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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
LOL at Woofy's solution!!

Why of why do I keep getting panic attacks and feelings of impending doom I am not consciously worried about anything in particular at the moment!! I just have very heightened senses. Perhaps I should up my dose of tablets (the doctor has told me I can if I ever need to).

Nuff of that, it's a lovely day - just the right sort of weather for sitting in a solicitors office!!!

phew, 25 and sunny today, I may have to go and dig a swimming pool.
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Have done that twice and no joy. Am waiting in hairdressers to get tidied up.
Morning all..or is it evening? I slapped on night cream instead of day so I might as well take me teef out & put me curlers in I think. I've already flung daz powder all over the kitchen this morning so along with the seeds it's all lovely. I might go & unstuff a feather cushion for a bit of texture variety.

Must be something in the air Lottie, my sister's been complaining she feels disorientated & out of it and yesterday evening I stood in the garden & had an overwhelming feeling I was going to die. Funny though, I didn't feel at all panicky.

Love the video woofy, lol, I'm a big fan of Robin Williams.
You've thwacked you daughter twice neti? Didn't she duck after the first one?
In that case neti, delete and download again and thwack hija a again.
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Hair looks nice but the price doubled, I was gobsmacked, will now have to forgive hija and borrow some money from her!!
Was out in winter boots, jeans, shirt and a wrap and it was lovely, poor tourists were looking very cold and glum!
Good afternoon everybiddy. Guess who has a chest infection. I had to go to the Drs for my June check up and he said my blood test last Thursday showed I had an infection and when he sounded my chest he said I have a lung infection and has now put me on Anti bs. for a week. 500mg Amoxocillin 3 times a day.. So I have to take them and then go for another blood test next Friday. Fed up or what. Does it mean then that I can pass it on to anybody cos I'm going to that wedding tomorrow and sharing a bedroom with the friend I'm going with.

I'm happy for Mr W. Woofy. I bet it helps you to feel good to know he is more relaxed.

Lottie I was given breathing exercises when I had panic attacks years go and that did help me.Also cognicative (sp) therapy helped as well. I've got quite good at training my brain to think positive things.

I'm saving pansy seeds Robi and hoping to get them going in a pot or 2 so I can put them in the garden eventually. What do you rate my chances of success.

Hope you are all having a peaceful day. I'm going to watch Murray in the semi final of the French against Nadal.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Oh dear Jude I hope you soon feel better .I've had a dreadful cough for a couple of weeks now .Can you catch a cough ? As my bro and Sil both had bad coughs .
I think it's the dry air .It's like a dustbowl here .We've had very little rain for weeks on end now .
Mind you I love this sunny weather .Just done my errands and am going to decamp into the garden with my book .
Glad to see Mr Woofy is feeling better .Take care all .
Jude, I would think you have a bacterial infection because of your recent cold thingy, and nobody is going to catch it. Don't worry. You were probably infectious when you had the illness that caused the lung infection afterwards.

Some viruses cause coughing along with other things. I should think you all caught your virus coughing from each other Shaney.

Get better soon both of you.

I have had a nice lunch out with friend sitting under an umbrella in a little courtyard restaurant in town, and I felt as if I was in the Med.

Smoked Haddock and Salmon home made fish cakes with a mustard sauce and a green salad and some nice crusty bread.

The solicitors appt. went very well. No stress involved.
Sadly my next door neighbour has not long to go. They are bringing her home today by ambulance, because she dearly wishes to be at home. So sad. She has been our neighbour for 32 years. Hopefully, I can pop round later if she is not too tired. They have made her a lovely bedroom in her front room which looks out over the garden and the countryside and the room is filled with flowers.
Oh Lottie I am sorry to hear that. I hope she passes gently, she sounds very much loved. No Jude, you can't pass on a chest infection so go and enjoy yourself. make sure that you drink plenty and get enough rest and a nourishing diet (hark at me, junk food queen) that will help your body to fight off the infection.
Neti is your phone sorted?
She is very much loved Woofie, and has a large family and lots of grown up grandchildren. They are a really lovely close family. I have obviously had a lot of contact with them all over recent weeks, some of them I hadn't seen since they were tiny. A really warm family - lots of hugs.

I have learned to today that jno is a smouldering beauty - inherited from a grandmother that looks like Shilpa Shetti!!
??? Lottie???
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Nah woofy, I've done everything, but can get in if I open an email notification from FB.

My anti bio's are called Rhodogil and I take 2x every 8 hours, but how does that work, cos I'm asleep at night, so I take them every 6 hrs. 125mg, so that is 250mg every 8 hours. Actually they make me feel a bit sick and dizzy but I do feel that the gums are easing off slightly! so will continue with them!

Hope you get better soon jude, my goodness you were all hale and hearty til we lot started being ill.
Read the sunbathing thread Woof!! ;o)
lol Lottie
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In deference to jno's heritage, Mr N has just taken me out for a curry which was verynice. There a group playing ragtime an Paul Simon on the street, so we had a good time listening, and now back at home I have brought dog muck in on my shoe, even though we have a doormat! Have mopped the carpets and floors cos I can't see where it is and it smells.
Do you know how to do a soft reboot on your phone? It should be in the instructions. Delete Facebook then soft reboot then reload it.
okay, so that's about three hours' sleep last night. That means I should get 8+ tonight. This is getting silly.
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Morning all, poor jno, you must be feeling very discombobulated!

Morning all, still very chilly here. The fire is now officially out as of 10 mins ago!

Off to do the shopping as soon as Mr N gets back from mending a loo flush!

Hope we are all feeling more cheerful today!

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