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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
Hi again. Thanks Shaney. I usually manage to finish that Crossie but not quite today. Yes Robi that's him. He keeps his eye on me and I have to go this month to see him again sometime. If you're with the same practice I might just have an inkling who your's is. (If you ever see someone looking like me in the precint please stop me and say hello).
Brown and blue bin day today then next week we change to Friday collecton which will be interesting. I've seen a load of black bins out today so I think someone has made a mistake ooops. That was last week.
The sun is lovely and warm now fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Laters 'gater(s
oh neti, I hope you get that mouth of yours sorted before you end up on the purees..btw, if there are any of those peas still around from last week's lunches I'd like them back please...seems there could be a poor crop due to the weather.

No Jude, that's not my surgery, I'd be on his books if it was...he's had the patience of a saint with my neighbour, she was always calling him out. I think he's been ill himself hasn't he or was that his excuse to send one of the others? :o)
Oh and according to some on this site there shouldn't even be local GPs, so we'll all go back to little liver pills & bread poultices then. ;o)
I am back from supervising duties at sons house. Not that I had to supervise - I just sat in the garden whilst they, very efficiently, fitted secondary double glazing to three huge windows.

Robi. LOL about Mr Bridge. Believe it or not Mr Ridge's surgery is based in Bridge Street!!

I am going to have some lunch.

Hope your tum is better Woffy and Neti take care of yourself!!

oh lordy, I've had an explosion....!
No, don't panic, not the gas or digestive kind, a botanical one. I'd saved some viola seeds, left them on the windowsill to dry & they've burst open...there are tiny seeds everywhere :o)
I like the idea of violas growing randomly in your kitchen!!

You could use them when you bake cakes

Neti you are braver than me, I just let the dogs out. With my last gob infection it took two courses of different antibiotics to get rid of it. Things went wonderfully well for mr w it must have been all your good wishes. He has eaten lunch and is relaxed and tired, says he feels "okay" he has got his colour back but more to the point he has his smile back.
Laughing at Robi's are supposed to fold them in a bit of kitchen paper lol
I looked at the anti gp thread....they say there's no fool like an old fool, I couldn't be arsed to join in. Going for a haircut now.
Glad to hear about Mr Woof. Obviously he was really worrying. He won't worry next time. x
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Good for Mr woofy, well done, big hug!

Woofy no one else in my house would dare to go outside and look for intruders, the cat hides and Mr N can't be a*sed. He says "oh what's that noise" so it's left to me to sort it out! I used to say to him, don't go back to sleep until I'm back, but he hardly wakens now! Mind you I usually look through the windows first, it's just that I thought hija had forgotten her doorkey!
I read that wrong.

I read that Hija might have forgotten her 'donkey'

Note to oneself: About time you had an eyetest
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ha lottie, I wouldn't be surprised if she turned up with a rafia donkey one night!
Thanks all. I am chuffed to bits and now soignée as well. Anaemia when it gets bad makes you depressed and anxious I learned. So yeah, worried on top didn't help. I am only just realising how little he remembers of when he was in hospital with the infections. I was telling him last night about how he was the same when he had a transfusion then and he had no recall of it at all.. I told him in detail what a copulate pain he had been (true-ish lol) and I think it made him feel better.
Hija forgetting her donkey lol.....
hmm, what have they been up to on here, did the hamsters go on strike?

Intitot? haha, I had to garden in the shade...didn't do much except try to remove some muscari (grape hyacinths). I wish they were edible, I could set up a market stall.

Glad to hear mr s no longer a pale shade of beige, he'll be full of beans tomorrow.
Yes, I shoud have thought about confining the seed pods, it's been interesting to see how far they travel.

Don't feel bad Lottie 'cos I read donkey too! But I did think all people in Spanish land carred one under their arm the way I carry my handbag. :o)
just re read my post "copulate pain" wasn't the sear filter, it was my stupid spell checker...I typed "complete"
it knows you so well, woofy!
Question Author
Woofy and there was I thinking you meant f****** pain! I thought that was very clever of you!
pmsl jno...yes Neti I thought it was clever too. Its a lovely morning here, Dh is sleeping, the dogs have just run miles and are sleeping, I have just had a divine cup of coffee and soon i will be sleeping :-)
....this'll wake you up
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Good Morning Great Britain! You sound lovely and cheerful woofy, great! How is Mr W today?

Absolutely peeing down here, torrential, why couldn't it have rained last week when we needed itAm off to meet a newly arrived friend for coffee (old friend back for a month) am going to have to wear my wellies. The temp has gone from 24º to 14º so winter clothes are back on! Yes, yes i know it's jolly warm over there!
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Woofy q for you. Hija borrowed my phone til she paid her bill and now I have it back I cannot sign into facebook on it, it doesn't recognise the password, although it si fine on desktop. Shall I uninstall it and reinstall it, if so do I get it from the Apps market? Ta x

Just a quick hello, off to solicitors shortly :o(

I red tht wen we rd we actlly dn't tak in the whole word jst sigfant lttrs. Hence 'donkey'
before doing that, on your laptop generate a new password (tell it you have forgotten the old one) then try that new password on your mobile but before doing that go and thwack Hija.

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