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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
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Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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//Funny I've never been beaten up once! I can't think why!//


Maybe because you have never been at the mercy of corrupt police!

And I will repeat for the umpteenth time that the police are NOT paid to assault people.

They are paid to arrest people.

Chance what you (or anyone else) thinks of me on AB, I did not deserve to have stiches in my head simply because I was drunk.



PP, Why do you bother even posting?

What the hell you even talkin about?

nailedit: "Maybe because you have never been at the mercy of corrupt police!" - ....and how have I managed to not be at the mercy of the police? Could it possible be that I haven't done anything to put me in that position?

15:28 "PP, Why do you bother even posting? What the hell you even talkin about?" - two of the great unsolved problems of our time!

Where's Retrocop when we need him ?

//They are paid to arrest people.//

Well yes.

I have had a few run ins with the old Bill but I have never been assaulted, maybe because I dont try to fight them.  I have seen people doing that and yes Plod come in hard, but what do you expect them to do, just stand there and take it?


//Could it possible be that I haven't done anything to put me in that position?//

But even if you WERE to ever find yourself in that position, does that justify a beating or stiches in the head?


What the hell you ven talkin about?

v v v quick one - Incident at Manchester. Everyone photo'd. There is no  outstanding complaint. Police response  -  limp and off-colour. Family response dignified. One member fo  the family is a police man - and the interent says - "he was there!"

long long post with long long words, but hey this is AB !

I WAS gonna tell you of my papa's colleagues who was beaten up by POW camp guards and ended up with a fractured skull ( = head broken real bad). "this gave him a jaundiced view of the Germans ever after"

but I wont  now. ( when dat den, den? oo 1943 I think)


A criminal investigation into the officer's actions has been launched.

//I have had a few run ins with the old Bill but I have never been assaulted, maybe because I dont try to fight them//

Ive never tried to fight them either (well, maybe on one occasion but that not germain to this thread)

but thats never stopped them from giving me black eyes, swollen wrists etc.


The fact is, police get away with asaulting people.

retro cop has been suspended long long time ( I must write more wimply: this is AB)

and yes Plod come in hard, - er the fella is  lying face down for  chrissakes. 

The sitting fella is then dragged to the  floor....

kinda diff for the police to plead self-defence and or reasonable  force.

I still think this  is a bad event which is handled even worse in later hours 

15:28 "PP, Why do you bother even posting? What the hell you even talkin about?"

because I am in Manchester ( or Glasgow to you, N, I dont want to confuse you) and there is more to it  than just the viddie

 What the hell you even talkin about?" -I speak of  the word on the  street which does seem.... unbelievable to a rational soul such as yourself

Bystanders/witnesses who were just stood there holding their phones and capturing the incident, were pepper sprayed. There were not threatening the police other than they inadvertently fined wrong doing. Shortly after police were taking phones off of people.


We don't know what they were doing - certainly not keeping the peace - and I can't see anything in that video that says police were taking phones off people.

// The IOPC's Catherine Bates said investigators were continuing to gather evidence and had already secured a "significant amount of body worn video and CCTV footage".

The IOPC said the PC's use of an incapacitant spray during the incident would form part of the criminal investigation.

It said the officer had also been served with a disciplinary notice in regards to "potential gross misconduct for a number of alleged breaches of police professional standards including his use of force". //

“Top lawyer” Akhmed Yakoob, who is representing the two Muslim brothers accused of injuring three Manchester police officers—one of whom suffered a broken nose—has a notably colourful background. The incident, which went viral and sparked outrage over alleged police brutality, was captured in a video of their arrest. Mainstream media is quick to post the comments of their lawyer, though they neglect to point out he’s not without his own controversy…

Yakoob, who stood as an Independent candidate in Birmingham on a pro-Gaza, anti-Labour platform at the last general election has joked about men giving wives a “backhander” on a podcast, that, “70% of hell will be women”, whilst insisting that he and any Muslim cannot ‘promote’ positive LGBT issues because it goes against their faith. He’s also lacking in doing his own due diligence…

In May, he made headlines by wrongly accusing a teacher of using a racist slur. However, a media investigation revealed the video he shared had been manipulated with incorrect captions, ultimately putting him under investigation by the solicitors’ regulator. Meanwhile, he boasts of owning a £1 million car collection and his love of Lamborghinis. Quite the character…

Remember a couple of years ago when a arrested yob shot a police officer in the custody suite,his hands were cuffed behind his back,so do not keep saying the yobs were no danger to the police.

No matter what these people had done, its not up to the police to kick and stamp on their heads...

Their punishment is for the courts to decide, not the police! And as Ive already said, hope they get the book thrown at them. But its still not for the police to potentially give someone brain damage by kicking and stamping them on their head.

That officer needs charging (like any other member of the public would have been) with GBH.

His job was to restrain and arrest. Not beat the crp out of someone.


//so do not keep saying the yobs were no danger to the police//

frip, I know the vid and case you are talking about but whoever said that the yobs were no danger to the police?

The police do a dangerous job. I, for one, (in an alternate life 😁) wouldnt like to do it. BUT that doesnt give them carte blanche to beat up people.

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