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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Hi all just called in to say oight oight to you all. I've had a really busy day so I'll be back tomorrow. I've caught up with your posts and I'm still laughing at the 'laughing'.
See you tomorrow. Sleep tight and keep warm. And Robi and Shaney I hope you feel better soon.
Hiya Jude. And oight, oight xx

Oight oight to all of you. xx
oight oight all, see you tomorrow x
oight oight all.
still looking white out there but I think the streets will be mainly slush by now. No show at all in town, so I will be off to see a banker
good morning all, dreadful nights sleep, not sure why, am going to try to snooze now, laters all.
Good morning biddies, well what a good night we all had here, Mousey stayed on her chair all night so didn't disturb us so I didn't have to get up to have a pee and let her out. Mind you I thought she was dead when I realised this am! Cold and sunny here, I would love to wake up to a warm house, but no heating until at least 5pm or when El Gringo comes home, cos for some reason I can't light the butane fire anymore! He has no probs, but with me it flares up and won't stay alight! !!
Morning all
The streets are like glass here and it's freezing cold .I've trudged to the clinic and back.My waterworks have improved so have been discharged .Gawd my legs and hips ache from tottering along the icy pavements .
Hope any poorly Biddies feel better today .I think I'll push the boat out and have egg, bacon and toast.
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Morning all...thawing nicely here, bird baths aren't frozen. I'm hoping we don't get any more, my sister, 20 miles away, has had yet another 2" of the bloomin stuff.

Well done with your test results shaney, I'm glad you made it home safely.
Goodness me shaney, that was early and thatywas quickn abd well done on getting your bladder to behave.

It's awfully blowy here today, things shooting actoss the island like no one's business, I am always a bit wary of signs etc cos they can take off at an alarming rate. Balcony furniture has been known in the past to go flying on the main street.
good morning all. Its very grey and cold here. Delighted with your news Shaney. We might go out later or not. I don't really feel like it.
Lol...I said I felt Ok as I don't want to have to keep going up there .
tbh I still have to clench or cross me legs when I cough or sneeze but it's nowhere near as bad as it was .
I do it while I'm knitting .Knit one ,clench,purl one ,clench..hahaa.
Yes I had to be there at 8.30 .That was a shock to my system !
Oh that, I'm forever crossing my legs and with this bad cough it's useless, I pee for Britain, so the ole tena comes into play, awful isn't it?? I try and look so cool when I am out and about but if they could see what is underneath, I'd die!!
Good afternoon. Having a down day, but am dragging Mr LL out for a late lunch to a Marstons Inn (2 for the prince of 1) in an effort to pull myself out of the doldrums. Then have to go to Morrisons and Lidls. Haven't been out since last Wednesday - not good!!

Hi Lottie, poor you, come on girl buck up. I couldn't stand being in the house all day, that's when I know I am ill is when I do not go out!

Go and enjoy your meal, MrLL is really lovely!
I sympathise Lottie. Yesterday we went out for the first time since last thursday. Cabin fever just piles on top of everything else.
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a'noon...i just wrote a long rant about hospitals (following yours woofy) and decided to shorten it, haha.

I haven't been out for a week either and that was only to the local shops...
woofy, when you stay in, do the pups go out in the garden?
Goodness gracious me biddies, we'll have to all have a biddie outing!!!
yes Neti, I have a reasonable sized garden and when we can't go out, I turn the heating off and muffle up and let them run in and out as they please for as long as they want to then they come in and sleep. The mud in the house is indescribable but its necessary for their and my sanity. I am also flexible about them running around the garden in the middle of the night, they hunt quietly and we catch up on sleep the next day.

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