little scared of it exploding!
Also it is tucked away in the laundry room and I know if I haul it out, there'll be cockroaches nesting under it!
mine is the kind that looks like a floor mop..its almost never put away on this house!
oight oight all, if any dogs disturb me tonight I will not be responsible for my actions.
A quick oight, oight. Going out for lunch was a good idea. Feel much better for it, but now very tired and going up the wooden slopes to Bedfordshire very shortly. x
Grrrrrrrr.for the third time of trying .My computer is all jumpy for some reason
Glad to see you feel more cheerful Lofty and well done Jude .We can clench fists ,wrists and whatnots in unison :)
I love the baking programme .I think Mary Berry is lovely and I wish I knew how she ties her scarf .There's a two parter starting next week about her life .
I never cook sloppy stuff in the slow cooker Neti.Just mainly chunky stuff like casseroles ,joints of meat etc.
We've had a railways teevee evening .Michael Portillo ,Dan Snow with Locomotion ,then there was a nice little programme about model railways on BBC4
Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight .
Good morning my friends from a wild and woolly Ibiza, absolutely storming here which means the roof will leak cos he hasn't got round to mending it yet. :-(

Not sure what I will do today, I really hope I can get down to the village if only for half an hour!!
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that's my contribution to food chat

Morning all...down to froz but snow gradually disappearing.
Shaney you need a very long scarf to do a Mary Berry's quite easy but hard to describe...try and follow this pic.

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