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The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.It is shameful.
10:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024

For anyone who wants to digress from the OP and talk about the pros and cons of boxing as a sport and whether or not it should be banned.


Mozz - 'Being kind' to these individuals is always at the expense of women, always.

They are breaking rules; they are competing as women whilst carrying the genetic advantages of male development, i.e. 162% of the punching power women boxers typically have.

Utilising their own natural abilities is not cheating as per the rules laid out by the body running the Olympics. 

It's coming to the point where I'm starting to think that the best thing that can happen, for the sake of all involved, is for the boxers to voluntarily withdraw and subject themselves to further testing by a more reliable source. Of course, that isn't going to happen.

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....or they could just fight the other men.

Why don't you stop basketball players over 6 feet as they have a genetic advantage over smaller players?

Why dont you stop West African countries competing in long distance races as they have a genetic advantage?

Why don't you stop Caribbean countries from sprinting as they have a genetic advantage?

Why don't you stop Mike Tyson from boxing as he has a genetic advantage over lesser men?

These are women that have a genetic advantage, they are not transgender or have taken treatments, everything is natural and as such they have every right to compete. If the other women are not as strong then don't take up boxing!


Mozz - Of course, that isn't going to happen and the IOC aren't going to tell them to withdraw, so we will see at least one medal won by a man having punched his way passed women boxers.

Bringing back the cheek-swab test is, surely, the simplest and least invasive way to ensure that no-one with a y-chromosome features in women's sports?

Well, that's a debate for people better qualified that you or I to decide. What is evident is that the IOC rules need to be urgently revamped.

//Why don't you stop basketball players over 6 feet as they have a genetic advantage over smaller players?//

Men play against men and women play against women.

//Why dont you stop West African countries competing in long distance races as they have a genetic advantage?//

Men race against men and women race against women.

//Why don't you stop Caribbean countries from sprinting as they have a genetic advantage?//

Men race against men and women race against women.

Why don't you stop Mike Tyson from boxing as he has a genetic advantage over lesser men?

Mike Tyson and his opponents were men.

//These are women that have a genetic advantage, they are not transgender or have taken treatments, everything is natural and as such they have every right to compete.//

They should be boxing other men in a similar weight class

//If the other women are not as strong then don't take up boxing!//

A woman should not have to try to be as strong as a man in order to compete in her chosen sport.

Well, i've read just about as much as i can find on the Algerian boxer and it seems to me that she was banned by the Russian-led IBA, 3 days after beating a hitherto unbeaten Russian boxer. The IBA said she had failed tests - tests which she had presumably passed in order to fight in previous World Championships - but have never stipulated why she failed the test.

JTH says that various feredrations have banned both boxers from competing in women's bouts, but i can only find eveidence that it is just the quite corrupt IBA, an organisation that has no longer any influence in the Olympics.

Weird that many on here treat everything Russian with disbeief and scepticism, yet are willing to take at face value the banning of these two boxers by a Russian-led organisation?

If any of you can provide clear proof that either or both of these women posses the Y chromosome, i'd be very thankful.

Something that will have to be sorted out before the next extra chromosome is a very different thing from height, lung capacity, training at high altitude etc.

The IOC have said that Boxing will not figure in the 2028 Olympics unless the is a proper governing body which all the federations support.

Ken4155 - I have made several posts on this matter taken from a variety of sources.

The medical tests carried out were done at independent medical facilities.

The IBA corruption seems to based completely on 'Russia - bad' at the moment.

Jack the hat wrote " The testing was carried out by independent laboratories and have confirmed the he and Lin Yu-ting have the Y-chromosome'

link to that maybe because I have read the contrary. If this were 100% true they would not be competing  as females in the Olympics. 

This controversy about butch looking females competing in gender specific sports  events has been going on for years. No one on here has yet answered the question has either of them got a penis or a vagina? 

Ken, thank you for that, I read what you read that's why I came to the conclusion you have. I suppose it's where someone is on the bigotry scale as to what they want to believe

There is no oversight of the boxing apart from that of IOC.

IOC have decided that an F (female) in a passport - from a country which allows you to choose which box to tick - is sufficient to allow these men to claim they are women.

I have no idea as to the make up of their genitalia but the fact that eaxh has a y-chromosome is sufficient for most people to view them as men.

Disagree Jack the Hat - I would say that most people don't understand chromosones and would define a man and a woman by their genitalia, whether they have a penis or a vagina

JJ109 - Well, they would be wrong then, wouldn't they?

You have a y-chromosome? You're a man.

JTH  Then maybe you should find out if they have a vagina before you call them male because your favourite phrase for a trans person is a man in a dress and don't seem to care about their chromasomes 🙄

Transwomen are men in dresses.

These fighters are men with DSDs.


So a person born female XX perhaps intersexual at birth but brought up as a male decides at puberty they are female becomes in your opinion, a 'man in a dress'? Is lady Colin Campbell a man in a dress ?  

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Man Beats Woman At Boxing.....shocker!

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