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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 15:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Sorry I missed you Jnohave a good trip To Pareee
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Au revoir jno...mange tout...
Hope your daughter is OK Neti and Bon Voyage Jno .Have a nice time in gay Paree.
I've just read back . Yes Robinia I think there is one more with Tom Barnaby . I was sobbing in advance .The last episode sees him contemplating retirement . He's getting a bit out of puff I must admit ,bless. On Wiki it says there are four new episodes this year so they must be with Neil .
Oh well I think I'll toddle off to bed .
Sleep well all .See you tomorrow .
good grief, up before woofy... and I don't have to be, which is annoying.
lol jno you weren't...I was just driving back through the estate (not mine, housing, only they are posh round here and call it a development :-)) I have to dry the dogs and feed them, then make my coffee, probably pop to the loo before I log on. Slightly wet and very windy today.
Think that Shughy must be a kykkling, I have the bruises to prove it.
Hope Hija is feeling better today.
bon vayage jno if you are still around...hope the flight isn't too windy.
Rushes in to say bon voyage to jno, have a good time, x

Morning all, hija all back safe and sound, she had managedto buy rather a lot of clothes and boots, and was feeling better, but is taking it easy

Very foggy and chilly here today, can't see a hand in front of face. Lovely!

Was Midsomer "Not in my back yard" cos it's appeared on my download page again, I do hope so.
Is Mr Woofy having his PET thing today, I am a bit discombobulated with the posts at the mo, if so best of luck woofy and mr woofy!
neti that's lovely....can't see how people say that animals don't have feelings or play.
Yes Mr W has gone off for scanning today. Bit stressed and grumpy. I reckon that Hija is a comfort shopper like me....are the boots nice?
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Bonjour...haven't you gone yet jno?

That's funny neti, I saw it a while ago...I do hope that it is happiness though 'cos some days I feel like doing that (if only!) out of sheer exasperation :o)
Glad to hear your daughter's ok, I always reward shop when I've had to do something I didn't like. ...sometimes the rewards are much bigger than the trauma :o)
Yes Midsomer was NIMBY
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sacre bleu they've all gone to Paree...c'est la vie, I didn't want to go anyway
No Robi I am still here, I have just scrubbed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees because the dirt was so ingrained that the mop wouldn't touch it. I am now sat in a clean living room, the kitchen floor is IMMACULATE and the bedroom is pretty nice too....drawing breath before I go shower (in the CLEAN bathroom) and tomorrow I am going out to but a scrubbing brush on a broom handle. Paree???? who needs it, I have all the sophistication, excitement and shopping i need right here.
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oh dear woofy...I did the kitchen floor on my knees yesterday, ouch - know what you mean about mops, I've never been very good with them, they just move the dirt around....anyhoo, I sat down with my minimal effort tea & charlie trotted into the kitchen & wee'd... <sigh> least it was 'moppable'
yep, who needs excitement?
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I keep forgetting to mention the snowdrops & crocus/crocuses/crocii are coming up! \o/
oo I must go and look for my snowdrops. I have loads in my pots and tubs from the year when the local florist had a massive offer for them in the green. I bought bucketloads then realised that my garden was frozen solid and the only place to plant them was in some tubs overwintering in the garage.
I am now showered and relaxed, going out to shop a bit later.
Bless Charlie, he was doing his bit to wash the floor.
I wish you hadn't reminded me about dirty floors. My kitchen, back utility room and downstairs shower room need a good clean. I have a steam cleaner and it's absolutely great. The trouble is the palava in getting it out and assembled and moving all the stuff out of the rooms. I am feeling crap today so I am not about to make a start. My tum is all over the place and I can only think it's those damn arthritis tablets

I won't bore you with my aches and pains any more.

Just off to put my head in the oven........................

(no gas where I live!! ;o) )
Lottie, the dirt will always be there, take it easy and be kind to yourself.
Woofy. I seem to be doing a lot of taking it easy these days and I feel guilty about it and then anxious. Perhaps I should do as Mr LL says and just do what comes naturally seeing as I don't work any more. I just feel that I should be more energetic and doing more than I do. I felt fine yesterday and then again today I am falling apart.

Thanks for being there Woofy, and all you biddies.

Hope jno is enjoying Paris.
Mr LL is dead sense in feeling anxious if your body wants you to take it easy.
Good evening Biddyfriends. Well do you want the good news or the bad news first, I'll go with the good.
I set off for the paper shop this morning went round a corner and looked on the pavement in front of me and there was my lost earring. It is the one is on the left. The bad news is it had been walked on and flattened out as you can see. I was delighted to have found it but was a bit upset at its state. So I rang my jeweller (yes I do have a jeweller) He is a craftsman and has been running his shop and craft centre for 40 years and makes lovely jewellery. The one who made the ring for my daughter-I-L. I've asked him if he can make me another pair from them and he's going to have a look for me.

Anyway I hope you are all ok. Haven't read your posts yet but will do when I've sent this. Hope Mr W has gone on alright with his scan.
I'm busy getting tidied up for when my son comes tomorrow. I'm expecting him about lunch time. Just about right for going off for a meal together.

See you in a bit when I've caught up with your posts..

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