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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
Hi all
I had a duvet day yesterday :) haha .Got up early made tea and toast and went back to bed
Bad move .Them woke up with a thudding headache .Must be the weather .It's nothing to write home about .Dull and cloudy here .
Oh Neti that looks uncomfortable .I couldn't have that stuck that far back on the roof of my mouth .I'd be gagging .Mr S is ok thank you .Just waiting to hear when they are going to operate again .
Hope everyone else is OK ,aches pains and blood tests permitting .Hugs to you all.
Pleased for you Woofy xx
Take care everyone .
omg... it's an invasion by neti's teeth...

OMG Neti I couldn't have that in my mouth. I would rather a gap. I have a gum shield thing I was meant to wear at night to stop me biting into the roof of my mouth. I found it at the bottom of the bed every morning and gave up!!

Blood tests all done. Doctor had also asked for Thyroid ones which she never told me, but nonetheless are a good idea.

But there on the screen it also said I had to have a Warfarin test to make sure it was doing its job. After loads of puzzling by the phleb... plebo............... (nurse who takes your blood) and myself, we decided we didn't know how it got on my screen. I have never taken warfarin, nor has anybody in our family. Oh well!!

Called in to see my gardener/monk friend afterwards and had a good laugh over a cuppa.

Results next week.

Weather a bit iffy. I wish it would rain hard instead of a few bits and bobs now and then.

Where is that Jude??

Question Author
Actually I gagged when she was measuring my mouth and taking print thingies, and this is uncomfy to get in, but once in, it doesn't notice, now I am home, it is out again to let the wound heal.

Very sunny here, now that I have brown legs I wore knee length, tasteful shorts
Well, I should hope so, after the last ones we saw you in!!

Buffer the link doesn't work

Trying again

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OMG!! how awful, at least my legs do not have cellulite!!!!
hahaha...I love neti's alien teeth...sorry neti

and I really love the twangy google logo.....♫...♪...♪...♫...♫
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ha ha Robi, I know what you mean. Mr N suggested that I leave them in a glass by the bed at night, they say he'll recover eventually!!!!

Have spent a toothless hour sunbathing. ♫ it's a hard knock life....♫
It's lovely isn't it Robinia. I have been playing with it on and off all day. How are you?
Question Author
whenever I twang the google guitar it goes to Wikipedia so cannot make a tune!
oh sorry Lottie, I went outside to water, we keep having silly short showers theat are no use for the garden, just annoying.

I ache like hell, especially this right side pain which reappears when I do anything of consequence...probably another weak spot I've acquired, tut. I've had my hi/low lights done so the grey bits are all nicely covered for a while...looks a bit dark actually but it'll fade after a few washes & (hopefully) some sun on it. In the meantime I'll have to slap on an extra layer of rouge. :o)

neti, just pass your cursor over the logo, don't click it
The threatened rain didn't appear here .It's as dry as dust .I'm beginning to think we live on the edge of the world .Picky phoned just now and said they had some heavy showers in Norwich and round the county as he was driving round but nothing here :)
I've been out with my Sil this afternoon to see a friend for her birthday and we had a good natter and cake .
I get that pain in my side Robinia ,just below the ribs .It comes and goes .The doctor says it's probably my gall bladder tied in with the IBS .
I haven't been back since my last lot of blood tests .I feel alright,apart from the arthrtics so I'm not tempting fate .
I'm going to have lowlights at my next appointment .I usually colour my hair myself but I've got so much grey now it won't take .The last one I put on just lightened the grey bits really and it looks like streaky washed out blonde so I have to do something :)

I'd better go and find something for dinner I suppose .I haven't got any spare truffles so it'll be a toss up between beans and egg on toast or sardines :)
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Morning biddies, where's jude??

shaney I heard on the news that East Anglia is having a hosepipe ban, would that affect you? Then next Derby?

Off to hospital at 12noon to have a thing removed from my lower eyelid, hope he lifts the face aswell!!
yes, drought in East Anglia. They will all be riding their camels to the nearest standpipe and will have to water the garden with leftover gin.
Official drought in Norfolk, Parts of northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedordshire. No hosepipe bans expected apparently. We will have to wait and see.
They didn't have to announce it, it is pretty obvious that Norfolk (which is dyest county in the UK in normal conditions anyway (and the sunniest)) is all dried up.
Including its inhabitants!!!!

Hope hospital goes OK Neti.

Yes, where is Jude??? coooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm on my new computer and it's very fast. I shall still experience dodgy broadband due to living in the sticks.
Still getting panic attacks and impending sense of doom, especially in the mornings. I have no idea why. I wake up like it and feel washed out and then feel better as the day progresses.
Hope Woof, Mr Woof and Sis are enjoying themselves.
Good morning Allbiddies everywhere. I'm sorry I've not been on, I've been so busy this week with one thing and another. I've scanned all posts since I last was on and hope all your different blood tests etc have been ok. All the best to Mr. W. good news, and Mr. S I hope his op is ok when he has to have it.
I've just been dashing about visiting sisters and, shopping in town, then the opticians, all sorts of stuff. And finally one confession. The Tennis has taken over my afternoons. Murray and Nadal through to the quarter finals.
My antibis seem to have worked and my cough has subsided and I have to go for a blood test today to make sure. I'm really nervous about it, at the mo, as I have to wait all weekend and maybe til Tuesday for the result. Come on Jude think positive.
In answer to your question Neti about the blood thing on my nose, it was still there when I went to the wedding but not as deep purple. It is now just very faint and you can't see it when I have my specs on.
Neti i would feel most uncomfy with that thingy in my mouth. what a long time everything is taking for you and here was me saying ages ago that I thought it would be ok soon. How wrong could I be.
Right I've off now. I'm on cat duty (Olly and Lolly)for my Plumber as they're off on holiday for a week to Wales. When he came to bring me the key he rang my doorbell then just held his baby up so that when I opened the door I could just see was him laughing his head off.

See yer later 'gater(s) xx
Ooooh. Jude heard my coooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the way from Derby.

Glad you are OK. I too am nervous about my blood test results on Tuesday!!


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