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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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Lol ....I'll give him hot !
I'll trace him to Woollie and throw ice cubes at 'im whilst blowing a loud raspberry .
I live in hope of hot weather
Please send some somebody and a food parcel ..I have no chocs ....Oh and a bottle of gin is much appreciated if you can spare it .
Yours sincerely
Naffed orf in Norfolk .
Well well, have just been watching Time Team, and someone mentioned Flintknappers! First time I've ever heard of it, thought it was a foible of dear <b<shaney's. Am feeling rather sore this weekend, but guess it's the exercises I've been told to do and I've done them incorrectly, bu88er it. Have been watching a very comely young man called Bear Grylls and he's fascinating, all about survivor skills. He wants to come here for a week and try to get a bus!!! that'll test his skills.
well obviously you need to have a good long knapp, neti, that should make you feel less flinty. Personally I always thought Bear Grylls were a BBQ implement, like George Foreman.
Well Ive been chasing this one lonely cloud around the beach all have to try and keep the ole Becks cool you know..! (:O)
nighty night...~~~::(*_*)::~~~
Good Morning peeps..!
must shoot off to work in a mo....this brings back so many memoriesyo
I do hope some good weathers going shaneys way...still think it hits norfolk tomorrow my son came back from Exmouth last evening,and he's bought me a Hammock to tie to the tree's...I cant wait to lay in it and read a good book.yo
really enjoyed the Coast last night,Ive been on that train..bit worrying when the ole waves hit the carriage...hehe..!
catch yer later dudes>>>>>~(*_*)~
Hey Vinny I bought Mr N a hammock ( as he dearly wanted one) but then we found that the trees were too far apart, and the columns of the patio weren't strong enough to hold it! I wish I had waited as now one can buy hammocks with their own stands, his is stuffed in the his wardrobe (not with Baz or George).

Morning all Biddies everywhere, am off for horrible fisio (span), which mean 4 buses and 2 long treks to the hospital, am fed up alwready. Am out now until 3pm my time. arrrgggghhhhh!
Errr *alwready* is Jonathan Ross here??
morning biddybobbins....

<whispers>'s very sunny here....'s off into the garden for me - not to lounge in a hammock unfortunately - got some snipping to do.

problem solved neti
for mr n
and you can haul him up & leave him there while you do some secret'll have no probs carrying it
looks like the fisio's working can't just say it brings back memories & leave it at that....come on, spill. Don't worry, if it's that bad & you get banned we'll run naked around AB until they reinstate you.... :o)
Look - I'm back, and I've got tomorrow off!!! ha ha Robi that is actually how I am holding my arm at present, but lack the muscles and the tan!! Oh well cannot stand here nattering, must clean the house. Can't use George at moment as he's too damned heavy to push about. <<i deep sig >
Look - I'm back, and I've got tomorrow off!!! ha ha Robi that is actually how I am holding my arm at present, but lack the muscles and the tan!! Oh well cannot stand here nattering, must clean the house. Can't use George at moment as he's too damned heavy to push about. <<i deep sig h >
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Hello peardrops
Neti stop repeating yourself or I shall start to worry .
All those with sunshine get a load of from me ..Hammocks ? Bah and double Bah !
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Forgot to mention ..I enjoyed coast last night too Vinny .
The sight of Neil Oliver in his wet suit on Eddystone Rock warmed me up a treat !
Hi All Sorry I've not been around been sooooo busy being pampered. What with cosmetic dentistry, leg and eyebrow waxing Hee Heee! I It's been an expensive day :o)
Thanks for the tracing Vinny- I think you're so clever on the computer. I wish I could do stuff like that.
Hope you are getting better Neti Do it right this time!
Looking forward to some photos Jno
We've had a Rock Festival at Donington Park Vinny. They have emptied the shops in The village. Been bringing taxis and filling them up with crates of booze to last them the weekend. Haven't heard much though I think the wind must be in the wrong direction as I usually can. Did you hear anything Robi .
Hi to you too Shaney Hope you get some good weather soon. Off to watch the box now Have a goodnight Everyone
hahahaha....robinia thought you had yer dansette turned up again jude..hehe..!
Have you got your suntan cream ready for tomorrow shaney....!
Ive still got to pop down the Chandelers to fetch some strong rope fer me hammock netticant the ole man drive some wooden posts into the ground not soft wood
anybody heard from kip?.
waves to dolly>>
after Ive had a few beers tomorrow,I might tell you about the I.O.W robi.. get yer clothes off hehe..! yo
Tea and toast is ready....wakey wakey.....!
Blimey...its a wonder we had un empire.....we didnt get one by sleeping you know....oooh forecast fer the morrow....
shoudey weth clourers...hehe...! well thats how he says it on my wireless....(:O)
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Where's that sunshine supersprout gone ? Let me at 'im !
Sunshine on Tuesday eh ? Which Tuesday is this ?
It's raining !! And they have said we will get a ruddy thunderstorm later .
Hurls a bottle of suntan lotion at Vinny and stamps feet
oi..! ducks...its its the bloody BBC....hehe..! even michael fish makes mistakes...oops...! bloomin heck...ere comes a gin bottle.hahahaha
no...I didnt mean to laugh...honest.....ducks again....
shaney...put that plate down....!yer mother gave it to I does a runner....>>>>>>>>(:O)
oh bum, office picnic next Saturday and the outlook is kind of torrential... I must inquire if there's a Plan B. At least if I just stay home I won't have to have my teeth waxed like Jude. There's a squirrel hurtling around the lawn like a rocket on drugs; I wonder if that's a sign of approaching thunderstorms?
oy gart a noice bitta west coun'ry farm'ouse cheddar 'ere oooh arrr.....

you know I'm sure I keep hearing someone mumbling in Swedish from over there>>>

g'day sunbeams....oops, said that's overcast & muggy here but I think we may have la pluie before long....oh well, it's high time I hovered around in here, the dog hairs are rolling around like tumbleweed.

I'd better go & get some choccies & bach rescue remedy for later if we're going to be treated to Vinny's hippy tales

I love that Harry's game music. Is that carte blanche to post Clanad then? I wasn't sure if it would blow the naffometer up.

Right now tho' I need some nice duster & lightning music I think.

Evening pop-pickers...oi...! who nicked me thunder and lighting..we got bloomin sunshine again...Doh....hehe..!
♫Roll up fer the magical mystery tour♫
♫step right this way♫ once upon along ago.
it was back in was....if I get was nice knowing you..there was 5 of us in this and 4 girls...we started stripping off..........hehe...! only joking...(:O).
I remember hitching a lift with this guy who owned a grocer shop in town...has we went over this hill..there were just thousands of people.(600,000)Id never seen nothing like it.
I went through the searching..which was just as well..I erected my tent on what the hippys called Desolation row...(after dylans song)there were a number of market stalls selling Pot,bongs,pipes etc..

I was in for one of the greatest pop festivals ever.jimi Hendrix,The Doors,Pink floyd,joni Mitchel,jethro Tull Free,Ten years after,Family,Joan Baez,Lenard cohen, The Who↑
The Moody Blues,Donovan.etc.
It was mind blowing�or was that the erb�s(:O)
I remember sitting in the sun on the Saturday in the sunshine chilling out after a hard nights rocking,and john sebastion was playing �what a day fer a day dream�jimi met up with this american chick�we smoked a bit of puff,and she asked me to join her to go to the �release �tent.They helped people who were busted on drugs.
We went round with this big bag collecting money �I remember this guy who had a burger van�and he told us where to go..and he didn�t give a shi*e about hippys

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