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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Lottie, you must be tougher than me!
I am wrapped up in fleeces!!!

Oight, oight again. I escaped back in here for a while to cool down before I go to bed.
oight oight all
Oight Oight lovelies ....I'm a bit squiffy and tearful .
Keep warm ....snowing a bit again here .
Next doors snow woman complete with bazooms and carrots for nipples is still standing .
oh dear, that's not one of B00's is it, shaney? I remember she raised eyebrows around the neighbourhood a couple of years ago with an unusually detailed snowwoman.
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Morning all...clear blue skies at last but very icy.

lovely pics jno, but that's all that is good about this weather, looking at it in photographs...I felldown in the garden about half an hour ago, I'm ok but jarred my right arm/wrist and my left leg. I've been in agony with body pain for days so that is the final straw...shoot me now please. And my old (demanding) neighbour's boiler's broken down so if my friend over the road says this is lovely again I'll shoot her first.

keep your chin up shaney. x

oh dear, Robi, what you need is more ballast. I have about 40 stone to spare if you want some. Tie it in bags around your waist and you'll be more aerodynamic. I hope the discomfort eases off pronto
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well the end's in sight (not mine, the snow's) so I've decided to put the gun down for now. It's going to be 4C by the weekend and a balmy 12C by this time next week! So they say.
I wanted to go to the shops but it knocked my confidence ....luckily aforementioned friend's OH is taking her shopping so she's bringing me a few things. It's preferable to her having to come across everyday and make me some chs on tst as I lay with my arms/legs in plaster.
Stay safe!
Take care all of you, especially Robi and Shaney. Our shopping trip today has been postponed due to Mr LL work commitments, but I am not sorry. Have been raking through the freezer for tonight's meal.

I am glad you have put the gun down Robi. It's horrible isn't it to hurt so much. I daren't take any arthritic medications at the moment because of my tum. Doctor's appt. is next Tuesday. I have booked a 20 minute one and am going with a list. I need a proper sort out. I am terrified of going to the doctor - the very thought of next week is making me feel even worse.

ps I am going offf my rocker. We watch The Chase eagerly each day (welove it) I have developed a silly crush on 'The Beast' Mark!!
Oh lottie, snap me too I love Mark, I REALLY REALLY DO! I also like Bradley Walsh!

Chest is killing me, will have to go back to medico.

Lovely sunny day but chilly out of the sun. Did 3 days washing, as there wasn't much, not like me not to wash!
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yes Lottie, don't go out if it isn't absolutely vital. Hopefully it'll all be gone by the time my nurse appt rolls round next week.
I really like Paul Sinha(sp?) on the Chase, he's very kind to the contestants, and Anne makes me laugh.
Yes Paul is very, very kind, and I too think Anne is great. In fact I like them all, including the lovely Bradley Walsh Neti. But I LOVE Mark. I just want to cuddle him and I love the twinkle in his eyes and the half smile. Oooooh.

Sorry to hear your chest is playing up again, Nets.
my answer just vanished. I said good morning to the wobbly and ailing. About the only thing that I seriously dread is falling over. Be gentle with yourself Robi and put the gun away.
Go and get your money's worth out of the doc Neti and Lottie.
Shaney I hope you are feeling better today.
The weather her looks ok for the moment so we are going out for a drive later. The dogs don't seem to care, they have gone back to sleep. Shughy waits for me to have warmed up a seat then he harasses me till i move for him which, being a soft idiot, i do.
Meggie quickly nips into any vacated space on the sofas Woofy. We find outselves shifting around the seating, somehow she manages not to get turfed off. Spoilt little doggy.
I have been trying to buy some make up (for the older complexion) online, for weeks and it never goes through, I have emailed several times and finally called their mobile today. A woman phoned back saying if it's an international call can I call her, cheek! so I said rather crossly that I was trying to buy! So she's given me another email, what is going on? It such a good power (I never wear much of that stuff) but it doesn't brighten up the face. She is the right company but very strange goings on!

I also have a headache which is rare for me!
The beast is a man mountain i would climb given the chance oooeer!
Hello folks
Oh dear Robinia ,take it easy today .It shakes you up when you fall over .
Stay in and rest .Good job someone can get some things for you ,Derbys a long way for me to come to get you some sdns and cstds :))
You too Neti .You don't want to be laid up again .
It's thawing here a bit but still cold .
I've kicked myself up the bum and done some washing and changed the beds
I have to go the clinic tomorrow for an irritable bladder check .I've been piddling for England though during this cold weather .
I like The Chase too .Bradley Walsh can chase me any time :)
Good luck tomorrow Shaney.

The Beast is mine Neti (but perhaps we can share, there's enough for both of us) oooooh errrr)
No Lottie I do not share and he is mine, on the other yes we could maybe share!

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