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Fao Theland

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andy-hughes | 17:11 Tue 15th Oct 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
154 Answers
Theland, I did ask this question on the thread in News, but I think it deserves a separate discussion -

As a Christian I am assuming that you follow the belief that God has a 'plan' for each of us.

What do you believe is his 'plan' for the victims of the recently deceased paedophile who has been murdered in prison?


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Andy - Before believing in God I wanted proof that the scriptures were reliable and true.
Prophecy convinced me.
Try investigating it yourself.
History of the Jews.
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Theland, I accept that you believe that the Bible is true.

That does not begin to address my Question directed to you - would you like to consider it and respond?
Andy - What is the problem?
We all have free will.
The paedophile chose to use his free will to do evil.
He took away the will, and the lives of his victims.
Does that answer you?
Question Author
Theland - // Andy - What is the problem?
We all have free will.
The paedophile chose to use his free will to do evil.
He took away the will, and the lives of his victims.
Does that answer you? //

Nowhere near.

I didnt ask anything about what the paedophile did, or his will or otherwise to do what he did.

I asked what God's 'plan' was for these poor children, that meant it allowed the children to be abused, as happened in this instance.

I am using this simply because it came up in the news, and it stands as an example for the millions of other abuses and harms that befall innocent children every second of every day.

But I'll settle for your notion of God's 'plan' for these poor mites - if you can find one - and as a Christian, it should be within your ability to do so.

If, as I suspect, you will give me some evasive guff about 'God's plan being known only to God ... ' then I will accept that you agree with whatever harm your God allows, and then wonder how on earth you sleep at night worshiping a God who allows harm to innocents like these.
There is no guff here.
Gods plan for all of us is to use our free will to love each other.
Some use free will to hurt others.
So, are you suggesting God should stop crime, illness, natural disasters etc etc?
This life is only a precursor to our eternal life with God, or without God, our choice.
This is what the bible teaches.
‘Gods plan for all of us is to use our free will to love each other’

You should try that some time, Theland.
Theland, as the bible is purely a piece of fiction, why believe in it ?
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Theland - There is guff here - this is it -

// Gods plan for all of us is to use our free will to love each other.
Some use free will to hurt others. //

// So, are you suggesting God should stop crime, illness, natural disasters etc etc? //

In keeping with the 'So' Rule, you suggest something I have not said at all.

Once again you willfully ignore my question with more side-stepping and Christian dogma.

It is not more than I expected from you, but I am still disappointed that you are unable to respond to a straight question with a straight answer.
Zacs - Yes sadly I fall short of the standard.

Sparkly - A pice of fiction? Really? How do you come to that conclusion?
Piece of fiction?
Because it is full of nonsense supposedly written by people who believed the earth was flat.
No Gods plan is what I said.
No sidestepping or guff.
If you think God has a plan for each and every one of us that makes us robots with no free will, then you misunderstand.
Sparkly - You are completely wrong of course.
Obviously you don't know much about it, or history.
Flat earth?
Where did you get that from?
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Theland - // No Gods plan is what I said.
No sidestepping or guff.
If you think God has a plan for each and every one of us that makes us robots with no free will, then you misunderstand. //

I don't think God has a 'plan' at all, because God does not exist.

I want you to explain to me what your God's 'plan' was for the abused children, and I am still waiting for you to stop spinning Christian waffle and answer me please.
Sorry, I just find it absolutely absurd that anyone can believe that some "entity" has a plan for every living creature on this planet.
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SK - // Sorry, I just find it absolutely absurd that anyone can believe that some "entity" has a plan for every living creature on this planet. //
You should never be sorry for expressing a view that you hold, ever.
Gods plan is what I have said.
That is plainly the case as taught in the person of Jesus Christ and easily accessible in the New Testament.
Sparkly - Andy is right. Stand by your views and opinion which I respect but disagree with.
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Theland - // Gods plan is what I have said.
That is plainly the case as taught in the person of Jesus Christ and easily accessible in the New Testament. //

As I expected, you have no answer beyond your standard meaningless Christian platitudes.

I shall stop asking you for an answer now, it's clear that like any Christian, when your God is questioned on even basic Christian principles such as allowing the abuse of innocent children, you have absolutely nothing to say.

Shame on you.
Let me get this straight. gods plan for the child victims of fred and rose west was for them to be tortured, raped, killed and buried under the house.


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