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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
I'm a medical mystery.Being referred to dermatology now.It's not an ulcer.It's a skin lesion of some sort.Nothing wrong with my circulation or anything,but I still have to go the clinic anyway for the bandaging as a precaution.
What a bldy nightmare.

oh dear Shaney, I hope the dermatology peeps can sort you out. I have pinged my back between my shoulder blades and am not a happy bunny.
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Oh deary me shaney, will they ever find out the cause.
What are you doing to yourself woofy?
I've been in bed most of the day, just waiting for hija to bring home a Chinese takeaway for my dinner.
evening all, have done nothing worth reporting. A cousin is coming to stay in a couple of weeks and wants to see bluebells, so I went to a local wood and sloshed around for a while looking for them, but none there. Lots in people's front gardens, but I think those are Spanish bluebells, the ones that hold their heads up, rather than droopy native ones, which must bloom a bit later. So she should be in good time for them. She is somewhere out west at the moment and says she has seen some but doesn't say if they're locals or illegal immigrants.

Anyway, walking on muddy paths has had my leg muscles hurting and I actually got 8 hours' sleep the next morning. I didn't think it was a great amount of exercise really, but my body obviously thought otherwise.
PS I do appreciate that everyone else has real aches and pains, so I hope you'e all improving. Looks like a skin transplant is in the offing for shaney.
Lol Jno I think I'll need a head transplant at this rate.I waited two months to see the vascular man now it looks like another wait to see a dermatologist .
I'm beginning to think that all the various stuff they've tried has just aggravated it more and they should have sent me to dermo in the first place .This has been going on since before Christmas and I'm sick of it .
I'm going to see my GP asap and set my stall out .
I've got proper bluebells in the garden.You're welcome to a tour .Tea and cake provided. Shouldn't take you more than ten minutes to walk round.There's only two clumps ..haha.
Those pings are painful Woofy .I often get a ping if I move awkwardly .
Night all ,hope we all feel fit tomorrow.I only feel fit for the k nackers yard atm but live in hope :)

Morning all...another sunny start, let's hope it it lasts today. I'm not so sure it's going to be as warm this weekend (here in Derbys) as they keep trying to convince us. We shall see.

I've got lots of bluebells, they're popping up all over the place but they're the Spanish ones. Never mind, they're pretty as are the forget me nots, I've got oceans of those.

Shaney I'd have been asking to see a dermatologist ages ago, I don't know why you haven't been referred before now either. Hope it's very soon and they sort it out for you.

Hope everyone else's ailments are easing. It's not so much pinging in my case, more terrible creeping muscle cramps, especially around my ribs. I've got so much to do...I don't know whether to have a haircut or go fishing.
Morning all. Lovely day as promised by the met. office. Let's hope it lasts.
I have a garden full,of bluebells and forgetmenots. No idea where they originated. England, Spain or France but that look lovely.
My elbow is still giving me jip so I just take it easy when I have to use it.
Shaney will it never end for you. I'm really hoping your G.P can help it get sorted very quickly now.
Robi will the warm weather help your pains ease off a bit. Sometimes it works for some doesn't it.
Neti are you ok now or still feeling like you were the other day. I've heard it in the weather forecast that we are going to be hotter here than Ibiza.
Woofy have a good time with your sis.
I'm off to get my hair cut then school later. I bet the youngsters are outside today.
Got a few busy days coming up. The under sixteens cup final tomorrow night, derby County last league match on Satuday. Bro coming to stay Sunday night and another friend of his coming to stay on Monday.
See you later sometime
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Hi all. Not feeling good so am in bed aleeping an coughing. Jude you are welcome to have it hotter than here but you wont get six months of it.
Morning all
Lovely day here ,bright and sunny.Real feel of 17C.That's more like it.
The ceanothus is bursting into bloom.Always cheers me up to see that lovely blue.
Sorry you're not well Neti.You don't need a nasty cold at this time of the year.Drink lemon and honey and rest up.Too much and zumba my girl.Instead of picking up a man you've picked up a bug :)
I thought it was a skin problem Robinia but the practice nurse insisted it was vascular.
Roll up for the medical mystery tour

It's been a nice sunny day but that breeze is still fresh out of the sun

Some forget me nots, bluebells and pinkbells under the smoke tree....
Those are pretty Robinia .I can't get Tinypic to work lately for some reason.It asks me to enter the graphic thing before downloading but there's nothing there to enter,just a blank box.
Yes there's a fresh breeze here too.Lovely out the back but chilly at the front.
That's happened to me with tinypic shaney. I just click the empty box or the text box, swear a few times and something usually appears :)
I have a problem viewing tinypic images on my kindle nowadays though.
I think it's ok now.I had it disabled on the adblocker but undisabled it .Of course now i'm getting annoying flashers :)
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Morning. My throat and ears are so sore. Since I changed my doctor it is so hard to get an appointment. I have one for Monday and if I dont feel better I'll go to Urgencias.
Morning...another lovely morning & I'm just talking the washer through it's cycle, it likes to stop and have a think too often these days.

Oh dear neti, you've probably caught some lurgy the tourists have brought in. They go away from here full of viruses in the hope that a warmer climate will make them better....and then they come back home with a different one. Ad infinitum. Plenty of fluids and paracetamol, it's only been a couple of days, you'll feel better soon, but don't start whizzing around when you do.

I had a lousy night... terrible body cramps. Odd dreams. Strange noises. Somebody sneaking out of a lift/taxi on my front at 4.15am. Tut, they often do that...they, usually women, choose my house to get out and then walk off down the road/round the corner. Great, don't wake up your own household, just me instead(and maybe others).

Lovely pic shaney, droopy bells...that's how I feel but look less attractive. :)
The swifts are here, yay! That's cheered me up.
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Yes Robi it is from the hoards of tourists, we also get it after xmas when the residents come back from UK , germs everywhere.
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I love bluebells. Havent seen any for years. Do they squeak when rolled in the fingers or its it another similar plant?
another nice day here but the Sahara is already hazing the sky over

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