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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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Oh please all nip to Sports and see my avatar, I have actually managed to download a good one...
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Hello my little flintknappers
Cloudy and dull here ..poop .
Good oh Dolly little rain dance must have worked then ?
Oooh Robinia no wonder I have had a rotten night !
It was very good ...I sit there nodding my head saying ..yes ..I remember that ...especially the power cuts !
I got Deric Longdens new book from the library ...I am half way through it already .It's brilliant .He makes me shriek with laughter .He is so droll.
I have still got the underlining Neti's this new Firefox .Hopefully my son will be home tonight and I'll have a word with him about it and get back to you ..I did venture into Technology to see if had been mentioned but couldn't find anything .I didn't actually download it .It just appeared .
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Very good old girl .Well done !
WooHoo peeps...
just passing through>>>>me son wants a lift to the train station...hes going down to exmouth to see his girlfriend.
Hope everybodys okay.lovely avatar netti...(:O)
catch you later dudes....this weathers really Hot...!(*_*)
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What a gloomy day .The sun has only just decided to show it's face and even now it's hovering ..undecided .
Mr S and I spent half an hour this afternoon waiting for a non existent bus into town .I wish they would tell you when they are going withdraw a bus service completely and not leave you standing outside the library where I was treated to someone's life history whilst Mr S pretended he wasn't with me . Getting from A to B here gets worse than ever.
I shall have to get a horse and cart .
We are lucky here, shaney one bus an hour to the big city, and to the adjoining village one bus in the morning and one in the afternoon, this is why I decided to learn to drive.
Hi All and enjoy the rain Dolly . Will somebody please explain Avatars to me in 'kiddispeak' please cos you know what I'm like.
Been to my favourite Bra shop in Melbourne today to buy one for my son's wedding Heee! heee! Was told by my sister I needed new everything!
I have to put on my Agony Aunt Head tonight as I have a friend going through a difficult time and she is coming round to see me. Wish me luck. I do know what it's like when you want to talk to someone about your personal difficulties so I have to listen and not give advice. (I've learnt that much in these sort of situations).
Anyway not much to tell you, just going to the usual place tomorrow night and then Sat. I'm going to a party for a friend who is moving from where I worked to another branch, after having got promotion.
So see you later biddy friends :o)
Hello again. Just looked at your 'avator' Neti and think I understand now except where do you find them please?
Whoops, I'll try again in a bitI'm burning my bacon!! :o)
is everybody okay today...its very sticky ere at the mo....going to see me daughters play tonight...gonna hide the cam under me shirt....bloomin hardly going to sell the stage performance to I..! well ...unless its really good he he..(:O)
..right..I need to jump in the bath tub....
catch yer later dude's
yo2 (*_*)
I'm fed up....why can't hairdressers ever do the same thing twice?
neti have you got a paper bag left from when you were 'Harry Pottered'?

back later when I'm less grumpy.....
ere yer go ribenia>>>>>
hehe >>>whoosh>>>
For some reason they gave me a plastic one, Robi and tied it at the neck, so I ripped it getting it off. Have been to rehab today and it was strange, first I was microwaved on the shoulder then dangled about a bit, then massaged (this by a nice looking chico - and very enjoyable) then I was frozen for 20 mins. Have to go everyday, and as Mr N is working next week, it's the local, and not very often bus.
aaggghhh....dripping wet naked man alert! Vinny
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Hello teletubbies
I'm fed up too .Why am I sitting under this cloud .Flaming June ?
More like flaming cloudy ,chilly and a cold wind from the north east ...and ...all the holidaymakers in Somerfields seem to think it's my fault .
Good Moaning ...!
tis a lovely day again....sowwy if yer weathers not great...Im orf to a french market in Ilfracombe lunchtime....get meself stocked up with one of those string of garlic thingys and do some cheese tasting...and a couple of bottles of nuevo plonk...!
Ive always wondered what your desktops look like...ere's mine
okay..later dude's Mooo (:O)
ps...methinks im confuzled..on the sport start date is february....on here its may....but I started in august..?
a year before...erm...could be coz I got vinny 100..obliterated...because I was getting cloned 24/7so they wouldnt count me first one then...but i!and I thought you needed a new user name fer sports...when you forgot what i was on about now.....?sumink to do with cheese was it?...(:O)
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Ooh chs tasting ....very nice Vinny ..but I would rather have your's lashing down here ,thunder ,lightning and blasting with wind .Can't make out the wind direction though ..but I keep getting a whiff of garlic .Hehehe .......
Hope you are well anyway and not getting too bad a weather ...this is dire here !
looks in mirror....
nope, still don't like it....
I'll give it a week & see if it grows on me...or grows out....& I'll have sommink done with it. tut! I know it's not the end of the world but I overcame a dozen ailments to keep the appointment & now I wish I'd postponed it.
I think I need a massage by a nice chico too long as he's got his feet covered up.

ooh, heck mrs s I think we've got that to come later on if the forecast's right - the sun's already gone in.

looks like Vinny's on his way back with some goodies to cheer us all up
Funny I've been strangely drawn to all things French <ahem> lately, only yesterday I was saying to ma soeur that I must brush up on my francais...nom de plume...mange tout....
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Never mind Robinia I've run you up a chic little Chapeau to wear on your bad cheveux day .

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