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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
oh yes, that's a bit cheaper than Viking. We only went with them because a group had cancelled late and they had to fill cabins in a hurry - so it was about half today's price, but I've never seen it that cheap again. It's a wonderful trip, though, well worth it. The boats will probably be much the same as Viking's - they're pretty much a standard size to go through locks and under bridges - so you won't be getting lower quality.
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Good morning.

Oh lottie it gets better and better, I'd love a river cruise.

Hope we are all ok.

Good luck to mr and mrs s today.

My bil is waiting for a pacemaker and to have his carotid artery cleaned and they are with BUPA but it's taking so long, sis is going back to NHS.
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Can Mr LL read Russian, cos if you are going on the metro it'll be vital! (and they are very very deep - scary) Mr N likes to experience normal life in foreign countries, so we had to get the tube, but it's all in funny writing, so he counted the stations (and you cannot see the names from the train so no idea where one is stopping) and we managed to get out at the right stop! Beautiful metro stations, absolutely fantastic, no fag butts or wrapping, could hold a dance in them. All we got to eat was grilled salmon everywhere from Stockholm to Moscow, apart from Helsinki where we ate Reindeer, yes I know!!
they'll take you on a trip on the Russian metro - I think it's always the same few stops, to the most palatial stations. Just like in St P you always get taken round the same paintings in the Hermitage. When I went, the problem with the cruise was you park miles from the middle of Moscow (it's a big city) and get taken in by bus. Other places the moorings are very central.
Morning all...well I'm not interested in a cruise I'm afraid but if someone wants to put me in a barrel & push me over Niagara please feel free. I think I must be in some kind of health abyss too Lottie, I've been awake all night with pain in my right side, the soft bit at the bottom of my ribs, and it makes me gasp if I touch it. Gallstones? Anyone had them, how does it feel? I'm wondering now if these dodgy tums I've had this past month wasn't ibs at all. Oh buffer it, I could be changing tomorrow's appt from dentist to a doctor. I really don't want either one.
Hope you all feel better or as well as possible.
Neti, yes Mr LL reads Russian and talks Russian fluently, although of course it is not up to date Russian and language is always changing. He always loves the opportunity to chat to any Russians. He only spoke Russian and German until the age of 7 when they came to England. He continued to speak Russian with his parents until they were both deceased (MIL died in 1993). So no probs.

Robi - I just phoned the eye clinic and the system has changed, so I have to go through the bloomin doctor again and the wait is 4-6 weeks unless it is urgent. How ill the doctor know if it is urgent or if my retina is tearing. It took complicated eye equipment for them to look at all this at the hospital last time.

Anyway I have a docs appointment next week to discuss my arthritis which is getting worse and worse, discuss my eye, arrange blood tests for blood pressure, talk about my 'hernia' (well I think it's hernia,) and also talk about my IBS!!

Buffer, buffer, buffer!!

Robi, I get a lot of pain like that under my ribs which I put down to IBS, but like you I have often wondered about gall bladder problems, or liver problems.

Perhaps we should both take a trip to the knackers yard!!!

Got a man coming about windows - so best get cracking!!
Mr LL has also translated technical documents into English (I got the wonderful job of typing about 20 pages of it. The translation of course

Although we have a Russian typewriter - a really really old one (probably 1940's)
Neti, I think your BIL will be better with the National Health from what I hear about BUPA these days!!
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The thing is lottie, they all speak perfect English there.

Yes jno. we saw all the paintings, but were also luckily enough to get a private listening to the monks, they sang beautifully, our courier Olga knew about this tiny chapel room and rushed us there and it was emptying so we rushed in, lovely. We were bussed there from our hotel.

I wanted to see the Faberge eggs in the Hermitage but we had to see the paintings. But also saw the snow sledge of the tsar as we were leaving.

Our courier in Moscow Gala (cos we couldn't pronounce her name) she was a right Sargeant(sp) major, and had a scrunchy on the top of a broken umbrella waving high n the air for us to follow, I felt ridiculous!
In Moscow
Buffer, buffer, buffer!! indeed Lottie...I'll shoot you if you shoot me, lets hope we fire at the same time. :o)
Yes, when I went directly to the eye clinic ('cos nurse on phone told me to) they said my doctor should have called to arrange for me to be seen, but they did move sharpish once they knew the problem & were really nice. Horrible tedious examination though isn't it?
My van lady's already been to collect a returns parcel...Sally Army have picked up a bag of clothes... van man came thankfully early to do a minor repair to my stop tap, and I've postponed the dentist for 11 days. I feel so queasy I couldn't bear anyone poking around in my mouth. So that's me done already for today, haha. I'll take it easy & see how I feel later/tomorrow morning. We ring & go to the doc on the same day ...with a bit of luck.
lol neti, was she like your avatar?
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oh and then some...............

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well Robi, go and get checked out, instead of worrying. Spoil yourself! x
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Am off to the dentist again, feels a lot better though. Maybe I should just move my bed in there!
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I am toothless yet again, and she is making an invisible set of lastic teeth with a spare one inserted so that when I go out I wear it and all seems normal, this is temporary until she sets the real tooth back in!
If they are invisible how do you know that she is telling the truth. Sounds like the Emporer's New Clothes to me!! ;o)

What is lastic??
lastic? as in loose? :o)

Heck neti, I thought jno's teeth were like the Forth road bridge (as in a job never ending, not width, haha) but your's are catching up. Hope you're sorted soon.

BT take over my internet tomorrow (fingers crossed) but I thought I'd tell you now just in case for any reason I lose my connection.
oh hello, here I am again, Sky have been on the blink all day, wiped out the entire south-east apparently, the area with the greatest concentration of human perfection. Sorry to hear everyone's aches and pains have taken a turn for the worse; is it because the sun's gone in again? Neti, we also got to hear singing from some monks who just happened to be nearby... with a stack of their CDs to sell, as chance would have it... very nice, though I feel a bit peculiar tipping monks.
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Same here jno, we just clapped and thanked them, took a photo and left, I mean they are Holy men aren't they?? The chants were Ok but I certinly didin't want a CD full of chanting, I got a Faberge egg instead.!!
The monks are shown on the Video link I gave. I reckon they are there meeting every boat, which makes me wonder what monks are actually all about!!

In our early married life when parents in law were arrived we used to go down to the Easter Service at the Russian Orthodox Church in Kensington. It goes on all night and their are lots of chants, candlelit processions and then a big breakfast at about 6.00am!! Quite spectacular really. In those days some of the earlier immigrant royalty were still alive and you would get old ladies arriving in all their princess finery - net dresses and tiaras etc. Mr LL's godmother was the Russian Equivalent of a Barnoness!!

I phoned the doctor to ask if she would refer me to the hospital, but she says I have to go to the surgery tomorrow as all new floaters are treated as an emergency but I have to be seen by a GP first. I have to be there at 9.00am. Buffer 1000 times

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