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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
morning all, fireworks again last night so I took the dogs out at 4.30, saw Dh off at 07.00 and have been asleep on the settee. must hustle now as sis arrives tomorrow afternoon and the house is filthy.
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Just coming out of the most torrential rain stor I have ever seen, couldn't see a metre in front. No leccy, no internet and no sky but all OK now. Off out for coffee. didn't manage the shopping!
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Cooeee, have you all been washed away, or dried up.................................
no, I felt dozy so I went back to bed at 8, woke at 1! Discombobulated is putting it mildly.

Looks like a nice day that I've half slept through.
Did my tranche of cleaning for the day, showered and here I am...briefly, got to go shopping.
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Am stuck in bedroom watching Thurs BGT, as Mr N didn't go to golf cos he might have gotten wet! So he has hogged the tv in the lounge so hija is in her room and I am here, the house is too small for us all to watch golf!!!!
Good day discombobulates.... hmmmph! I'd asked jno if she was tropical & exotic a time or two but answer came there none...
I don't know who or where I am lately either. I was talking to some old(er) dears in a shop this morning telling them how my plot was well and truly lost and one of them patted me on the arm, said not to worry & she'd see me home...and then roared with laughter :o)

Jude I hope the 'cillin does the trick with your infection & you have/are having a lovely time at the wedding. Shame the sun keeps disappearing, we've had a short shower, it was glorious first thing too.
Be patient with your seeds, they can take a while to germinate (and of course they probably won't look like the mother plants) but I actually like the offspring, you can get some really pretty mixes. Jolly Joker blue pansies make some lovely plants the following year or two.

Well gardener's finally trimmed my privates...oops, privet :o). Newbies had left the tops unclipped but hadn't said why and they aren't at home to consult today so if they don't like it cut to the height it is now it's tough. Any complaints & I'll hold my hand out for a contribution and if they want it higher they'll have to layer on some spruce branches like they do for horse racing. :o)

Sorry about your neighbour Lottie, I dread losing the nice one on the other side of me. Took us a long time to get along, she used to be a tad difficult, but now we're fine.

Haven't seen much BGT neti but I love Michael Collings, he might not look like a winner but he certainly sounds like one.
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I actually imagine jno to be like Carmen Miranda

I've completed my hanging baskets. Was a lovely day. Garden centre for cheese scones and coffee, bought the plants, visited my neighbour who looked relaxed and happy to be home, had a nice lunch outside and now going to cook Spag Bol whilst consuming red wine.

I always think of jno as a slimmer version of Dawn French in looks and personality.
Is Michael Collins the singer/guitarist. I happened to catch him last night and really liked him. Did he get through to the finals?
Robi you sound better.....having a lovely day here. DH feeling the benefit, dog's in the garden playing silly b's and we just had pasta carbonara for tea
Evening folks
It's been another lovely day here but it's clouded over now and the wind has got up .
Been messing around in the garden .Which means ,snip ,sit ,snip ,sit ,slurp ,wander round then sit then slurp :).
I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour Lofty .I hope everything will be peaceful for her .

We've had pea and ham pasta , green salad and garlic bread and I'm going to watch the Sveedish version of Wallander shortly .
Hope you had a good day at the wedding Jude .
Be good biddies and take care xxx
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We also had spag bol for dinner tonight!
Ha shaney you garden like I do. I have just locked up, checked on the tortoise, been nagged by the robin for a last feed and started the dishwasher.
Carmen Miranda? I wish. Slimmer version of Dawn French? Sadly, I am not slimmer than Dawn French (and I am not joking). Evening all. We have christened our neighbours' new patio - not really a patio, more a wooden deck from their back door overlooking their 100ft garden, looks really great; wouldn't work for us but I wish it would.

I hope everyone and their husbands and dogs are feeling ok today? Really quite sweltering here in the sultry southeast, though it's got cooler since the sun went down. About time, though, it still seems only a few days since winter ended. I have taken the electric blanket off the bed but haven't actually put it away yet, just in case. All the same, warm weather makes life a lot easier, doesn't it.

Wonder how long I'll sleep tonight? Not long enough, I suspect.
poor was hot last night too. Sis arrives this afternoon so I am enjoying a cup of tea having seen DH off biking, then final housework.
Morning all...still pale and interesting here, the weather went downhill yesterday & it's bloomin cold & windy again today, only just into double figures and whipping up the dust & pollen. I'm going to take an antihistamine in a minute....grrrr...and I'm never going to be dusky & tropical. I was feeling better woofy but much more of this breeze up the back passage & I'll be back to square one. I think I've caught on to the no sleeping regime too, I just seem to go in fits and starts.
Might be a good idea to kep a low profile today anyway, neighbours didn't come back 'til after dark so they'll have a surprise view of some of my grounds today...wait until I do my midsummer's eve routine :o)

Ha shaney, my gardening's similar too but with added 'stand and stare at things', 'gossip with neighbour over the low bit', 'eat flapjack/kitkat/blue riband biscuit (crikey, how titchy are they these days?), 'stare at same things again' :o)

Yes Lottie that was Michael Collings, he came fifth I think but all the same I feel he might do well before long, such a likeable guy with a distinctive voice.
Morning all (just)
Not too bad here ,sunny but windy .It blew up a gale here last night and turned quite chilly .I had to get up and shut the bedrooom windows ,the curtains were nearly horizontal .

Jno ,I don't believe for one minute that you're bigger than Dawn French .Cut down on chocolate oranges and you'll be as slim as me
I could do with losing a few pounds .I've put on weight .Comfort eating I suppose because of all the stress and Mr S scoffs for England and I keep him company :)

Same old at Shaneytowers ..stewed knees and sparrows ankles for dinner .
Or it will be if I don't make a move instead of pondering my crossword and glugging coffee.Take care all .
me too shaney. one of the ways to get DH to eat when he won't is to make a plate of something he likes and should have and sit down next to him and start scoffing..trouble is that most of that was sweet carbs, fried stuff, very little fruit and veg...and yes comfort eating is a factor too...better I guess than pills though?
He can have more protein now and a bit more fruit and veg but still not what you'd call a healthy diet...oh well....
It's the same here Woofy .Hamster wheel syndrome .Mr.S has to have stodge .Too much fruit and veg goes straight through or we get funny noises :)
I eat a lot of fruit , veg and healthy stuff but I also eat the stodge ..Haha I can't win.

He found a recipe in last weeks paper for belly pork .What a carry on .I had to go and buy things like fennel seeds and star anise .It's soaking in the fridge at the mo`.If it tastes like crap when I cook it tomorrow I'll sit over him and force it down his gullet :)

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