They are all lovely photos folks .Glad to see you back in harness Jude and hope you're feeling more positive .
I don't know what they do with all the blood they take Robinia .My ponderer is still being pondered over .You have to put on weight ? I have a few extra pounds you can have :)
Talking of photos ,my bro has a birthday coming up and he likes tarting up old pictures via the computer .I think he just uses Paint .He's tried to lighten and get more detail into an old sepia photo of mother to no avail .
Would this Photoshop thingy give him more scope to fiddle about and get a better result ? If so it may be a good idea for a pressie . Can these photo whizz kids explain in plain English please :)
I think the usual bottle of Glava is getting a bit boring. He must have a shed full of it by now .
Not a bad day here ,quite blowy and not quite so cold .Hope you are all OK
T- pip for now .