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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Goodnight Lottie. Thanks for you kind words.
Goodnight everybody else I'm off in a bit just listening to Gary Barlow on Radio 2.
Saying a prayer in my way for Mr. and Mrs Woofy xx
See yer later 'gater(s)
Oh Woofy ... .I'm so sorry to hear this .I'm thinking of you both and hope everything will be alright .Keep your chin up old girl .You were a great support to me and we are all here for you. Big hugs xxx
Waves to Robinia ..hope everything is Ok with you and Charlie .
Goodnight all .Sleep well .
I'm girding my loins for tomorrows appointment :)
very sorry to hear that, woofgang; I'm thinking of you.
Oh what a storm, rain, rain rain and the cat up and down, wanting to go out, then refusing to do so! Can't wake up yet!
storm??? I meant night, "Oh what a night" Hija trailing in at 6am, can hardly open my eyes this am!

We have snow in Mallorca apparently, I'm so glad the springlike weather didn't last!
Thank you all. We have to wait a week before we get any substantial info. We are aiming for business as usual for the week.
Good Morning Biddyfriends. Robi - I hope you and Charlie are alright, haven't heard form you and thinking about you.
Shaney and Mr S. All the best for tomorrow.
The trouble is Neti When you have had a sleepless night you have to try and keep awake all the next day so that you can sleep the next night. Maybe you will doze of sometime today.
I've been shopping and I'm going back to Sainsburys to look at the clothes. They have an offer of by 2 items and get the cheapest free and I also have a £2 voucher to use on their clothes so I could save a bit of money. I'm going after I've been to the cinema. Made my mind up to go and see Colin Firth in The King's Speech. I really want to see it and so I'm going on my own this afto.
Later 'gater(s) x
Okay, I am off the ceiling and a bit more coherent now. Dh's consultant who is actually leaving to go on hols today phoned him from home. Yes it's a shame that the cyberknife isn't a goer but there are other options. What he has is slow growing and the focus is now on remission, not cure but long remission and normal quality of life.
I cannot, truly cannot say how much your posts meant yesterday. The whole day I just wanted to vomit...sorry, no other words to describe.
Anyway enough of the mushy stuff. :-) kit I am sorry to hear that you are in dust hell. Hopefull the weekend work will shorten your torment. I have made it up with god and have been talking about you all. Pause while I stop rab licking my ears.
I've got the King's speech on dvd (not illegal YET in Spain but soon!) and looking forward to it. I loved the old king, he seemed like a dad to me, I was very young when he died! Saw "Little Fockers" last night, not as good as previous 2, why do they do these things to death?

Waves to swedie (just in case she is looking in) x

Yes mr woofy, mr s and Robi and charlie are my main concerns here at the moment. Hope you will pop in soon Robi! x
Waves to woofy, you are never far from my thoughts these days xx
I don't bargain with God anymore, nothing left to bargain with, so just straight prayers and pleadings from me!
dinner with friends at Quaglino's last night, they were paying (but it was some kind of Evening Standard special offer, so that's very flattering). It's quite noisy there so I couldn't hear half of what people were saying but I can reveal that apaprently Mary Portas is an absolute sweetie.
Just dropping by to hold Woofy's paw for a while... xxxxx
that's lovely swedie, we'll all hold paws together, a general group paw holding thingy! Hope you are holding up swedie. good vibes coming your way x
Group hug!!


Glad you feel a bit more settled Woofy. I know exactly how you must have felt yesterday. Today you can start to think of things more logically. It is nice that with some help Mr Woof can lead a normal life for what will probably be a very long time.

Where is Robi? Hope things are OK.

Have had another outing to Garden Centre with another friend. Home made soup and home made Rosemary Foccacia (bread) followed by a big chunk of millionaires shortbread and a mug of black coffee. This was my friend who lives in Spain. She is going back next week!! :o(.

Hope all went well for Mr S today. Will come back here later for the news.

Hi to Neti, Jude and jno.

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Evening all...haven't read any posty yet, I've been really poorly with the headaches, sick, faint, have lost some weight already. Just cooking my first proper dinner this week. Will hopefully catch up over the weekend...hope you're all ok x
Oh Robi, you poor thing. I really think it might be wise for you to call a doctor. I know how you feel about this, and I probably wouldn't if it were me, but I think you should. Are you coping with little Charlie OK? Wish I could just pop round and have a cuppa with you.

Take care of yourself young lady!!

sorry about the headaches and nausea, Robi. But feel free to post your weight loss programme.
Bit of a drastic weight loss programme jno!!
Hi Robi, take care and be back soon!

I ate a manky muscle once and lost 5 kilos in a week. I will only eat mussels now if they are manky!!

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