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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
ps. One of my dearest friends is an ex monk. The loveliest person you can imagine, really modern in outlook with a tremendous dry sense of humour. He left the monkhood due to it changing his mind about God. He is now a confirmed atheist - married, divorced with a grown up daughter!! He is a gardener now - a very learned and wise man.
Good Evening All. Well where do i start. I have read all your posts and must reply to them first. I hope Mr S went alright in his test. not a very nice one I imagine. I know my Dad had to have it done a few times.
Neti hope your teeth gt sorted very soon now for you it seems to be going on for ages.
Jno. Hope you're getting your days sorted from your nights at long last.
Lottie, sorry to hear about your neighbour. I hope she is living peacefully at home now. At least she is where she wishes to be.And your eyes get to see the specialist when you can.
Robi and you do the same with your eyes. I hope you're feeling better than when I last read your posts. Thanks for the gen on seeds, I'll really try to look after them.
Woofy, I hope you and Mr W are ok. Have i got it right? Is it your sister that is coming to stay? if i'm wrong i aoplogise.
Dolly, If you're around hope you are ok. And last but not least Vin, still thinking about you and hope you are ok.

My weekend began Saturday a.m. at 11.30. Arrived in Matlock and could we find the place we were staying? No! After 2 phone calls and spotting the lady waving to us from the front garden we eventually arrived. Lovely place and massive room with a double bed and a single one. We got all sorted and dressed for the Wedding and went to catch the mini bus. it went up this one vehicle track on the side of a hill it was like the snake pass with the most almighty drop down one side and guess who was sitting neareet the edge. Mind you I have been up worse in Spain so i just looked straight ahead. The wedding was brilliantly organised
and a really fantastic venue. We could see Riber Caslte on the hill top skyline above us and it was beautiful. Everything went well the food was lovely and The Supremes tribute were really good singers and they did other artists songs after the first part. I was dancing a lot but my friend had fallen over the night before when she was out with her other friends she fell down a pot hole so on the wedding night she was really struggling but she had plenty to drink which I think drowned the pain a bit. :~)
Anyway we had a lovely breakfast the next day and arrived home about 12.
I have one comment to make about the event. the weather was fine but I dread to think what it would have been like if it had rained. My only word would be 'disaster' mudwise as it was an all grassed area.
And finally, I lost my specs and had to spend the whole weekend without them I still can't find them having searched my house upside down. So I've rang my insurance co. who say they will ring me back but haven't done yet so I'll be on the phone tomorrow again.
Today I have been to school and then fetched my new specs from Vision Express as they rang me and told me they were ready to collect.
So that's it up to date. Oh yes still taking Anti - bis and feeling better so here's hoping the bloodtest on Friday is ok.
Cuppa tea t
Cuppa tea time now after that essay, hope it wasn't too boring for you
Laters 'gaters.
Glad you enjoyed it Jude!! Just caught you before I closed down for the evening.

ATTENTION NETI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your help is needed

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Yes thank you lottie, have advised (not that I know much, I only know how to collect hija at odd hours!)

Jude, glad you are feeling better and had a good time at the wedding, I bet you looked really nice! Did the blood blister go on the snozz?

Now I'll tell you all something, I went in a convent once to become a nun, cos I've always believed in God even as a child, I was in the convent for 6 months in North London, there was only hot water 2x a week and cold baths the rest of the time, we wore normal clothes, and then I thought Nah, can;t be doing with it, and joined the human race again with a vengeance!!!
bless me neti for I have sinned!
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Oh jno, many times. How are you, have you managed to get some normal sleep lately. My sleep is being disturbed by Mousey. She insists on sleeping across my bit of the bed and I scrunch up and get all distorted and out of shape. Honestly sometimes I could fit in a box. I don't like to disturb her as once that happens, I am up and down all night letting her in letting her out, stopping her from her yowling.

Well today is Robi's BT day, I do hope it goes well and you are back with us this am!

How is Mr s? Is he Ok?

And Mr Woofy?

