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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Chilblains? LOL. Where did he qualify I wonder!!
Hi Everybiddy. I'm back and to prove it I'm here.:o) Had a lovely day today. Went to Tai chi and then The Stanhope in Stanton for lunch. Peppered mushrooms in Stilton sauce with Garlic Bread and Spicy Wedges and 2 Lattes. Loverly Then I came home and my sister rang and said shall we go for a walk so we went down the castle for an l½ hr. It was brilliant weather and I feel really good. Better than last week.
Your Dad is so handsome Lottie. And your little Meggie is lovely. I have found a photo of me, my sister and Mum and Dad. A really old fashioned type of photo but I was only 19 months old so I hadn't got 'funny' looking then. I'm not sure how it will appear on here as I scanned it. So if I've not done it right it won't be very big. I'm on my Mum's knee. I'll give it a go
Jude what do you mean by you hadn't got funny looking then!!! You are not funny looking at all.
Well that's not too bad is it. (photo)

I hope you are feeling better this evening Robi and the weather has helped. Also Misters W.S & L appointments go well for all of them.

I have never been one for taking herbal medicines and such. In fact I don't like taking any sort of pills even paracaetamol but I did take some last week when I was aching all over but even then I only took 2 and I fell asleep for hours before I went to bed. I get the blood vessel thingys on my fingers occasionally , they just happen don't they very strange. Still they soon fade and son't bother me.
Off for some tea now
see yer later 'gater(s) xx
Hi Lottie I'll find one of my 'funny' ones.. Thank's for you kind words but I think I looked funny.
Oh look very sweet Jude
.What was it though with mothers with these darned great bows in our hair :) I always had a ribbon plonked on my head .
And no Neti I wasn't an angelic child at all .More like hell on wheels .That was a studio photo I think . Mum made the dress,it was pale blue satin and I have still the locket .I had probably been threatened within an inch of my life to remain clean and tidy until they had taken the photo .
That's a nice photo of you and Mr L Lofty .I'll see if I can find one of the man with hollow legs :)

Good news. Mr S. has the all clear from the DVT clinic and has been discharged . He's off the warfarin so it's just the piddle clinic now and hopefully an op soon ..
What a waste though .We took all the unopened medication with us and they just threw it away .
It's been a lovely day here .Bright ,crisp and sunny .
I get those burst blood things too .
We're all falling to bits .
Welcome back Jno .Hope you had a good time .
T.Pip for now xx
yay Shaney!!!
Jude thats a lovely pic of you...all so solemn.
DH's visit to the kidney clinic was so so. He is off weekly blood tests and will go there once a month instead. They think he's doing okay.
Thanks for your kind comments about my baby pic. Those srtudio ones were always so serious you are right Woofy.Heres a 'funny' one - I'm the one on the left with the specs. IO had to wear them from when I was 4.

I'm really pleased for Mr S Shaney. Slowly but surely things are getting sorted for him.

I've just watched Zen on iplayer. Wasn't going to watch any more of them after the first one but I quite enjoyed the one I watched today.

Looking forward to a piccie or two of Gay Pareeee Jno.
Welcome back jno!

Lottie hija's hair is naturally a darkish blond/brown.

Have just been treated to a "fine dining" experience by hija. Homemade lentil and tomato soup with croutons, thin chicken breasts in garlic breadcrumbs, mixed veg and baked pots with cheese (pots were very hard!) Then date and walnut cake (shop bought) with caramelised apples ( a bit hard) and custard (instant) which I skipped on as I do not like custard.

It'snice not to have to cook sometimes!

Well done mr s, and mr woofy!
I wont mind if you giggle at my photo. I do - now!!!
Oh Jude, you do look sweet. An endearing little girl. I did have a giggle, but only because of those big bows as I had just read Shaney's comments about mothers putting bows in our hair.

I am going to put a funny on here which shows what things mothers did to our hair. It was taken an a punch and judy show and all the kids are laughing except me. I always took things so seriously and punch and judy really worried me.

I'll find it tomorrow. I think I was about 3.

Really pleased about the news for both Mr S and Mr W. Our menfolk have really been a great worry to us over the last couple of years haven't they.

Off to bed shortly. All that walking has tired me out.

Meggie has to have her jabs tomorrow. I haven't told her though because she is such a wimp about vets. I have to pick her up and carry her in. Last time she screeched her head off when she saw the nail clippers. I get the vet to do her claws because they are so difficult to cut as the bleeding bits come nearly to the end. Besides that I have to chase her round the house if I do it. She is also a wimp about baths and being brushed.

