The other night I was coming inside and on the step was a bee/wasp/fly . It was trapping a spider and proceded to eat it .THe insect was black and yellow and had reddish wings .
Every so often I need to send email to staff on websites. If I click on the *send mail* link a Hotmail page something like etc etc...
I have a new job working for a huge organisation . I was sent a letter confirming my appointment (subject to health report -which was ok ).A couple of days after taking up the position I was sent some...
Ive been frustrated recently by my computers inability to connect to hyperlinks in postings - on this and other forums. Any ideas why. I try again and again to make sure - and also refresh the screen...
A friend went to a gym yesterday . She found a tapeworm segment lying on the floor of the shower (identified by a member of staff). Any ideas how it managed to get there? Obviously no-one was owning...
Im thinking mainly of my email address -on my personal computer - as I have to enter it several times a day.But I can think of other occasions when I have to enter a line of text (address-logging onto...
I have Norton Anti virus installed .It keeps coming up with a warning that I have w32.weichia.worm. I have run the worm removal tool from symantec and it says that the computer doesnt have the worm !...
What on earth has happened to Adam Ricketts? He went away - a very so-so actor ,but ok in the context of the programme. Now he's back and he has become AN ACTOR darling. He 'emotes' every line with...
Can I get scorch marks off chrome(well shiny anyway) parts that circle the burners on a gas hob?hey have all gone bluish in some parts and have lost their shine.Scouring with stainless steel gets all...
A friend has had a phone call from her partner this morning .He is supposed to be delivering in London but he couldnt get near the centre.He phoned to say 'thanks very much for asking how I was' .When...
I videoed a charming french film from BBC4 last night .On watching it the subtitles are below the bottom of the screen!I have tried two different televisions and the result is the same.Before i go to...
My partner has been offered a job -but with the proviso that the health screening is ok. Its with a health authority and the fill-in sheet mentions immunisation etc.Another sheet has all the usual...
Lots of tips etc give directions beginning with -go to start /run/type regedit...But I dont have 'run' on my start . Where is it on XP? Can I put it onto start?
Its hot and all of the windows are open .Its been hard to get the kids to bed as it is what with the older kids screeching round the street.But now its a bit darker and they have gone in.So what...
A long time ago I lived for a short time in Westbourne park grove Near Ladbroke grove in London. It was the early 70s and a hip and happeing place to be. There was a shop with a huge nose on the wall...