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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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LOL Neti. Must try some?

When my lungs were ready bad I lost three stone!!
Hello there just back in time for Biddy group hug. I agree with Lottie Robi I would go to the Drs if I were you. I have been concerned like the rest of us wondering how you were.

I spent a good afternoon at the cinema The King's Speech was brilliant film. Colin ~Firth certainly deserves the award he recently got. I'll try and forget the £2.05 the cup of tea cost me at the Show Case.
Have just made some mixed veg soup with the help of Lottie's recipe I chucked in some leftover mash and that just thickened it up right. Had it with croutons, grated cheese on top and garlic bread loverly!!
Hi Jude. Glad you enjoyed the film. Once you start making soup it's so easy to make it with anything. None of my soups ever taste the same. I start of with frying the onions and then it's anybody's guess. Have you ever made Chowder. If you like fish you will love it and it's so easy to make?
Robi you MUST see a doc, Chas needs you. We kid about you diet regime but we need you hale and healthy too.
We had a busy day today, slept in and then the plumber turned up to quote for replacing the shower...nice man, likes dogs. Then we went to town to look at computers and bought one.
Did I say DH has seen a kidney dietician? This is not a joke I promise you. He has to eat more calories from sugar, far and carbohydrate, so doughnuts, biscuits, especially chocolate coated ones, cakes and pies. His food should be battered and fried rather than grilled and creme eggs and mars bars are good options for snacks. He has to go easy on the fruit, veg and lean protein.
Are you joining him on this diet Woofy!!! ;o)

Mr LL's diet is the reverse and I lost weight 'cos I joined in with him!!
Hija should have flown to Barca this pm but changed it to tomorrow, so I quickly made a bolognese sauce for dinner, but mr N took one look at it and decreed that we all go to the Wok, all you can eat chinese, yippee
Oh just read woofy's post, I will defo join Mr woofy on that diet just to encourage him on a bit, you understand!!
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Well I've managed to scan through the posts & look at the lovely pet pics...I've probably missed some though so I'll go over them tomorrow.

Firstly I have to say how sorry I am about mr w's news woofy, but don't despair and I'm hoping & praying (in my way) for the very best. x I know the kidney diet isn't a joke 'cos when I had Hodgkin's it badly affected my liver & I had to have a diet that aided it's recovery...luckily that consisted of all things carbo & sweet but easy on the fat :o)
And I like maintenance men who like dogs...if they don't I make their tea muddy :o)

And for you too Kit, I really don't know how you've managed this long but surely some help has to be available? Weren't you 'rehoused' when work was carried out before? Do you have social workers in Sweden? Mind you, all the ones I've encountered have been chocolate teapots but I'm sure there must be some good ones.

Bonsoir jno ...welcome back
'fraid I wouldn't recommend my diet, even to my worst enemy...well, maybe...but squirming around on the bathroom floor drenched in sweat isn't very much fun. My chest is pounding most of the time & I don't know whether it's my bp or the return of the heart prob I had a few years ago. I don't like it & will have to go back to the doc. I did go recently, do you remember? They booked me in with the wrong one & he said it was fibro related headaches.

It is hard coping with Charlie sometimes Lottie...on Wed when I was at my worst he was a nightmare but yesterday & today he's been very good.

Now what's this've met/been in the same room as Mary Portas??!! I love her, I've never wanted to be anyone else but if I had to be she would be someone I'd chose....yes I know she's changed allegiance...I'd just have to change back again :o)
lol lottie I wish. i said when he showed me the printed info that I was dead cheesed off. A mate of ours is diabetic and finds her diet just about impossible, DH texted her and taunted her with his new regime...she is a lovely girl, a tynesider speaks as she finds. If I tried to reproduce her response here the filter would have a field day or self combust.

sending hugs to Robi and Kit
no, no, Robi, I don't think I've ever been in the same continent as anyone famous, but a fellow diner had just spent an hour with her. Because of all the blimmin' noise I didn't catch how or where or why, but she was very impressed with Ms P.

