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Fao Theland

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andy-hughes | 17:11 Tue 15th Oct 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
154 Answers
Theland, I did ask this question on the thread in News, but I think it deserves a separate discussion -

As a Christian I am assuming that you follow the belief that God has a 'plan' for each of us.

What do you believe is his 'plan' for the victims of the recently deceased paedophile who has been murdered in prison?


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Where do you get this idea that God has a plan for us that treats us like robots and takes away our free will to do good or evil, our choice.
Keep it civil eh?
Knowing the death of James Bulger was gods plan , his parents must be quite relieved.
No, James Bulgers murder was obviously known to God but not a part of any plan.
obviously known to God

That is totally absurd.
Thank goodness there is no god. What other plans do you think this fictitious character/thing/entity has in store for the rest of humanity.
Read about it, in your Bible.
Question Author
Theland - // Where do you get this idea that God has a plan for us that treats us like robots and takes away our free will to do good or evil, our choice.
Keep it civil eh? //

I am always civil.

You see, that's the point, I don't have any notion of 'God's plan' because I don't believe that God exsists.

It is for you as a Christian to explain it to me, if you are able, and I suspect you are not able.

The reason why I think you should explain it is your history of telling everyone on here on virtually a daily basis how wonderful your God is, how much he loves everyone, and how we should all be worshiping him like there is no tomorrow.

The fact is, I see your God as not worthy of worship in any sense at all - and I'd like you to justify the harm done to the children abused by the paedophile in my original question, which you have STILL FAILED TO ANSWER!!!!
There is never a justification for violence, and especially against little innocent children.
Why on earth do you think I would ever justify such extreme and cruel evil?
So you have been answered, but you may not accept my answer.
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Theland - There is never a justification for violence, and especially against little innocent children.
Why on earth do you think I would ever justify such extreme and cruel evil? //

As usual, you are missing the point.

I am not asking you to justify extreme and cruel evil, I am asking you how your God justifies it, and how you worship him as a loving God when he lets such things happen?
There's only so many ways you can say - there's no plan.

Mankind has the propensity for pure evil as much as they have to do good and wondrous things.

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Mamya - // There's only so many ways you can say - there's no plan. //

Indeed there is, I can say it loud and often - but I am not a Christian.

I am looking to Theland as a Christian who constantly espouses the wonder of God on here, to explain how this abuse was allowed to happen, and to date, he is wriggling like a wriggling thing, with no actual answer at all - just more waffle.
Isn't what you're questioning Andy, that every action is a part of God's plan, the mandate of the Westboro Baptist Church? Every death should be celebrated, as it is a part of God's great holy scheme?

I don't think anybody here, believer or not, is going to side with those lunatics.
I am a Christian too and I don't believe that the evil people do is part of a plan at all.
//I am looking to Theland as a Christian who constantly espouses the wonder of God on here, to explain how this abuse was allowed to happen, and to date, he is wriggling like a wriggling thing, with no actual answer at all - just more waffle//

Yeah, it's almost as if Theland would have done well to take the advice of the people who said to ignore a thread which was nothing but an obvious trap by someone unwilling to do anything but belittle his beliefs.
I guess we knew that was never going to happen.

Such is life.
If God made us as puppets on a string, then we could say something different.
I don't know where the idea comes from that God is responsible for our moral evil. He is not, unless you know something I have missed.
Here's a thought, but please brain mind that I am NOT a believer in God.

God gave all His creations free will. That's why some people do terrible things. The judgement for these actions will only take place AFTER death. God will hold us all accountable for our actions. Only after humanity stop being ***, will God deem His creation worthy of the knowledge of whatever plans He may have left.

I don't believe a word of this, obviously, but it would explain why He continues to let all the tragic acts happen.
*bear in mind
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Theland - // I don't know where the idea comes from that God is responsible for our moral evil. //

It comes from the notion that God created everything, the heavens, the earth, every creature, and Man, so if he is allowing 'moral evil', then he is not the all-powerful God that you claim him to be - you can't have it both ways.

// He is not, unless you know something I have missed. //

But he must be - he is responsible for everything, and he is all-powerful.

Or is your God flawed?

As I say, you can't have it both ways.

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