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The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.It is shameful.
10:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024
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22:45 so you'd rather insult 99.99975% of women than one bloke pretending? Very logical Mr Spock.

Andres - good God!! Shock and dismay. 😶

HE is NOT a woman. HE should NOT be punching women.

TTT @22.52--Can you change that to 'Mrs. Spock' please?

Good night TTT, I must go now because I need my beauty sleep.

"Men shouldn't be allowed to hit women."


Nobody should be hitting anybody, this isn't Russia.

I dunno Doug, I can think of a few people in desperate need of a slap.

I still find it hard to believe that this person is getting so much more hate than the child r*pist on the Dutch volleyball team. 

My guess is that one party has gone through whatever society imposed on them to cover their past crime, while the other parties seem still to be involved in what appears to be an unjust situation. 

Was this boxer born with a vagina? If so then however butch they look , they are female. If, like around 0.2% of children they were born with both then they would have been assigned a birth gender rightly or wrongly, by medical professionals. It's very bigoted to say a man is thumping a woman  when you don't know the facts.

This situation is so blatant and unfair, he has clearly got the features of a man and has an advantage over his opponent. 

The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.

They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.

It is shameful.

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auntypoll:"Was this boxer born with a vagina? If so then however butch they look , they are female." - err nope he's XY that = Bloke regardless of the plumbing.

"It's very bigoted to say a man is thumping a woman  when you don't know the facts." - I do know the facts, XY = bloke, end of.

I guess beauty sleep is Andres' method of keeping a straight face.  

So they have peni then?  Do they lack a vagina? Or are they defining a 'man' by how much testosterone they have in their blood? Or is a woman that suffers hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia classed as a man because they have elevated testosterone levels?

TTT if they are XY how did they get defined as a woman for competition purposes? 

The sex is immaterial, Boxing is a ridiculous 'sport'. 

With all the damage caused by heading footballs boxing must be as bad if not worse.

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we are always being told by the trobiscites that genitalia are irrelevant, you can't have it both ways. If the human concerned has a Y chromosome they are a bloke, end of. ....and yes that includes XXY and XYY.

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10:19 "The sex is immaterial, Boxing is a ridiculous 'sport'. 

With all the damage caused by heading footballs boxing must be as bad if not worse." - that's another subject, start another thread.

They both have a Y-chromosome.

I wonder what she is protecting here?

The poor girl is obviously severely deformed in some way, Jack.  

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Man Beats Woman At Boxing.....shocker!

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