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Installing wifi router

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netibiza | 14:27 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Technology
513 Answers
How easy is it to install a wifi router by oneself (me being not too technical), I do have adsl. if I buy a Belkin in England will it work ov er here in Spain with telefonica. it's just that telefonica charge almost double for this service.


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Well I've had my dose of L&O .It's very addictive .Nearly as bad as cheese :)

No Kit, it's all Swiss to me .In German a cellar is a Keller.No Appens either though I know one or two Affen :) An Abbot is an Abt .So it must be an abbots cellar of some description or an Abtskeller .
I'm imagining drunken abbots in cellars making cheese ..hahaaa

Kit ,I don't know if a hysterectomy can bring problems later because at the time you feel so well because you are rid of it all.
Mine was fibroids the size of footballs and I felt well for ages afterwards.
Until ... I started with the moodies , the rheumatoid thing ,the thyroid problem ,the osteoarthritis,the sodding hot flushes and so on.
I'm not saying that having a hysterectomy was the cause of this though.But it seems strange that other people I know that have had a hysterectomy have the same sorts of troubles .My niece for example, who had one aged 29 .She's not 50 yet and racked with arthritis and ME.
I can only tell you my experience .For me at the time it seemed the sensible thing to do although I often wonder if I had let things go the normal way perhaps I wouldn't have ended up creaking ,crunching and feeling so ill and feverish when I get these rheumatoid attacks , to the point of screaming at times :)
But ,walking about losing your lifes blood for months on end is no joy ride either .So you toss a coin ........and there are more good days than bad :)
I hope your friend isn't too poorly.
Beddies time for Ovaltineys kids
Nite all xx
PS Hope you feel better soon woofie ...tomorrow is another day ( mind you, it'll be the same old sh... weather probably :0 )xx
Oh poop --I've just looked back and Jno has explained your abbots Kit .
By the way neti,
*Did anyone see Phil have a shaney moment in Ian's house?*
Who's Phil and what is a shaney moment ?
Is Phil a secret golden syrup glugger or a plate smasher :)
I shan't sleep now for worry :)
Well she has developed a thyroid problem, and I'm almost sure that started after the hysterectomy. Also she has some RA or OA (I apologise but I never remember which, the words are extremely similar in Swedish) but if I remember correctly that had started before. And finally, she's the one who was just diagnosed with problematic heart. But she's very overweight, so that could account for the latter I suppose. Thanks for explaining, Shaney, and thanks Shaney and jno both for cheesy replies;-) I shall now dream of abbots. Just my luck.
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Phil in Eastenders swiped all Ian's irnaments etc off of his sideboard, so I thought of you.

I also had fibroids and cervical erosion, but also had one of the first laser treatments at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital for Women in Euston, surrounded by quite a few students peering up into my insides!! Talk about elegant!!!
*tries to avoid peering up^^wards* =:O We now have so much snow that there are daily reports of roofs caving in, and SJ our national railway is urging passengers to check before setting out for the station that the train they want to catch is still among the running.
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Oh thank heavens you are here swede, I thought everyone had done a runner as they were afraid I'd show my scars!!
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Absolutely lovely sunny breezy day here, got loads of washing washed and dried! No heating on yet and it's 17.20 here.
*does a runner* ;-)
G'day folks...sorry I didn't return last night, I was feeling rather nauseous after hearing Tiger Wood's 'apology'
"I never thought about who I was hurting"....No sunshine, you just never thought you'd get caught. Off with his googlies. Is that cricket? Oh, wateva.

Ooooh, I have theories about my health but will the medics agree or even consider them? Not bloomin likely. Well not the arrogant one I saw a couple of years back anyway...he had a cop out for everything, I s'pose they're too scared of being if I'm going to do that? I'm convinced that a shed load of chemical warfare in my veins coupled with my hormones inevitably leaving town a couple of years later left me with this fm. (I wasn't upset about the hormones as I'd had the boys young & like shaney I'd had an horrific time every damned month). I don't think there are enough people left long term after the same regime for them to say for definite but some are coming forward thanks to the internet. And it stands to sense that if your hormones are unnaturally whisked away your body's going to rebel...I know someone who had a hysterectomy & has now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia btw.

