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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Good(?) morning all...dark, dreary & v cold...I didn't sleep too welll & feel grim this morning...Charlie's not looking right, I thought he seemed odd last night, but he's gathered a little speed and alertness since first thing....and! deep joyload! the builders arrived next door at 8am and are removing walls. It's a good thing the banging doesn't upset Chas, thankfully he's never been nervous that way.
Apart from that life's a bowl of fluffing cherries.

oh, and if one more home insulation company calls me today I will fill them full of rockwool via their most southerly orifice
2º here today. Took hija to airport at 8am via the golf club where we left Mr N's van, stopping on the way for brekkie, checking in with a few minutes to spare , no passport, no residencia, no money ,no handbag, all been left in the cafe where we had eaten, big rush back on motorway and the waiter came rushing out with it, thank heavens no one had taken it, rushed back to airport and checked in on dot! mr N and I then went to Ibiza and did the weekly shop, then dropped him back at Golf club and I tottered back home with shopping. Hija is an absolute disaster, but s-i-l is just the same so I guess it's inherited, poured with rain saw the most beautiful and biggest rainbow, gorgeous it was, back home all sun and no showers so big clean up today which I love!

Hope all biddies are faring well, nice to see see Robi. do hope Charlie will recover. He is very dear to us!
ooh, I'm terrible poorly, neti - a tiny chip broke off one of my front teeth last night - well, I say tiny but it's now semi transparent so I'm going to the dentist on Monday to make sure the whole thing's not about to shatter (actually, I suspect it's a crown rather than a tooth, so it may well do). Then I had an uncomfortable dream about coming home and finding the place full of bikers and kids and women's clubs... I know that if you dream about your house you're really dreaming about your body, so obviously I'm more nervous about my (few remaining) teeth than I thought I was. But if a scrap of enamel can do that to me, goodness knows what sort of dreams biddies are having if they've got real health worries.

neti, how does hija inherit from s-i-l?

I was noticeably excluded from my m-i-l's will. She had a mean streak, though everyone who met her thought she was just wonderful, as people do.
Oh dear, jno is having tooth problems and I have a black eye!! Don't ask me how 'cos I don't know. Just felt a sore area on the bone above my eye yesterday and when I looked in the mirror there was a blue bruise and the start of a black eye. Today my whole eye is surrounded in purple!! The eye itself is fine - not red at all.

Hope Charlie will be OK Robi. I know it must be such a worry for you. Take care!!

Jno, was it Mr Woofy and his mates that arrived at your house last night to meet up with the Biddies women's club!! Dreams are just so strange. Mine were really weird last night!!

See you later

Good morning all. After a dismal and dark start the sun has made an appearance but not for long I suspect.
I've been to the Hairdressers earlier for my usual but never again on a Sat. morning. I like to do things slowy on Sat. Paper shop, breakfast, papers, sisters for cuppa you know my routine.
Good to see you writing a some funny lines Robi I hope it means you are feeling little bit better. I still think you should go to the Doctors.
Managed to wake up about 2 to see Murray win in Australia. Didn't set my alarm or anything, just woke up and knew it was starting at 1.40am so I was lucky to catch it.
The Rams are at home to Nottingham Forest today. Should be interesting. They slaughtered us last time we played them away but I have to stay positive don't I ;o)
Take care everybiddy - have to iron now, the pile has got quite big lately.
see yer later 'gater(s)
jno - s-i-l - niece - inherited wally genes!!!
Forgot to say Sainsburys buy 2 get cheapest free is a big con. I should have known better. They were selling off their stuff that had been reduced to ½ price only on that offer but it was all the rubbish that had been on the racks since before Christmas.
So like the saying goes if it sounds too good to be true it usually is!
Have just made (for the first time) cous cous with veg moroccan style, it was delicious, off for a hot bath an bed, very cold here now, lovely!!!
Coooeeee! where is everybiddy?

Good morning.

Well we are in the throes of the ice age (without the ice at the mo) absolutely freezing, and I don't care what yahoo or sky weather say, I'm here and I know. Our ourdoor thermometer says 3º, and the house is so cold, as we have no heating on. All the firewood was used up at xmas, it's too expensive to use the central heating all the time, so it's layers of clothes and am wearing boots and a shawl in bed. Thank heaven for Kit's wrist warmers and not just the knitted ones but the very idea ad I just lop of the tops of socks and pop them on and it makes all the difference. Very sunny but too chilly to sit outside!

Mr N was uo all night nursing a raging toothache, he refuses to go to the dentist so can't do much for him, will try to get some oil of cloves in the pharmacy.

Hope all biddies and partners are faring ok! (and pets)
good morning. All chugging along here, chilly and damp. I am very sleepy, have seen DH off so going to snooze.
oh yes, I'm finding it too chilly to sit outdoors too, neti. In fact I haven't left the house since September except for surgery.
So jno, Paris is in your front room, or did you have surgery there??
Oh dear, must be getting old!
got a chirurgien into the living room to implant memories of the Tour Montparnasse in my brain, neti
Good morning Biddymates. Having a lazy Sunday Paper puzzles day. Woofy, you talking about Mr W going out with his pals on his bike reminded me of my biking days and here is a picture of me in my leathers in Coutance France in 1991. My hair is a mess because of having to wear my Skid - Lid all the time. My biking days started in the 1960s I was very homesick at that time in France which I think shows in my face. A long story I may tell you one day. (I could write a book Ha Ha)
Hope you are all having a peaceful Sunday and feeling better healthwise. I'm hoping to go for a bit of a walk after my dinner if my sister feels in the mood to go. If not it will be a lonesome stroll for me.

Ah well back to my Crossword. See yer later 'gater(s)

sunday paper puzzles day. Struggling with the Skeleton in the sunday Express.
Woofy you talking about Mr. W. off out with his mates on his Bike reminded me of my biking days. This is me in my leathers in Coutance France in 1991. My hair looks a mess cos it always did when I had to wear skid - lid :o) I was very homesick at that time which I think shows in my face. It's a long story might tell you one day Ha ha!

Hope all of you are having a peaceful Sunday and feeling better healthwise. I'm
Don't ask me what happened there I have no idea. :o).....
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Morning all..different day, same dreary weather.... different builders, same bangin' & hammerin'. Actually they've just gone so I'm hoping that's it for today & they haven't gone down the pub for a liquid lunch.

Love the video neti, what a clever little scamp :o) I've been watching more of them on you tube. Charlie sits and............ well..... that's it. He says any 'King' dog is above doing tricks & if that's what I want I can jolly well hire a mutt. (He's a bit steadier again today)

Lottie I get those spontaneous black eyes (thankfully I've never had an unspontantaneous one) and I think maybe it's weak blood vessels, rubbing your eyes, or sinus probs that cause them. Actually I went mad & bought some Actimist about 10 days ago but I haven't used it yet, I might try it today, my eyes are a bit sore. It's the spray you use with your eyes closed, not cheap but it's on offer in that well known chemist & I used my advantage points. You don't need to discard after 28 days either which was a selling point for me, I'm always wasting eyes drops.

Were you talking clothes Jude? I haven't managed to go to Sains since'll be strappy tees & flip flops by the time I get there.
Speaking of flip flops I could do with a new nude coloured bra...
Hi Robi I've not been on the Baileys Honest. Yes I was talking clothes. I was a waste of time. I'm going off their Tu collestion at the mo. Think I'll go back to Per Una. At least their clothes last for ages and wash really well.

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