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Is She A Good Friend?

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abbeylee90 | 16:59 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Family & Relationships
91 Answers

One of my closest  friends of 12 years  ever since she moved in with her partner she hasn't bothered with me unless it is through other friends one of of my other closest friends she use to slag her off now they like best mates but she makes no effort with me like she use to even said she can't make plans in advance because of money but can with my friend.



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Yes we have all not been as good friends to our friends at one point but I can't turn to her if I have any problems like I use to.

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//but I can't turn to her if I have any problems like I use to//

So forget her.  Just focus on any real friends that you still have (or will have in the future) whom you know you can rely on.


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Don't think I should go to work as I got sore throat and blocked nose.

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Wrong post sorry 

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Abbey, whatever you're trying to post it isn't working.  

Ahh, that one is.

Abbey, stop fretting and move on.  

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I've shared it

I hope you've taken notice of the good advice.  

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Yes she can do just one if all goes pair shaped as like I said since she moved in with her partner she haven't bothered with and my other friend she always use tp slag her off saying needy and now licks her a**

Abbey, don't dwell on people who don't care about you and don't let them upset you.  People who blow hot and cold are using you and they really aren't worth the effort.  You don't need her.  You have other friends.  

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No only gotta see her when I'm with 2 of my friends 

Abbey, people move on and friendships change. Your former friend might be perfectly happy with her life as it is, she's obviously not wasting time and energy on thinking of how things used to be. It would be good if you could just appreciate the friendships that you have now. 

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I know. My friend said she might be going out next Saturday for her birthday other day and see how things are week before do I ask if she still doing anything or leave it?

I would wait until she mentions it again.  

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