Shaney...Phil Mitchell - Eastenders - http://everythingabou...les/2009/05/steve.jpg
It was funny neti especially as we'd mentioned 'doing a shaney' yesterday. I thought they did the live show very well.

Appenzeller sounds like something Vinny would say....'Appen it be made in a arrrr'....

now I'll have to do a runner, heeeeee...I need to take an inventory of my sardine supplies anyway, not keen on condensed milk but I do like a bit of evap...
> > > > > > >
Amen sister, that "apology" did not come from a sincere place. I tried to watch all of it yesterday and I tried again today (it's on YouTube) but it's just embarrassing. Didn't think he'd get caught? well he shouldn't have married a Swede then he he he! If she believes in him now, I'm afraid she's in for a nasty surprise. He was just regurgitating.
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Yes Tiger was pathetic, still thinks he's more important that anyone! I would have preferred him to admit that, yes, Elin was furious with him! At least that would have made him more human.

Was trying to watch EE live on the internet but it kept crashing so haven't seen all of it yet, just the last seconds with Max and the killer!! Whyever didn't I think of her, it's so obvious. And I sort of knew all along that Ronnie had been abused by Archie but wondered why nothing was said before, so I felt smutty thinking of it. Such hatred had to be caused by something so evil!

Ah well, here endeth the 1st lesson!
oh, I've just found out something interesting I didn't know, about 'Killing Me Softly with His Song'. Apparently 'he' was Don McLean and 'his song' was 'Vincent'.

Sorry if everyone else already knew this.
He he jno I've known that since 1973. But I hadn't seen this interesting clip till googling just now after having read your post, so thanks:)
('Cept it's 'Empty Chairs' - I too thought it was Vincent.)
<<<bangs on tray>>>

Wakey wakey!! Look at this bloomin lot...taken at 7.10am so that's why it's dark...grrrr

and for snögubbe fans everywhere
oh and no doubt this will amuse you ...a big blob of snow fell on me from the instead of moving I did the blonde thing & looked up..........
Crikey Robinia .No snow here as yet but it's looking a bit ominous and it's so cold .
I see who Phil is now , I don't watch EE so get confused as to who's who .There seemto be an awful lot of Phils;Bills ,Traceys and Staceys :)
Same old here ,but I do have a nice piece of beef which I am about to shove in the slow cooker .Have a nice day all , keep warm,see you later.
can I dip me bread in your gravy please mrs s?
Snow's cleared a bit but they've forecast more for tomorrow....and the next day....and the next....
Haha ..if you were nearer Robinia you would be very welcome to share the gravy :)
Actually it 's a lovely bit of silverside .They had it on offer in sainsburys .It's enough to feed us two for a fortnight ,so when it's cold I slice it and freeze for other meals .
It's now sloshing down here in stair rods with sleety haily bits .Looking on Accuweather it's just more of the same . Then people wonder why I 'm running out of plates:)
Never mind, it's Lark Pies tonight .We can watch them all cavorting around in the haystacks in brilliant sunshine .I don't think it ever rains or snows in Candleford .I wonder if Pearl needs a lodger now that Ruby has gone to Pontefract .

By the way Neti ..yoohoo...I've just reserved a book from the library called Nella Last's Peace .I know you liked the others so thought you might like this one .It's on Amazon .
oooh I can smell it shaney, lovely...hope there's Man-On-The-Top-Of-The-Clapham-Omnibus greens with it...
I've got a cupboardful of old crockery just right for flingin' which I may do very soon, I'm sinking into a slough of despond here.....and even he's lost the will to live...


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