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shaneystar2 | 01:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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sends netti's hubby....dear mr netti....your be relieved to know nettis got the use of both hands..hehe...! Good morning me hearties...tis a lovely day again.
Erm...cant find that beer putta thingy on E.By-gum..robinia..(:O)
have you all got yer logo ready yet?(:O)
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Morning knitwits
Hope you are all OK ..what have I missed ?
Lovely day here and the grass is still up to the windowsills .
Can you come round Jude ?
Thing is Mr S thinks he's doing me a favour by cutting the grass ..but would rather cut it myself and would appreciate help with the hoeing and digging etc as that is hard work !
Hope Charlie is OK now Robinia ..they are a worry...Shaney has often flaked out on me ! .
Did any one watch that How we built Britain thing ? I taped it to watch last night and it was really good .
Glad you are back in action Neti ..Have a good day all .....lots of love
Slack Alice xx
I'vealready chosen my avatar, I've asked Ed for instructions, but how do I get one onto here (well Sports to be precise).
Where do I upload my avatar piccy to, so that I can tinypic it, I've forgotten.
What's an avatar?
Hi </<Dolly it's a photo or cartoonish picture that we are soon going to have here on AB, it's in the Sports section right now, and I managed to put on a chubby fairy godmother and it came out looking like Kate Moss, so I'm giving up!
holy hostas batbiddies.....bloomin snails, tut.

a'noon....been a sunny but fresh day - not that I've seen much of it, I've had one of me spectacular heads since 5am. Lot better now, I'm just spaced
Chas has been ok, he was full of beans this morning, unlike me, but I'd rather be ill myself than have him poorly, so it was a fair swap.

not sure about piccy's cluttering up the place - hope they don't start doing smileys. I'm all for adding one or two into my emails to cheer 'em up, but not on this kind of site.
anyway here's mine



Oh poor Robi hope you are feeling better.
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Avatars ...? Oh no ..I can' t have those bunging up the knitting circle . Turned dull and muggy here now and I am cream crackered along with Mr S as we have done lots of work in the garden .Phew ! So ...I feel guilty now for getting on to him so have sent him off to buy a bottle on me !
My computer has gone all funny ..I seem to have downloaded a new version of Firefox they tell me ..and now I can't find my email thingy ! And I am typing this I keep getting things underlined in red .
Sonny Jim has been messing around again I'll bet .
Actually I have just realised it could be a spell checker. Have they given us a spell checker ?
Hi shaneyI've also downloaded the new firefox version - don't know why. Yes this spell check thingy; ive also got it, but didn't realise until you mentioned it. Can't download a damned avatar that's any good.
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I'm all at sea ! I didn't actually do anything ! All of a sudden this morning I got this pop up thing saying I had downloaded the new version of Firefox .It's messed up all my toolbar and the little icons are all different . I've tried to put them back but have made even more of a hash of it .Where my email icon has gone is even more of a mystery and I have to log into it from my programmes . My son is not here tonight and I am in a Bggrs muddle !
ooh, I hate it when you get an unwelcome pop-up.......I did something once & ended up with hotbar I think it was...boogered everything up, so I had to get Tarquin to remove it.
I've got a chellspecker on my googlie bar but you wouldn't have guessed.
I'm not worrying about an avatar oojar until they appear on all of the AB.
Evening All What a lovely day we've had. I've been to a pub called The Bridge at Duffield for lunch. Do you know it Robinia? Pleased your garden's sorted Shaney I was just on my bike ready to come over to mow your grass when I heard on the 'grape vine' that Mr. S had made a start!! so I went to the pub!
Off out tonight to the quiz with my friends. See if I can win another Sunday lunch for 2.
I went to the dentist again today and he has said not to go back on Thursday but next Monday instead. I'm getting a bit fed up now. Will be glad when it is all completed.
Off to make a cuppa now. Have a good night all of you. See you tomorrow.
Vinny sorry I forgot to say, nice to have you back and hope you had a great time :o)
And Hiya Dolly and Neti
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Well ..never mind ..I am struggling along until Picky appears ... I can go and drool over Andrew Marr shortly ..I wonder if he could sort my icons out ..............Hmmm !
Important news !!! It has RAINED all night and is still raining at 0910am .Hallelujah ,it's great ,the trees are so happy and tiny little points of grass are emerging from my very own desert .
Mr.D wouldn't let me go out and dance in the rain ( think he's worried they'll come to take me away and he'll have to come and visit me !!!)
We may have grass soon and then I'll borrow your gardener Jude! On that happy note I'll go and do some work .Bye xx
shaney...wake up shaney! you're dreaming again

hehe - it was good again last night wasn't it?

hurray for Dolly...I'm sure jno won't mind if you borrow her essex shoes

yep, Jude I know The Bridge, but can't remember the last time I was in there fact, I can't remember when I was last in any pub....they usually make me sit outside.

is it very slooow on here, or is it me...? I feel like I've been chewed up & spat out & I need to go &
rearrange some veg in the co-op


for my Biddie friends .
I did it ,I don't know how but I did .Drinks all round !!
Yay, you rock Dolly next you'll be doing an avatar!! - had I known you needed rain I could have sent over bucketfuls, as we've had the wettest Spring for 37yrs. It's ok now,although at night we get rain from the Sahara and it's laden with sand, so everything is covered in mud dust, when it dries, an absolutely nightmare to clean, takes days to get rid of it all.

What is this red underlining, it's certainly not spell check, unless everything I type is wrong!!!!!

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