Good Luck tomorrow with Meggie Lottie. I'm off to bed now I've boogered my pictures up. I'm so glad I put them on a disc the other day. All have now are the ones I've scanned and some I've taken this year up to now. What a plonker I am. They could still be hanging around somewhere but God knows where.
Anyway I've had enough now so Good Night Biddyfriends everywhere and Vinny if you're listening It's a bit loud for this time of night but I thought vin might hear us.
Good morning, what no woofy?

jude , lovely family photo, and the one of the two of you is so sweet, I bet you were a little charmer Those huge ribbons again, I only had them until the age of about 2, cos hair was so straight the ribbons would just slide down!

Hope Robi is feeling more herself today and nasty headache gone!

I expect El Vin is Ok, and being a hippy he'll just mosey on in when he's ready, I doubt anything bad has befallen him!
Corrie watchers please! When did sean's boyfriend turn up as I haven't seen him yet sean says he's going to get married (and looking at the spoilers he does) but have i missed an episode about it??
Hi Neti,

I am equally perplexed about it and I rarely miss Corrie.

Off to vets very shortly. x
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Morning all..very frosty here but sunny. I've still got the headache :o( It eased overnight but now I've been up a couple of hours it's building up again. Charlie's been very wobbly the past couple of days too...neither of us cope with weather change. Funny you should say that about Meggy being bathed Lottie 'cos Chas is very whiffy & could really do with a bath but that's out of the question - for him to cope with and for me to cope with! Trouble is he won't even tolerate being freshened up now either...I've been following him round trying to do the worst end(!) and he just sits & clamps himself to floor...I hope we don't have any visitors with a keen sense of smell :(

They're lovely sweet pics Jude, I think every little girl had the same hairstyle didn't they? I had more hairslides than ribbons I think...I still remember my favourite which was pink with 'diamonds' set in it. I always loved the way they reflected rainbow colours...I was born to wear a tiara <sigh> but that was the nearest I ever got to wearing one.

That's lovely news shaney, you must both be very relieved. I know what you mean about the wasted meds, it's something I've always commented on...nothing's ever changed on that score despite all the cost cutting.

Hope everyone's toddling along as well as...and a big wave to Kit...and Vinny if he's looking in.
Hi Robi get well soon. Hope your head-ache is going. Yes 'let me put your hair in bunches' was one of the sayings in our house. They were on the top or tied at the back but always called bunches. :o) Thanks for kind comments again on my photos I honestly think I'm not photogenic and always have thought that.
It's a lovely day today and I'm off to town this afto. I'm very cheerful now as I've had the result of one of those bowel cancer tests you have to send away and it is normal I'm pleased to say. I've been whittling (sp!) for a fortnight. So if I see anything I shouildn't it's probably colitis or 'heaps'!
Off to have something to eat before I go out Take care all of you and see yer later no doubt.
hello all. Robi I hope your head is clearing. I know what you mean about bathing dogs, mostly I just walk mine in the rain and hope fr the best although the scented dog wipes are good for emergencies...I do think the old uns deserve leeway though.
DH had his scan today and is home and chipper despite going to bed at 22.30 and getting up at 5.30. Results tomorrow, plenty of crossed fingers, legs, eyes, anything please?
Everything here crossed Woofy!! xx

Wimpy Dog had to be carried into Vets after first refusing to get out of the car. She then proceeded to quake and quiver and pant whilst we waited. A huge German Shepherd came in and barked at her which nearly finished her off.

She was OK whilst Lucy the vet examined her and did the jab - although the scales were very scary indeed! Then out came the nail clippers and the screaching began.

I have never seen anyone so pleased about leaving anywhere. I then took her for another long walk for a treat. Lovely sunny day (I got a line of washing dry!!)

Son has been here all afternoon - he has his second bout of tonsillitis in two weeks and he has never had it before. I don't think he allowed himself enough time to get rid of the first bout. He's a bloomin' hard worker my son (which is a good thing, but sometimes you need to give in).

Anyway, it was nice just sitting and having a long chat and I enjoyed our afternoon.

Jude I am like you about photos - I hate photos of myself - I look awful in them. Mind you I probably look awful in real life too, but I like to think photos make me look worse!!

Now going to clear up a bit and watch some tele or something.

Not going to start doing anything at this time of day!!

Everything crossed for mr Woofy! x

Big kiss for wimpy meggie, just not fair, is it girl! x

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