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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Hi folk.

Nice photos Neti. Are you the littlest one in the photos? The 2009 photo with your sisters is just lovely. I never missed having siblings when I was a child but I wouldn't mind some now. Mind you not all siblings get on well do they?

Good luck to Mr Shaney this week. Hope all goes well.

I was up early this morning and at Lidls not long after opening. Got a couple of dog covers for our car seats and two new frying pans. If you get there any later all the offers have gone. They never get many in for our little town :o(. They went to Morrisons and did quite a big shop. It absolutely chucked it down all the time I was out and when I got home and had unpacked I was exhausted. Just had lunch and watched Land Girls.

I love any dramas set in 2nd World War time. I know it was a dreadful time, but I really feel drawn to it. I love the fashions.

I am loving my scanner. I have just found out that I have turned into my Mum. I found one of her photos taken the year before Dad died. She would have been about 59 and him 62. I now know why everyone thinks I look like her, except she had lovely teeth and didn't have my baggy eyes!!!

I had a lot planned for this pm. It has all gone to pot.!!
scanners are triffic aren't they? Team it up with a photo editing program and you will never do housework again...I love restoring old photos, its amazing what you can do and not difficult once you learn a few basics.

Did I say the door fell off our shower yesterday? We have been out ordering a replacement today...lovely helpful man in the shop, really went to loads of trouble to find what we wanted and kept on pointing out he less expensive showers and bits ( I was deffo in scruffy mode so maybe he thought we were broke) just got to organise a fitter...the floor needs replacing too so a few days of upheaval :-(. Luckily we have another loo and bathroom so not too bad.
I was very taken with a bathroom mirror with an infinity effect like this one
except the lights were blue...but even if we could have afforded it, we have nowhere to put it.
Woofy, Master LL is going to set me up with an editing programme when he has some time. It's doesn't take much to stop me doing housework!!!!

Am happy today because Master LL and girlfriend and going to join us for part of our Yorkshire holiday in May. How things change - it only seems a few years ago that joining us for a holiday would have been the last thing he would have wanted to do!!

It's brightening up here now - just a glimpse of blue sky before it goes dark!!!!
It's piddled down here all morning and it's still at it .
Lovely photos .
You and your sisters are very much alike Neti and yes Lofty you are very much like your Mum .In fact the spitting image of her :) I have a similar school photo somewhere,sat there with a book in me gymslip !
I have loads of photos too .Boxfuls of albums in the loft and of course more boxfuls of albums from my in laws including all the slides my pa in law took over the years ,plus the slide projector and the thingy to project them onto .
It would take from now until the end of never to go through them all .
Not many on the computer of me when I was little .,only this one
We've been thinking about buying one of those printers with a built in scanner .
Shaney, you were simply beautiful!! In fact you still are x
I just noticed your ringlets. I had ringlets too. My Nan used to sit me on the table and coax my then very curly hair into ringlets. Funnily enough my curls disappeared into just curves as I got older and then when I had Master LL the wiggles came back.

I am sharing with my biddie friends of my favourite possessions. I still miss him and he has been dead for 30 years. I think most little girls love their Dads. He died at my age :o(
Shaney you look just like a little princess...
Lottie, thank you for sharing that and aren't you alike? same smile as your Dad.
My dad died at the same age DH is now :-(
Hi again. Woofy, as Shaney says I look just like my Mum, but I think I resemble my Dad more round the mouth so hence the smile. I am more like my Dad than my mum in many ways though. Mum was a social butterfly and much more extrovert than I am. I am far from a shy violet but Mum was something else. She always needed company, compliments and attention and was quite demanding. But having said that she drew people towards her like a magnet and was extremely generous. We had our differences and I feel guilty about our fallings out, but in the last year or so of her life I think we came together again.

Mr LL has gone to London and I am having fishcakes and baked beans for tea. Nice easy grub. I shall enjoy it!!

(And yes Shaney does look like a f airtale princess in her picture)
Shaney such an angelic child! Lovely! I was never alowed to have long hair as no one could manage it, and Dad used to cut it with his huge tailoring shears. Middle sister was allowed long plaits and 'tother also had shoulder length hair, I was the runt! really not attractive at all, but dearly loved! I loved having all my bros and sisters, I realise that now, but dearly wanted to be a spoilt only child!!

