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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Haha that means kicking a snygg of course
It's Ikea speak Woofy ... Snyggish :)
I have a bit of a thing for daft made up words and laugh myself silly at times .I used to call old Shaney, Schnucklemuckel .
I'm pleased to hear Dolly is OK .I've been looking at that on the news and it's dreadful.
It's hard to comprehend what a vast area it covers .
It says in one of the papers today that we are in for six inches of rain and tornados So it's batten down the hatches .Where this six inches of rain is to occur though is not clear .Knowing my luck ,directly over Shaneytowers .
Sorry to hear you are still in the midst of the building works Kit .What a nightmare .
You'll need six weeks in Ibiza in the summer to recover :)
Not much going on here .Very windy and turned a bit chilly again .
Take care all and KBO xx
well having checked, I don't mind being called a snygg kyckling...I make up silly names for the boys and DH as well. I always have and my Mum and I used to do it too.
Come on ten who is going to do the next snyggish lesson?
Helloo again Scnucklemuckles (I had a hundred names for my cat and in my case too it was my Mum who taught us by her example to play with words). Woofy the other night when I said good night and it reminded you of The Waltons...? ...I was paraphrasing one of the loveliest books in the world, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd If any of you know any kids 2-3 years old, this is the book to get them, they'll love it till they're... five?

Vinny dear Vin, are you about? We are worried. Please make a sound:)
...or a noise?
Its midnight and there are monsters in the garden.....again
morning all. its blowing a hooligan here. Dogs are snoring and I have treated myself to a bowl of lucky charms cereal. My dear sis brought me back a couple of boxes from the US. Its sugar coated oat crispy bits mixed up with artificially coloured chunks of crispy sugar...nutrition nightmare but great for a treat.
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Good morning biddingtons...I'm not sure whether snyggy means anything at all so I'll leave you all to use it...and I'll send cake when you're all doing a stretch in the dungeon :o)

Nice & bright & breezy at the moment but a howling wind/tickly cough kept waking me up last night so I'm good for nowt at the moment. I can't see very well either, my eyes haven't been the same since the vitreous bother. I'm due an eye test in a few weeks, I'll probably need specs like coke bottle bottoms....
...and I've never had a flu jab. I read somewhere that it can make people with achey conditions worse, which could be psychowatsit, but I think I'll take my chance. I'm not sure if the death toll is any greater than it was when there was that epidemic(?) about 14/15 years ago when they were putting bodies into cold store lorries at my hospital.

Hang on in there Kit, just say a quick hello when you can, you're not out of sight out of mind you know...and things will get better soon. I'll even forgive you for the 'delish' word, haha...'delish...gorge'....<shudder>'s so 'Okay, yah' lol.

Hope there's another good film on this afternoon, I watched Steel Magnolias yesterday. If they ever do a re-make I want to play Ouiser (Shirley Mclaine's part) she's hilariously grumpy.
"I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood 40 years!"
"And I don't read books, 'cause if they're any good, they're gonna make 'em into a mini-series!"
morning all DH has gone out for a lads rideout today. He's like a cat for getting wet so I hope he misses the rain. Its still very windy here and the dogs are running in and out and bringing in mud hey ho.
Hi peoples.

Quite a nice morning here! Mr LL has taken Meggie out and son and gf are popping over later. Will now take the opportunity to take a leisurely shower.

I have started my clearing out and wish I hadn't. I have transferred the junk from one room to another. Clearing out photos is dreadful. I just can't get rid of photos with any loved ones on them, but have managed to throw away my Mum's holiday photos and her photos of friends I don't know. Mum took loads of photos of exotic places she visited - and there were many visits to exotic places. She also was a social animal so there are photos of 'occasions'. Trouble is the photos were bringing back memories.
Also found a tape that Master LL made when he was 11. It was his Christmas present to her and was two sides of him playing two sides of really lovely organ music - from Christmas Carols to Classics and Pop songs. It made me cry to hear him singing Love me Tender whilst playing it on the organ. His voice before it broke!! Mr LL thinks I am loopy.

I have a flu jab because I am on the high risk due to my lung condition. Otherwise I would thing twice about it. It is the first time I have had any reactions that might be due to it. Mr LL is the same, has one because of heart.

I am feeling a bit better today thank goodness.

Monsters in the garden Woofy!! Sounds interesting.

See you - must make myself presentable.

I have never actually seen the monsters you understand, but the dogs seem convinced that they save the house on a regular basis so who am I to disbelieve so long as they do it quietly?
has everybody kyckled off for the day?
Good day peeps, have had (so far) a food day. Got up early and cleaned the house (not something I ever do on a domingo) took hija to Ibiza town where is is having lunch with friends, we all had a coffee, then Mr N and I returned home and walked along seafront and sat and had a beer and a good old natter about the "Wgood ole day and friends" then a lovely curry lunch whoich was crowded. Now in bed having bathed and watching "The proposition" with sandra Bullock ( I do like her films).
I'm kyckling round Woofie ,trying to get orgamanised for the medical mystery week ahead.
Blood tests tomorrow ,DVT clinic and wee clinic this week .
Nothing much else going on .Blowing a gale here and blacking up although it was bright this morning .
Crosswords done ,Roast pork loin for dinner ,Lark Pies at Candlewick tonight .
.The excitement is all too much :)
Not food day, but a *good day*

Tried watching Lark pies but cannot get into it!
we have a medical mystery week too. Blood test monday, kidney clinic tuesday, CT scan wednesday (long drive to that one) and back there on thurs to see the consultant.
NOBA the door has just fallen off the shower so we are going shower shopping.
Hello Kycklings. Kyckling just means so no dungeon for Shaney - I was just wondering where she got it from:) Snygg she got from the online description of my new handbag, it's an adjective meaning good-looking, nice-looking, smart. Snyggy isn't a word - or it wasn't till Shaney got her hands on it - but we do say snygging as a noun for a hunk and in English yeah I guess that would be a snyggy:) These are pretty snygg to don't you think, Shaney, just don't wear them for the upcoming Medical Mystery Tour ha ha nor you Woofy, and no talk of monsters in the garden when you see the nice young men in their clean white coats;-)

Lottie there's nothing more forbidden than throwing away old photos is there... but I've done it myself and felt better for it. Just don't throw everything away, be sure to keep a few for Master LL. Keep a few, scan a few - I have found scanning to defuse them a lot...

Ouiser (lol at the 40 years quote!) I remember it was so difficult for me when my vitreous detachment happened to understand what was what - it coincided with an early-ish need for bifocals and I just didn't understand that till I was told. So many of my symptoms were to do with the detachment I thought they all were, but all of them weren't. Still haven't accepted bifocals, I keep two different pairs instead. Very fiddly business, lots of digging about in handbags involved, but I tried bifocals and hated them with a passion. Anyhoo, do you have bifocals Robi, if not, that could be it and you could be back to almost... erm... I wanna say normal;-) And about that swan... I weally weally weally want to know what (s)he did. Pretty please?
the swan really really likes grapes. She follows her ?handler into the studio cos he has single grapes in a bowl which she gobbles in about 7 seconds...then they have bunches of grapes that they hold up and she gobbles them too....that's why i made the next day cleanup comment/.
Okay now Shaney and Woofy I'm really upset. All this slipping about I've been doing and none of you have bothered to send me some of the Paw Wax you are both of you peddling in Pets, even though it clearly says "prevents slipping". Hrmph!

Thanks Woofy, I'm sort of playing the swan vid in my head now:)
I WANT TO SEE THE SWAN VID................................

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