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Theland - // Come on you critics, put forward your answers to the big questions and stop criticising the idea of God.
"I don't know, " is not satisfying and is simply putting your head under the blanket. //
You are getting into Party Political Broadcast mode again, which is not helpful in keeping the debate on track.
The truth is, you don't know why your God allows this abuse, and every other monstrosity visited on the children of the world, and that's fine, because I didn't expect you to know, any more than I would.
For me, terms like 'moral evil' are a lot quantitive easing / Brexit / metrosexual / political correctness, and so on and so forth - they are blanket terms, shorthand so everyone knows where we are without the tiresome need to explain everything all over again.
Christians can say 'moral evil' to each other, and nod sagely, knowing that this is the catch-all phrase for things they don't understand, and are frankly uncomfortable discussing, so they can just move on and talk about how great God is - far safer ground.