Lottie that piccy of you and your dad is superb, could be for a "happy family" advert. It is so sweet. There were too many of us to have individual photos!
Woofy dear, pretty please, what is a photo editing programme? Is it like paint, cos I just cannot handle it and I want to!!
Mr N is very impressed that i "managed" to finish the crossword, I won't tell him!
Neti try paintshop pro or Photoshop elements. Both offer a free trial download and there are tons of free tutorials on the web. If you are interested I will post you some links and find some of my before and after stuff. Once you have got your head around layers, the clever stuff is so easy it's embarassing
Sssshhh. Don't tell him! He would hate his photo on a website. About 10 years ago now. I had never seen this before this weekend. Mum never showed it to me.

This scanner is great fun. I shall be boring you for weeks.

Sleep tight Biddies!! xx
morning and the dogs have just waded through our walk. Shower man got stuck in town last night so he is coming at 8 this morning, so brief settee doze for me. DH will stay in bed, he really needs his sleep at pres and is having bad dreams...kind of expected it this week on the medical mystery tour...will be better (hopefully) when he has seen kidney consultant today (nice sensible one who let him leave hospital early) and cancer consultant on thursday when he will find out if the cyberknife treatment is suitable. My mission for this week, should I choose to accept it, is to have all the washable covers off the 3 piece and wash them. Its not too bad a job, they have those squashy fillings to quite easy to get off and back on and it will be nice to have them clean again.
Laters all
Morning all, poor Mr wofy, hope he feels better soon.

I've just washed the loose covers from my suite and can't be bothered to put them back on, they are so tight! Have cream throws at the mo!

Lottie, he is gorgeous, my type of man!!!!
our 3 piece came with cream ones...what were we thinking with 2 dogs? actually all the options were pale. We now have sort of terra cotta russet ones, much nicer and don't show the dirt till its a health hazard! The cream covers are in the loft..supposedly put up there to keep "for best" which in my mind means never again lol
Ours originally came with padded bright canary yellow covers which are so comfy but so useless show every spec, and hija is a mucky type person. I wanted to get them dyed a sagey apple green but they don't dye things here! The suite is very old now and falling apart, and I keep hinting about getting a new one, but typically they are 3x the price here and Mr N says it just needs a bit of strapping!

Have just made a bowl of porridge, with syrup and cream, naughty but nice!!
Ih fact everything is falling apart in the villa at the moment, almost everything needs replacing and the walls needs filling in the cracks. The dishwasher is still out on the back patio and so isn't used much, would dearly like it brought in, but there again it's so old, not worth it!

Damp and grey here, I love it!!
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Morning all...bright, sunny & crisp, just how a January day should be.
Had the wasted day from hell yesterday waiting for a van man who didn't show & didn't have the good manners/common sense to call...they've all got bl00dy mobiles these days, what is the problem?! Tried to do some tracking & all I got was an arrogant n0b on an office phone who didn't let me finish my may the fleas of a thousand camels...etc...

Just need to establish if there's to be any luck today before I go out for a while. Will be back to catch up when I've more time...please bear in mind anything on tinypic takes an age to download. :o/
Hi folk.

I think so too Neti. (Mr LL) But he drives me mad!!! It always was this way and always will be. Derby and Joan we are not, but we really do love each other. (I drive him mad too!!)

Talking of throws, we got now sofas a couple of years ago. I was fed up with loose covers and soft cushions that lost their bounce. I need a very supportive seat these days and also one that isn't too low!! So we went for a plain but quite traditional design. They are sort of gold with a wine fleck. I then bought some wine throws for the backs and seats and found a way to tuck them in and they actually look quite good. The throws are a heavy but soft cotton mix (from spain) but they wash and dry very easily and as yet we have had no damage. However, whether they would give protection from two giant boy dogs is anybody's guess!!

Lovely morning after yesterday's deluge and Meggie is looking at me expectantly!! I suppose I better give in to those doleful eyes and take her out.

Not used scanner for this. I have told myself no scanning today!!

See you later x

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