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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Hi all, just back from lunch, (bread and alioli, small stuffed peppers in a fish sauce, medallions of pork in pepper sauce, and lemon sorbet, Am back in bed watching "A passionate woman" but think I've seen it before, may watch The Kings Speech. Mr N has told me not to be daft and has put the heating on, yay, luxury!!!
Hello chums
Grey dreary day here too.Hope you are all fair to diddling .
I love the little dog .I could do with him today .As per I have more washing than a chinese laundry .
Sunday is my crossie day too Jude .Nice picture .I was a biker chick ..on my pushbike !
I used to like cycling but I'd be a bit wobbly now and probably end up in a hedge .
I did online shopping from Sainsburys in the week for bulk stuff .Very good .
Take care all ,enjoy the rest of your day .
Woofy, on FB do not open the "She is so busted", I did NOT sent it and it's preading like wildfire!
You've all seen my biker chic photo haven't you, I would only wear black!
Also shaney, I just cannot ride a bike anymore, it is something that I have forgotten and I am terrified of wobbling and falling off!
I love the aprons mail Neti . I still wear an apron when cooking .Only because I am such a messy moo it would be all down my clothes and I have a habit of wiping my hands down my trousers and end up with everything covered in flour :) I need about half a dozen tea towels too ..hahaaa.
I remember making an apron at school .As with any sewing it took me ages and then joy of joys we had to embroider on the damn thing :)
Was it gingham by any chance shaney, ours were, every little square exactly matched up and then very plain embroidery round the seams, we also had to make matching headbands with our names on for dom sci!
I liked biking .When we lived in Holland I bought a lovely fiets ( bicycle ). Dark green . It was the easiest way to get around .It had wicker panniers on it .
When we moved to London I sold it .I was a bit wary of the traffic there and I've never rode a bike since :(
Mine was pink with a blue waistband .The waistband and round the hem had to be embroided in lazy daisy stitch .It was like a rag by the time I'd finished with it ,much like the petticoat we had to make .We had to make mob cap things for cookery with elastic in ..Gawd ..
Don't remind me about sewing at school. We had a teacher called Mrs. Arter (guess what she got called - not really) she was so particular.We had to make pump bags with our names on. they were navy Blue with red embroidery silk letters and it all had to be dead neat.. She also took us for ballroom dancing and she made me take the man's part because I was so tall. So it was a wonder that I ever learnt to dance like a lady at all ha ha!!
I hated and destested sewing and still do .My Mum could run up anything on a machine but not me .She could look at a dress in a shop window and go home and make it from a pattern she would cut out of newspaper .She made all my clothes as a child ,dresses etc .She was brilliant with curtains and those loose covers with piping I've still got her sewing machine in a nook in the hall .I dust it and that's about it for me for sewing :)

We had Miss Ruberry ( old cow ) .She used to hit me across the knuckles with a metal ruler because I couldn't tack straight .
I'm crip at sewing too shaney. My Mum was the sewer she used to make loads of clothes for us. My older sister takes after her. I can knit and crochet so I'm not absolutely useless at handiwork but I don't do much knitting any more.
Mum made us these coats
Oh that's a lovely picture Jude .
My Dad used to sail up to Peterhead and other Scots ports with the fishing and he brought back this tartan and Mother made me a pleated skirt ..Pleats at the back and a flat front with a pin .I still have the pin !
When I look back at my mother's life she never had it easy .She was in service as girl and then went on to work in a shirt factory . I still have reels of cotton from said factory .
Then she married my Dad and she could do all sorts of things and brought up five chlldren .
She was a dab hand at wallpapering .Dab hand at anything really .She used to do B&B every summer in a house with no hot water :)
And yet she was always immaculate and up to the minute with fashion .I can see her now in her turban hat :)
Memories Eh Shaney!! I can remember sitting on the door step at the French window with my Mum and I heard this siren noise and I asked her what it was and she said the all clear. I had no idea what she was talking about. I do now of course.
We were lucky when we were young as my Mum's mum and dad gave my parents a sum of money towards their house when they got married. It was on a little housing developement and I have happy memories of living there. There were fields all around us and we had loads of fun playing but since then all the fields have been built on but 2 of my friends still live on the original estate and we meet up every year for a meal and a chat.
I often wonder how they coped .My Mum told me about an air raid shelter under the table and shortage of food .The bombs etc . Then they were evacuated to Cornwall where she came from .Apparently when my Dad came home on leave the dog wouldn't let him get in the shelter, he used to growl and make a fuss :)
I remember my Mum making boiled sweets out of powdered milk. she used to roly poly it then she would cut it into little chunks. Loverly!
My Mum's friend down the avenue had an indoor shelter but I only have a very faint memory of me and my sister being carried down there by my Mum and her cousin and we were put in it with the friend's son. I have no idea what the adults did. I think the planes with the bombs were only after the Rolls Royce Factory.
I think my Mum was forever frightened of running out of stuff after living through the war .
When she died she had cuoboards full of stuff . More packets of starch then you could shke a stick at :)
She used to make me laugh ,when we went dismal ( as she used to call it ) she used to write out a shopping list and then convert it back to pounds shilings and pence .
I've never forgotten the cream cakes .They were 30p at the time .When I fetched them in she threw her hands in the air ....
"Six shillings for a cake ,daylight robbery " .
Mind you I gasped in Morrisons yesterday at £1.30 for half a pound of butter.

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