I find the best GP visits are the ones when I get sent to the wrong one and he/she talks some sense at last rather than just throwing pills at me like my usual one does. I'm still waiting for the lack of statins to start curing my aching arms, now that a locum took me off them.
Lol.. Woofie .Your hubby is on more or less the same diet as Mr S .
Stodge and more stodge :)

I'll be back . My internet has been down all day and had to phone a child :)
Sausage and loadsa mash on the go :)
Right ..Robinia to the doctors with you asap . Please do as we say or we may send Mary Portas round to see if you are the shopper from hell :)
Yes she's great .In her last series she was in a bakers in Raynes Park which I knew quite well .They were definitely stuck in a time warp .Lots of gooey stuff and mock cream .Yuk .
I think she gave up on them in the end .

No further forward with piddle clinic.Mr S is still on the waiting list and has to attend the outpatients thing now for weekly piddle tests .They don't think it's cancerous. But thinking is not the same as knowing.
I'm still annoyed they didn't test with the finger up the rear end before he had his bowel op . But there you go .He's all sewn up in that area now and prostate cancer is hard to detect via a scan .The PSA tests seem Ok so we just wait .

Woofy ...keep trucking gal and if you need a recipe for stodge give me a shout,I've made more pies, dumplings ,and all things pastry or cakey these last few months than I ever made at work and Mr S eats them in spite of being a typical German wurstfresser .The amount of food he puts away has to be seen to be believed :)
My thoughts are with you xx.
Take care all .T .Pip for now .
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Now don't tell fibs jno, we know you rub shoulders with elite. Do you find as you get older you can't concentrate on a conversation when there's noise around? I used to be able to chat & earwig on 3 other convo's whilst standing next to a pneumatic drill :o)

I'm pleased to know Ms P is nice to know, she can accompany me to any doc she wants, send her round toot sweet. I'm pretty good at desk thumping but she is la crème de la crème, bet they don't send her off with co-codamol.

Sorry things are still a muddle with the piddle shaney, I hope it's all soon sorted, these things don't 'alf drag on don't they?

Get some custards down those men, that'll put the hairs back on their's worked for me.
I can't concentrate with noise around Robinia .Never could .I can't read a book or newspaper with any background noise at all .I could never understand how children needed loud music to do their homwework .
I can knit with noise ( teevee) but anything that requires deep concentration ( crosswords ) has to be done in silence .
My bro who is now profoundly deaf just turns his hearing aids off .I often chat away to him and don't realise he's tuned me out .He just does it to wind me up :)
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haha, lol shaney...does he get the gist from your waving arms :o)
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oh booger, just before I sign orf, I forgot to tell you I did have some good news this week, I won the pools!

<sound of biddies banging frantically at the door... :o)>

Get back! It was £3.40...of course there's obviously some dreadful mistake & they've missed several noughts off...I shall get Mary Portas on to it at once.
Nite all x
Hahaa....he thinks it's highly amusing .I repeat myself and then he says .."what did you say, I wish you wouldn't keep repeating yourself ,I heard you the first time ".

Divvy up ,that's fourpence halfpenny each . Just enough for a Five Boys bar and a gobstopper :)

Nite Robinia .Sleep well and I hope you feel better soon .
Just came to say goodnight!! Have been amusing to myself listening to 60s/70s music on youtube and getting all sentimental.

Bet you are fed up with piddles and poos Shaney. All will be well!! Long old job it's been though for both of you.

See you tomorrow, I am off to bed too

Nite nite xxxx
I've just been looking at the news .There's been four men killed In Yarmouth at one of the offshore engineering firms this afternoon .
Not much good news around at all.
Yes it's all Pee Po Belly Bum Lofty .Pee being the operative word :)
Night night gal .Sleep tight xx
morning all, it was fferfferfreeeezing out this morning. DH is tucked up in bed nice and warm, dogs are snoring having run around in the frost and eaten huge bowls of breakfast and I am rewarding myself with coffee and any buts of breakfast bar (human) that the dogs will allow me to eat.
Shaney those PSA tests are usually either right or say you've got a raised level when all is in fact well so cling on to the fact that if the blood test is saying its okay then it most likely is.
We are carrying on as normal here. DH is booked to go out biking with a gang of his mates tomorrow...they all have big bikes and serious leathers and ride off somewhere for tea and toast before heading home again. Too sweet.

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