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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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woohoo, neti in da hood, new gangsta movie
hello bathers, onesie wearers and clean people and many many good wishes to the Shaneys. We had a late start here today as the wind came through again at about 5 am, the dogs were reasonably ok so long as the door was open and they could go out in it (I know...go figure) but it made for a broken night.
Today we went shopping and had hot spiced apple juice at Costas which is rather good and warming. Then we came home and had lobster, fresh asparagus and jacket potatoes for tea followed by delicious out of season cherries...tomorrow we will go and root in Tesco's dumpsters again. Now then, am I joking or serious???????

I'll tell you tomorrow....oight oight all
Good morning, had a dream of woofy and the dogs last night!! Couldn't sleep in the hoodie, they were too warm, but nice for lounging in (whenever I lounge!)

What is everyone up tp today?
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just looking for some matches to prop my eyelids open, since you ask

Going to have a go at the sales today
jno are your eyes better, did you have the other one done yet?
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no, still waiting for the followup checks for eye #1. Don't know when #2 will be done, hopefully not too far away.
Morning readers...lovely sunny day and the wind has slowed considerably. I've been looking at online sales but every road leads to Jones Bootmakers and the ones that haven't been reduced...some lovely ankle boots £110 :(

Yes jno, lots of shrubs in my garden are on their starting blocks. I must see if the snowdrops are peeping through yet.

....just looked and yes, they're about an inch tall, they were hiding under dead leaves...lovely, the flowers of hope.
Morning all
Lovely day here .Hope you're all ok .I'm doing as little as possible today .My main mission is to catch up with Downton and Call the Midwife .
Good luck at the sales Jno .Hope you get a bargain.
Come on then Woofy,do tell .....did you delve in the dumpsters for those cherries ?
Mr N bought me some boots yesterday Kangaroo ones (I sincerely hope that is the name and not the leather, although they are real leather!) They were 100€ reduced to 30€ as only 2 pairs left size 37 or 39, I of course take 38, but with a thick pair of socks the size 39 fit very well and are comfortable as although they appear to be flatties they have an arch support.

I bought hija a padded jacket (should be a padded cell in my opinion!) for xmas but it was huge so we have exchanged it with without the receipt which I lost within an hour of buying the thing, but they know me so it was OK: I bought white, she exchanged it for beige as it won't show the dirt!!

My 5 month old samsung type phone won't charge just as I'd given it to hija for xmas, so took that back but they can't take it until 7th Jan as all fiestas and no deliveries, I insisted that it still be under the 6 month guaranee for the battery and yes it is.
This new modem is wonderful but I worry that with changing the contracts that we may not have as much internet as before!
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glum phone call from jno jnr, he and gf and all her family and everyone we spent Dec 25 and 26 with has been racked with vomiting bug ever since we left. I am feeling okay, touch wood.

We went to the John Lewis sale to look at mattresses, as I have squashed mine pancake fashion over the years, and we bought a lovely new one (I hope) but as is always the way it wasn't one of the sale ones. So we will be living on dry bread and water for, oh, the next half hour at least.
Jno my sister and her stepdaughter and granddaughter were all stricken with this vomiting bug for about 3 days.
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oh, poor things. Hope it doesn't come our way. jno jnr and gf were throwing a big post-Xmas party this evening and have had to tweet everyone telling them not to come; such a shame.
hello you spendy lot. No Shaney I didn't dumpster dive for the goodies, just joking. No snowdrops yet but huge buds in my flowering almond and early cherry and of course the mimosa is full of bloom, I hope it survives the next lot of stinky weather.
I need a new mattress will be dumpster diving after I have paid for that as I plan to get new carpet and have the bedroom painted at the same time. It will wait until the spring though.

Sorry to hear about all the buggy folk. Norwalk rips through families like nobody's business.
We are off to town tomorrow to bounce on beds in Ikea and generally amuse ourselves.
Oight oight all.
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well, we've had the carpets laid and then the walls painted, woofgang, we're working our way up. Mattress first (as my hip is painful), and that leaves curtains and a non-paper lightshade. No rush with those.
good morning. Oh jno a nice clean painted abode, just like Ihad this year, I am worried as I am going off the coloues in my bedroom but daren't tell Mr N, the pink is all wrong, should be pale lilac although that would be a cold colour.

Hija is out so no idea when she'll return, hopefully in time for her flight tomorrow although she has a backup flight on the 3rd.

Glad you and sis are having good time woofy.

Hope all the biddies are well and happy,
♫♫ who's that knocking at my door, who's that knocking at my door.....?♫♫
♫♫ all alone am I!♫♫

well where is everybody? We have decided not to go out for lunch again as there is just so much food here, well I actually decided, Mr N seems puzzled by it all!!!
Morning people...bright, sunny but very cold wind, real feel minus 2C.

Hope you don't go down with the poorly sicky bug jno, I live in fear of that virus, I can't afford to lose any milligrams. I am, however, snufflin' and sneezin' this morning and I don't want a cold either. It might just be the atmosphere.

Well I'd better start moving some dust before new year, gone are the days when I could whizz round like a tornado on new year's eve and still have the time and energy to get glammed up and go out and party.
Hello movers and shakers ,painters ,decoraters and dusters
It's lovely sunny frosty day ,hope you're all ok and I hope the bugs soon clear up for the poorlies .
I finally caught up with Call the Midwife ,aaaaw ,and Downton .Love Maggie and it was lovely at the end with Mr.Carson and Mrs Hughes having a paddle .I loathe that sneaky Thomas though and would like to dot him one :)
Lol Robinia ,I was sneezing for England last night and my eyes were streaming and itching .Had to take an antihistamine in the end .
Hay fever in the winter .Another medical mystery !

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