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Installing wifi router

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netibiza | 14:27 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Technology
513 Answers
How easy is it to install a wifi router by oneself (me being not too technical), I do have adsl. if I buy a Belkin in England will it work ov er here in Spain with telefonica. it's just that telefonica charge almost double for this service.


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I had to take weight-on tablets in the 60's as I was skinny too - think they are still working!!!

You still feeling dizzy Robi, that is horrible, mine seems to have abated somewhat. We are bunch of crocks aren't we, No vinny, stop hiding from the police, I said Crocks.

Very overcast and showery today, it's such dirty rain, makes the houses and everywhere so dirty, its mud!!
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Oh btw, I found my mum's glass (with knobbles) cake plate!!
Hi Biddyfriends. I'm back and feeling a lot better. I have been gardening this morning and giving my kitchen a going over. The floor was screaming for a scrub.
I've been reading all your posts and loved the talk about what we used to wear. I had to wear a black tunic with a white blouse for school and and we had to wear a purple sash round the waist which signified that I was in Babington House.
And the photos of you in your younger years Neti. They are lovely. I wasn't very pretty as a youngster as I had to wear specs and things haven't changed much Ha ha.

My Dad and Mum are at the back. And my Dad's sister is on the right. My youngest sister is the baby who is now 60.
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Jude that is a lovely photo - all safe and happy - gives me a glow. Is that you with the specs!
hrmph, I could certainly give you some of my spare weight... you could keep it in a sack in the shed and just take it with you for weighing sessions. Lovely photos, everyone, though neti's final one looks like her audition for The Exorcist. I just stumbled across some family photos a long-dead aunt had sent me and was surprised at how I looked in one of them... until I realised it wasn't me at all, she'd got me muddled up with a cousin of the same name. I must forward it to the right family.
They are all lovely photos folks .Glad to see you back in harness Jude and hope you're feeling more positive .
I don't know what they do with all the blood they take Robinia .My ponderer is still being pondered over .You have to put on weight ? I have a few extra pounds you can have :)
Talking of photos ,my bro has a birthday coming up and he likes tarting up old pictures via the computer .I think he just uses Paint .He's tried to lighten and get more detail into an old sepia photo of mother to no avail .
Would this Photoshop thingy give him more scope to fiddle about and get a better result ? If so it may be a good idea for a pressie . Can these photo whizz kids explain in plain English please :)
I think the usual bottle of Glava is getting a bit boring. He must have a shed full of it by now .
Not a bad day here ,quite blowy and not quite so cold .Hope you are all OK
T- pip for now .
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Best frock looks like a school uniform and my sweet dear little girlie photos look like something out of the exorcist - am off to CB, no one could be so insulting there surely!!!! :-)
Yes Neti that's me in my John lennon specs!! Ha Ha
Not as expensive as J L . National Health I think.
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No one had luxuries in those days jude, nothing wrong with NH! (apart from the dentist I had when young!! ouch!)
Tis a lovely happy picture that Jude, I'm glad you're feeling better & back in the fold!

Shaney p'raps they're going to mix our blood together & give it to some poor unsuspecting person who won't know whether they're coming or going...hopefully they won't mind it being 50% gin & babycham.
I did try to explain I needed to stay skinny now that I'm touring art galleries and promoting the New Ophelia but they said don't come back 'til you're promoting Beryl Cook...tut.

It's the turquoise stars dress! http://img229.imagesh...g229/8463/medress.jpg

and me in a garden in Blackpool c.1972 feeling carefree & perhaps 50% babycham :o)

Oh no not those national health specs .
I had those horrible things .John Lenonn specs they were definitely not .
I loathed the ruddy things .I've worn specs since I was six . I had a turn in my eye and at school couldn't see the board .Even when they sat me right at the front I still couldn't see it and got a clip round the lug for messing about .
It was only when I said at home I couldn' t see the board and my dad asked me tell him the numbers on the clock, that they realised my eyesight wasn't right .
I hated them but my parents couldn't afford anything posh ones .
When I got to senior school I still had NHS specs but they upgraded them to just plain black frames .Oh how I loathed the bloody things.I was very vain ( as you can be when young ) and used to grope about rather than wear them .How thrilled I was to get a job and earn my own money to buy nice glasses .But even then I felt self conscious and would go out without them .I just used to grope my way round the dance floor .hahaaa....
Even now I can't function without my glasses .I panic if I can't find them and have spare pairs all over the place .I did try contact lenses but couldn't get on with them. 'cos I have astigmatism .
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So pretty Robi, your face didn't change from child to adult, I know you are blonde but always imagine you as a brunette!! Oh slim figure, yes, I was slim once!
That's a lovely photo Robinia .You look all carefree :)
Oh to be young and carefree again .I think back sometimes and I really do think we had the best years .When all that freedom burst into life in sixties and you could shed yer libby bodices and just grab it :) .
Anyway can someone tell me why people find it necessary to pick round lettuces with their grotty dirty fingernails and then put them back on the shelf .I was in Morrisons earlier today and some woman in front of me ,was picking all the lettuces over and poking her fingers into them .yuk yuk yuk .
They are in plastic bags for gawds sake ,can't they just weigh them in their hands to see if they're hearty .
Shaney I had a squint when I was young and had to have an operation when I was 9 to straighten it. I used to have to wear specs with a patch on one lens for years until the op. Was I pleased I had the op.. I remember when the nurse took my bandages off after a fortnight, which was how long it took in those days, he said to me you look beautiful now. I never forgot that because before that everybody called me Nelson because of the patch. Little sods, kids can be, can't they.
Also about the lettuces. I never have anything off the salad bars in supermarkets cos people have to pick up the spoons and help themselves and you don;t know where their hands have been and thy're breathing all over it all. I like my food wrapped or in a carton with a lid.
Yes it's a nuisance, people breathing isn't is, Spadge Nelson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

...he he. Lovely to have you back Jude! And lovely photos everyone, I've really enjoyed catching up on this thread tonight and looking at all of your albums. I'll see what I can dig up - back a little later.

PS I remember Kid Jensen! Never saw him but I listened to Radio Luxembourg all the time, and BBC World Service.
(or was it 'Spadger' - I'm confused, as usual)
I answered to Spadge or Spadger Kit.
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Yay rock on Swedie, you know of whom I speak!!!!

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