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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Hi Robi. Tinypic opens almost instantly for me. Weird. (Not just my pictures, but others as well)
Yes, just went back to test on Neti, Shaney and Swedie's links on Tinypic and they all came up almost instantly. Sorry Robi!! :o(
Lottie's yesterday were very slow so I gave up but today tinypic is fine!
Oh look at meggie's eyes, she is soooo sweet, give her a cuddle from me!
Oh bless that sweet little face..mine do the big eyes ears back thing too when they really want something..its the "Aye senor bandits have taken over the village" look like the cat in Shrek.
I have some nice red fluffy acrylic throws that normally keep the seats clean but accidents happen.
Strange about the tinypics from the scanner. They must be the problem. No idea why. I do the same with them as the other photos. Sorry - you just need to have an hour or two to spare.

Off to cuddle Meggie and take her out!
you are probably scanning in super duper hi resolution...required for printing, editing and archiving but makes for slow opening online.
Ah OK, I see Woofy. Thanks. Come to think of it Master LL said something like that but said he would have to come back again to give me a few lessons. He has set it up so I just have to press a button and I have been warned again not to fiddle. I got a telling off at the weekend for fiddling again and doing something to the computer he has never seen happen before. Considering it's what he does for a living...............................!!

Why though does it open quickly on my computer. Is it because the scanner is 'plumbed' in?

Been out for 1.5 hrs and done about 3 miles and quite a lot of stopping and admiring the countryside. Saw two hares having a boxing match. I never realised until seeing it on the tele last week that it is the female that starts the boxing match when she has had enough of being pursued by an intended mate. So the boxing matches are between males and females. I always thought that it was two males who boxed because they were rivals!!
Just drinking a cup of strong black Kenko Peruvian Coffee. Master LL introduced it to me last week and I am hooked. It is strong without being too bitter.
Just dyed hija's hair a dark reddish brown, honestly she has so much hair and it is so long, it was a wringing a blanket and so heavy, it was impossible to get all the colour out, so she'll shower again and try then. It took 4 boxes of colour Her neck anf forehead are rather stained but at least I remembered to wear plastic gloves this time!
It opens fine for me today lottie, although couldn't get them yesterday! x
might be because you have opened it before (if on tinypic) and have it cached...if its on your computer and you are opening it on your computer, not on a website, then it will open faster.
evening all... I can't see anyone's pictures, but that's because my eyes aren't open yet. I'll have a look later... I hope everyone and their families are well.
I am opening it from the tinypic link from this thread Woofy. I have cleared my caches too.

Whoops, the darn cat just fell off the top of the stepladder where she was sleeping. He, he - that cat is a disaster zone!!

Evening jno. I presume Paris has tired you out!! Tell us about it when you are fully with it!! x
Hope you are well jno?
What colour is Hija's naturally Neti? I have been through so many colours, but never darker than light brown. Dark hair wouldn't suit me at all.
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Ooh it's chilly here but a lovely day...shame I've got a bad headache, I almost got run over squinting in the bright sun. Then I got a black finger in the supermarket & had to whip my mum's ring off before it swelled up. Do any of you ever get them? They're burst blood vessels & it's so painful. This doesn't seem to be my week & it's only Tuesday.

Managed to see all the lovely pics I think...Mr LL reminds me of someone off the tele but I can't think who it is. It might come to me later. Lol @ Meggy in her neckercheif. I've got lots of old photos to scan, I did some but I can't find them on this puta, they might have disappeared along with the classical music which vanished.
He, he, Robinia Mr LL looks quite distinguished in that photo. Most of the time at home he slops around in frayed jeans with holes in and old T shirts/shirts/polo shirts. And he goes down town in the same clothes - I won't go with him when he is dressed in tramp mode.

Sorry about your headache Robi. Shame - on such a nice day too. My walk tired me out but I am now trying to catch up on essential jobs (like clearing up all my coffee cups in the kitchen!!)

I am going to try a bologneise made with Quorn tonight. Not sure how successful it will be. But you don't know until you try.
Yes I do get those burst blood vessels in t he finger. Under the finger joints and they are very painful!! Don't know what causes them, but I hink they are quite common. Mr LL gets them too.
I get the burst BV's too..they got worse at menopause wouldn't you know it. Idiot Gp hadn't ever heard or seen anything like it and suggested chilblains in the height of summer. I did some internet research on blood vessel spasm and found that taking calcium magnesium and zinc can help....and it did. the tablets are called calmagzinc from the healthfood shop. They are like bricks in size and hardness but do help.

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