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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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ugh! Kit I think you need to get someone to fit urinal bowls to the front doors of those who planned this & make sure that the drainpipe goes through the letterbox.
What's that, Robinia? Speak up, woman!. Auditioning for an Ingmar Bergman film at this time in her life...

Here are your nurses again, Vinny; I hope they're in a more clickable mood this time around.

Gotta go, have a nice evening, all!
oh Kit, how infuriating. You might at least get an artistic one... hundertwassers_ultimate_stand.htm
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Thats the last time I have coke with me gives you a right hangover...!
Fangs for the piccys Kip..(:O=)taking the pee
..I changed the invite to the party(with a little help from my printer) ,and added"free double with this invite"
they were all checking there invite's..hahahaha..! I had a dance with this litle old lady...bloomin heck...she wouldnt let go..! she was dancing all havent got a cousin down here jude...hehe..! right,must find me brushes.

The paints starting to peel on the outside of me house,
oh no (:O)
Morning All. Hope eveybody is ok. Sorry your view has been spoiled Kit I should get up a petition in protest.
No Vinny no cousins down there but wished I had for a cheap holiday! Pleased to hear I'm not the only mad dancer around except I'm not a little old lady, just a tall old lady. Dinner for one today I'm afraid, will just have to get used to it - I still get my rice pud at my sister's though. See you later :o)
buon giorno creakeezios...

it must feel strange to you Jude (the dinner thing) - I still expect my mum to phone on a sunday tea time, which she often did.

oh Kit now look at what you've started!
this lot will expect posh lavs everywhere we go....I don't fancy having to clean Vinny's he can do it himself.

are you still painting Vincento?
is this your place by any chance?

very nice, & they're only asking �400,000 for a 2 bed apartment !! (tut!.... it's a flat where I come from in common-as-muckland). It's a bit close to the edge tho'....where do you peg your bloomers? Is that a new biddybus I see? mmmm, hope it's got a lav at the back.....
Nice to see you back Jude .Thanks for the flowers they are beautiful. As you can see everything is still the same on here (thank goodness ).Not very keen on too much change.
Shame about the urinals Kip ,Council people have a lot to answer for ,don't they. Well I'm off to bed it's 11pm and still warm and humid ,we try to sleep without any coverings on us (any intruders would dash out quickly ata the sight !!!). T T F N dOLLYXX
<covers Vinny's eyes>

ooh, I say you look a doll in your baby-doll Dolly!!!
but do wear your candlewick dressing gown in future please.... :o)
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erm...dolly...Ive got your house on google earth...could you open yer curtains and wave.-_-*,,||||
That is so weird robinia...I cleaned the show/ flat they were making the sales from a few years ago.If I remember correctly,it was a round room with pillars, amazing views from the windows.well was for sale at �250,000.bloomin heck..not a bad investment.shall we all chip in....! throws in a bag of chips. (:O).
hehe... I'm having one of my psychic phases & I visualised you Vinny doing the round room....going round...and round....and round....hahahaha....
I'm a cruel woman I know, how's your hand today?

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evening ~~::(*_*)::~~
ooh, I love that song....
what's on tomorrow's menu I wonder.....?

phew!...morning all
just got back from the oscars...the leggings went down a storm thanks neti looked a treat with me puffa jacket they did.

you should have seen the state of the lavs

where is our fashion guru by the way? mmm, I expect she'll be checking out the latest arrivals in her favourite Italian store....
hahahahaha....must stop laughing at my own jokes.

just going to see if Cate Blanchett's frock is on ebay yet.....
Well I seem to be going full steam ahead again ...I hope.. after my multiple sticky non loading windows problem .....and no...I had not got chs stuck in the machine .
I may have splashed a bit of Gin in it ..but I can't remember now !
Hope we are well ...bit of an ology crisis today ..pouring with rain here ....but at least it keeps the commoners and chavs off the streets ! Hahaha!!
alright my lovers, mi ducks, darlings, sweeties, sir, modoms.....haha so what is it in your area? does it bother you?


lovely day here mrs s...I've done a bit in the garden & I'm you-know-whatted....hard work when you're outa practice. I should have used the beans as weights for a week before I started.
Not in the least modom ...unless they call me the same ...Hun ....hate it .
I must remember to address the window cleaner as Sir next time he calls instead of ......Yarco.
He comes from over the bridge you see !
See you later.... me handsomes !

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Evening you little beauts..
Ive never seen so many lovely Maids.!
Ive never known a day like it..(bin clearing me loft out).waited in all day for a new bathroom suite....nope I havent won the pools..its me old tin looks like its bin shot will be handy to grow a few exotic erb's in, come the summer..(:O).
I agree,that hun thing gets on me tits...(:O)is that allowedcatch you later dudes, must split dinners cooking on gas...(:O)
mmmm, think I'll give Ofbuff a call....there's a man in Wooly who's obviously charging way over the odds....
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<quickly takes phone of the hook..locks door..turns light out> (:O)
We can still see you Vinny .......I have a Maglite ....
look behind you .................. g

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