I've met this guy on a dating app who lives in England and I live in wales he wants to meet half way to go on a date. I definitely he wants it more than I do and I don't know if I want long distance...
I'm open to be educated here but doctors on strike today and asking for a 35% pay increase. My question is really that nearly 70% of the country are supporting their action. Why is it so popular. Is...
The link below shows a recreation area open to the general public. A park bench is to be installed under the following constraints: i. The bench is to be equidistant from point B and from point D ii....
... but I have yet to see a single 'non-binary' / 'they' / 'gender fluid' etc.etc individual, famous or anonymous, whose clothes, hair, facial expression, and overall demeanour- are not silently...
A man buys a horse for £70. He then sells the horse for £80. He then buys back the horse for £90. Once again he sells the horse for £100. How much did the man make or lose? Or did he break even?...
...let he who is without sin etc. It's over lets move on....
Hello ABEd, as our beloved Mods don't get to see our reports would it be feasible to have a category where messages can be left for them without clogging up CB or other categories? I am not the only...
This is proving divisive on the 'socials' as Daisy would say, not just between the sexes (genders?) but between the generations, too. Women of all ages are more likely to agree that Amy was raped; the...
Apparently hotmail say ive used 7gb out of a 5gb account!! How am i supposed to reduce this storage? ive got rid of all the attachments, but it hasnt made a lot of difference! is there a simple...
The diagram (see link below) shows 3 identical circles, each with radius 6cm. The centre of each circle is represented by A, B and C respectively, such that points ABC form a straight line. Calculate...
Michael Gove ...Said way back in 2016.... "Johnson is not fit to be PM" Now Gove is saying That Johnson is a... man of Integrity. Boris is someone who always puts the Country first,... in a bid to...
…or is there a way back for him? What would have to happen to allow him back into Number 10? https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/is-it-finally-all-over-for-boris-johnson_uk_641c00f0e4b01ea5cd926faa...