I hope the rest of us are OK too, shaey, woofy, dolly and jude!
Mr w is fine thanks...quick pop in today as Sis and I are going out to spend money....hope you are all well, especially sister Neti (rolls eyes)
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Sister? it never got that far, and it was a strange American convent type place. Pillar of Fire it was called, I guess I was a little mad at the time, lovely settings though, appealed to me!
sleeping better with a new antihistamine the doctor prescribed (so far), and it looks like a nice day today. Maybe I'll do something. Maybe I won't.
Here I is, morning all...still feel grotty & queazy & very bloated, maybe it is just a bad ibs phase I'm going through. When I'm a rich biddy I'll ship us all off to a health resort & we can all get sorted once & for all. Tarquin went somewhere, (Slovenia I think) that has lots of such places & some even specialise in fibro & other algias which would do us nicely. And I want proper doctors in white coats not jeans & flip flops, tut, some of them are far too casual these days. I don't have 'white coat phobia' I'm more troubled when they look like they dressed in the dark.

Sounds like a good do in a lovely place Jude...I probably shouldn't have but I laughed at the casual mention of your friend falling down a pothole, hahaha. All weddings are better in the sunshine, whatever the venue. I don't think I've ever been to a rainy one but cold and windy, yes.

Well if you'd been a nun neti we wouldn't have been blessed with your company on here, you'd have been far too busy with your vegetable plot, nuns grow their own don't they?...and clearly someone up there felt we all needed punishing...<ducks>.... haha, I'm only kidding.

Have any of you changed your email for this site? I've warned the Ed & asked if all I do is change my profile.
Morning all
Sending you all hugs for any aches pains and sleepless nights and hope you all soon feel better myself included .Back to the wet weather again .We've had some badly needed rain here but the temp is up and down like Tower Bridge which doesn't help my ologies and itis .

The wedding venue sounds lovely Jude .I looked up Riber Castle .What a lovely place .

Sister Neti and the Pillar of Fire ...I can't stop giggling .It sounds like the title of a Harry Potter book .

The cruise sounds lovely Lofty .I'd love to go to Russia especailly Moscow .

Mr S has to have another operation for his waterworks problem .He's not a happy chappie !

I'm cruising off to the hairdressers ..take care all.
Hi folk and Sister Neti Maria.

Sorry you still feel grotty Robi. Pleased you got some sleep jno.

As for me, I am ready for the knackers yard obviously. The vision in my right eye has deteriorated somewhat so doctor has made an appointment for me at the Emergency Eye Clinic at the hospital tomorrow. The hernia is a hernia, so I have been referred to the hospital and my blood pressure is up.

Buffer buffer buffer.

I have to have blood tests for blood pressure and R.A. on Thursday and go back to the doctor next Tuesday. She was lovely though!

buffer buffer buffer again.
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Oh dear, well we are all here at present.

I', feeling dizzy and sick today, but the weather is muggy and there is thunder banging about so maybe that is why. Have no energy to change the sheets or wash the bathroom today which is very unusual for me (Cleanliness is next to Godliness).

amm off to read the free local paper and get something to eat!

What are blood tests for BP? I thought they just did a reading on the BP monitor.
When you have high blood pressure and are on medication you have six monthly blood checks for liver/kidney function and cholesterol. Also have to be weighed and obviously have blood presssure taken. I have been a naughty girl and delayed my checks 'cos I hate doctors. You get a letter every six months and I got a couple of reminders.

Apparently the drugs you take for blood pressure can adversely affect your kidneys.

So on Thursday I am going for those tests and the R.A. one.

The following Tuesday the doc will discuss the results with me! That is the bit I hate!!!
Shaney I didn't realise after I had posted my bit that you were posting at the same time.

That's a real nuisance for poor Mr Shaney, but hopefully it will sort it out. Is it the same op he had before and will it hopefully mean he won't have to have a tap.

Sometimes I wish I was young again without a care in the world!!

Oh, and Neti, you have to take a wee sample along as well!!
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Oh yes, I remember now that I have blood tests for that and thyroid, but it's yearly now so not until October, and I've have to diet before then!

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