For a joke me and my boyfriend had an arm wrestling competition, I'm only petite sized, and to mine and his surprise I beat him. He now keeps asking for a re-match. Do you think I may have hurt his...
Why do so many people hate animals? I love all creatures (with the small exception of arachnids) and couldn't imagine my life without them playing a huge part. But why do so many people hate them? I...
I recently posted a question about Chinese Hamsters, well now my question has completely changed... Oops, I found out both of them are opposite sexes!! I took them to have them checked as I wondered...
Is it wrong to compare a new boyfriend to an ex? Well that's it really, my mum reckons you shouldn't compare them but I don't think it's a problem - what do you think?
I know this is very superficial but... I desperatley want long finger nails and I am sick of paying ?40 for extensions. I have finally kicked the habit of biting my nails but now find when my nails...
I have recently been getting really bad stomach pains (feel a bit like period pains) and it hurts sometimes more than others. It usually hurts the most either during or after sex, and it is really...
the reason i ask is - i want to ask the ab ed if the ?bersensitive profanity filter really necessary? normal swearwords are fair game i guess... but starring out s****horpe for example!? JUST PLAIN...
I really want to wear coloured lip gloss and lipstick but I have kind of creamy-yellow teeth (it's not as bad as it sounds) with patches so can anyone tell me what colours i could wear that wouldn't...
my b/f likes to egetulate over my feet is this normal. he likes my to wear stocking and paint my toenails and wear strapy shoes which can be a pain cleaning afterwards. He enjoys this more than coming...
Hello i am a 28 year old male who is still prone to spots. They generally appear on my forehead, which by the end of the day is generally quite greasy to the touch. Have tried lots of things but they...
What are the advantages of wearing a thong? I know that by having the pack piece disappearing between the bum cheeks then this means no pantyline is visible through the clothing. However many females...