I am not a fan of soaps, and don't watch them. That said, when I did watch, I became aware that a standard plot device for all of them, was everyone having a turn working in the central points -... ...
got my house lovely and clean today but they were two sisters - one worked upstairs and the other downstairs. I had a plug/charger for my Alcatel tablet in the kitchen socket and now it is... ...
Quelle surprise – Boris should never be given responsibility over the stationary cupboard, let alone the country. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66839314 ...
Boris says to Sunak. "What the hell are we waiting for. Send Ukraine Howitzers, artillery weapons,Storm shadow cruise missiles, and drones.What the hell has it got to do with Boris.????He spent... ...
Having watched this again, it's definitely a white middle England thing isn't it? I could only see two non-white faces and both of them were in the choir. Where are all the "England-loving" immigrants...
I appreciate he being kind giving me lifts and going for lunch but he does my head in grabbing me to do it all the time as I'm leaving where I know him from I got things I need to do myself feel like...