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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Ah memories - my mum did the daily sewing and my dad was a master tailor, but he always made school dresses, and best dresses,coats and whatever, and he'd bring his tailoring home in the evening and we'd all sit by the fire listening to the radio and he would be sewing and mum would be knitting and us colouring or reading. He would also cut my hair with his tailoring shears huge great things they were!
I could natter on for hours about memories I have but I wont bore you anymore. I'm going to sign off and watch Antiques Road Show. See yer later Shaney and
Just seen "The King's Speech" what a terrific film, I wanted to cry. Did you know that the Queen Mother asked them not to make it in her lifetime?
I have been continuing my mega post-retirement clean-up... it's going to take months yet before I read all the magazines I've accumulated over thepast few years alone. So I'm not on AB with quite my usual amount of vim...

I did try helping Mamyalynne with a domestic query but it seemed to go off the track fairly quickly

How did you manage that Neti ? It's only just come out in the cinema here .I would love to see it but the only cinema here is in Yarmouth half way along the seafront and no bus .
Yes hmmm well Jno .Anything regarding flaps is fair game to that sleazy lot .
a terribly rude lot, shaney. You must remember the Spanish Main is still full of video pirates and the country is still full of handlers of stolen goods.
evenin' all...good busy day here. Did I say we had replaced our desktop computer? I spent today clearing up the dining room (chrissy decs) to make room to clear off the old one so we could set the new one up with the usual amount of cursing etcet.
Neti, thanks for the FB heads up..I haven't had anything from you except puzzled hearts...memories...I will put a pic up of my wedding dress tomorrow, I sketched what I wanted and Mum made it.
shaney I download these films, I know some people disapprove but it's the only way I can get to see it in original language, and I hasten to add, it is not illegal here in Spain at the moment although I do believe that the law on piracy is coming in. Also have Gulliver's Travels and Black Swan to watch!
This is us on our wedding day...tweaked a bit!
Kit, if you're around, I don't know if you saw this but it seems Lolcats are very big business indeed
I expect it'll be on DVD before too long Neti . I wouldn't have a clue how to download a film. And I daresay if I tried to on this old banger of a machine the whole thing would probably combust.

That's a lovely picture Woofy .You both look really happy .
I had a long multi coloured hippy frock type thing .Registry office do .The whole caboodle cost us eighty quid .

Anyway here's Herman the German ( as his old work colleague calls him ) .
I'm in my usual position of taking charge of the cakes and coffee :)
Lovely photo woofy, did all our husbands look the same in the 70's?

Shaney yours in slow in opening up so will comment when I see it.

Yes I had to be taught how to download and what progs to install.
shaney, if you have a dvd player which plays divx, I'll send it to you!

what you been up do now, jno???
Nope, Herman the German is very reluctant to appear on my screen, just won't open.
just a little helpful advice at the bottom of this page, neti


maybe it's just me that gets it... it becomes pretty deafening at times when they're all going off at once
Ah have finally seen mr s, lovely and you shaney look so pretty still. All our hubbies look very similar. Is this a recent photo shaney, cos you both look very young1
Oh what lovely photos. What a nice wedding photo Woofy - I also like the fact you have been swept off your feet.

Shaney, was that in Germany. The tea set, tablecloth and cakes look very typical.

In our house you get a mug and a plate if you are lucky!!
I really don't have any wedding pictures as such - just snapshops and this is my favourite.

My grandparents and us on our 'wedding' day.

It will take a while to upload - sorry!

I am planning on going out in the garden for a couple of hours. That plan might not materialise!!

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