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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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If you know your shift patterns for next week you should be able to fit in lots of things including job hunting and maybe also updating your mum

Abbey, isn't that what your boss said would be happening, seeing as they have no money for extra hours, more hours, overtime for you? Were you expecting things to have changed, so soon?

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I been told the CEO who banned overtime is retiring so don't know what will happen then 

Good Morning,

You were hired on 10 hours, they are providing you with 10 hours.

It is not overtime they are giving you some extra hours (overtime attracts an increase pay rate) If there are budgetary restrictions in place it will not cease because the CEO is retiring.

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That what I mean it will get better or stay same 

This is utter rubbish someone is feeding you a load of BS. CEO's cannot ban overtime. Abbey why are you ignoring questions about your contract of employment? Do you have one? Your employer is legally obliged to give you the hours stated on your contract,they can't start you on 37 hours a week the bring you down to 10 . If you are on probation then they can do what they want including sacking you. If you are on a zero hours contract then you can be given different hours every week . Perhaps it might be a good idea to answer direct questions then you will get more help.

Abbey, are you looking for another job?  Have you thought about waitressing?

abbey will have a contract and should insist on a written copy. But I think all these points and questions about contracts are something abbey isn't able to absorb or answer as it's not an area she understands. It looks to me as if they have decided abbey has no long term future on the tills so apart from when emergency short term cover is needed, she'll be given just 10 hours, mainly cleaning, each week. As the shift times vary each week it isn't possible to fit  a second job around this so it's time to start looking elsewhere.

Abbey said earlier- many posts ago- that you 'don't get a contract until you've finished your probation.'

Good Morning,

She also said earlier on this post that the cashiers job was a trial.

If they are having to reduce hours then the first to go will be last in and an easy win is to reduce hours back to the initial hire.


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Waitresses is all part time when I looked 

There's a cashier who been there alot longer than and doing worse like time keeping,overcharging customers even a colleuge since that mistake of mine was made see seen being extra careful so see what happens but my colleague knows I'm job searching.

Abbey, I'm afraid your views on your fellow workers don't have any bearing on the hours you'll be given, nor does it matter that a colleague thinks you have 'been extra careful' since you made a mistake. It doesn't sound an ideal place for you anyway if there's so little chance of full-time hours, they seem fine for you to do 10 hours a week cleaning, but aren't holding out much hope of that changing soon.

Abbey, waitressing shifts in pubs for example, have to be more than two hours a day.  

Good afternoon,

How do you know that the colleague is doing worse than you?

You are only there 2 hours a day so cannot possibly know what this other person is doing.  If you are listening to gossip then be careful you may end up hearing gossip about yourself.

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Because I was told 

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I found a job I've applied for in a toy factory Monday to Friday 9-6. I had high hopes of staying in selco long term but not enough hours.

Good Morning,

'I have found a job'

Does that mean there is an advertisement and you have applied for it or you have been through the recruitment process and they have offered you the job?

Well done, abbey.  Good luck with your application.

Well done, Abbey! Give it your best!


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I've applied

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