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The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.It is shameful.
10:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024
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10:17 we are always being told by the trobiscites that genitalia are irrelevant, you can't have it both ways. If the human concerned has a Y chromosome they are a bloke, end of. ....and yes that includes XXY and XYY.

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auntypoll: "TTT if they are XY how did they get defined as a woman for competition purposes? " - He didn't the IBA said he cannot fight against women. The IOC ousted the IBA and made up their own perverted rules. All the other sports at the Olympics are regulated by their governing bodies, except boxing which is under direct control of the IOC.

Andres couldn't see what all the fuss was about and then it hit her. 

10:17 //we are always being told by the trobiscites that genitalia are irrelevant, you can't have it both ways.//

The counter argument there is that response to that tends to be something along the lines of "only women have a uterus". If this person has a uterus, then surely they can't be a bloke either?

If they both have a Y Chromosome why are they classed as woman it does not make sense. They both have been identified as female from birth, raised as female have female passports and competed in female boxing with no controversy until the International Boxing Association, an organization that has been banned by the IOC said the two boxers had been disqualified from a 2023 competition as “a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition, as set and laid out in the IBA Regulations.” The organization, which is sponsored by Russia’s state-run oil company Gazprom, said the boxers failed “a separate and recognized test.” The head of the IBA, Umar Kremlev, also said the women have XY chromosomes, another assertion that has not been backed up by evidence

not backed up by evidence being the pertinent thing here, and the fact these rumours were started by Fox News 

Khelifa has a birth certificate from 5 years ago describing him as female. He has F in his passport - which, apparently, is all the IOC needed to declare him fit to hit women during boxing matches.

The testing was carried out by independent laboratories and have confirmed the he and Lin Yu-ting have the Y-chromosome and based on that all boxing federations banned them from hitting women.

The IOC decided to ignore all that and let them compete in the Women's boxing.

Absolutely outrageous.

The IOC have dropped an enormous clanger over this shameful affair.  They are in the wrong - I suspect at least some of those involved in the decision know it (& have always known it) - but they can't lose more face by changing their minds now. 

Men shouldn't be given carte blanche to punch women.

The photo in the ring is clearly an homage to Larry Blackmon of Cameo from the good old days.

Word up!

i find it really odd, that people who say "men shouldn't be punching women" seem to think it's perfectly ok for men to punch men or women to punch women for sport

Boxing is a vile pass time full stop

bednobs - If boxing were to disappear, I wouldn't mind in the slightest. But whilst it is still recognised as a 'sporting endeavour' it ought to be as fair and safe as possible.

Olympic boxing has shown itself to be neither of these.

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11:20 this is not about that, if you want to discuss the "barbarity" start your own thread.

I'll ask the question again Tora, can a man have a uterus?

Look at my reply at 07.58 in this similar OP.

To those who would ban boxing, one of the oldest sports in the world (& variations on it).

The great Henry Cooper ran a boxing club for youngsters in the East End & he said, say what you like about boxing, but none of these lads are to be found on the streets mugging old ladies. 

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11:44 It seems they can in the extremely rare Swyer Sydrome 99.9975% of the time they cannot. The women pretending to be men and vice versa are invalid to this discussion. So I suppose now you are going to point at the "only women have a uterus" statement fair enough there are always anomolies but we are usually talking about the attention seeking deviants who have decided to pretent to be the opposite sex because our foolish society lets them.

Thank you 10cs, I didn't realise this has already been covered.

Does a woman have Testes and/or a penis, Mozz?

The entire matter could be cleared up with a simple cheek-swab. But the IOC don't want to return to the days when that was a 'thing', for some reason.

How different watching Keely Hodgkinson win the Olympic 800m Gold.

This is how the women's 800m medalists looked at the 2016 Olympics. Hint - they are all genetically male and can no longer run as women.

Melissa Bishop

Joanna Jozwik

Lynsey Sharp

all cheated out of their medals in Rio.

Then these two are exceptions to the rule and should be treated with compassion rather than the hatred and vitriol that has been seen on AB. Both were deemed female at birth, raised female, are anatomically female and think of themselves as female. Rather than insisting on calling them blokes and addressing them as "he", why don't you look at the background of these people. They're not drugs cheats, they're not breaking any rules, they're just using their own natural gifts in their chosen sport.

a lot of work has to be done by the IOC to ensure this infighting doesn't happen again.

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The IOC created this issue mozz, they think they know  better than the sport's own governing body.

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