am i? is it? whats it? whats is? is "is" it? is "it" is? where is here? is here even there? is there really here? is there really there? figure out that riddle...and...well...who knows what implicit...
My friends live in a terrace house. Their house is at the end of the row. The house next door is for sale. If I were to buy that house, but then put a door in the middle of the wall that seperates the...
in the film about the Munich massacre, about the group of people who go killing off members of the black september, theres a part where they go and kill a female assassin... what on earth are those...
I watched that film, directed by mr speilburg about that Munich massacre thing, where the olympic guys were killed, it was a good film, accept i honestly dont understand why it happened. why did they...
is it possible that memory is stored within dna? i was thinking...maybe this would explain things like de ja vu (which i get sometimes, although rarley, for no apparent reason) Maybe this would...
i was thinking the other day...does "luck" actually exist? is there such a thing? what do you think? this was my train of thought! people always say, "god, that was lucky!" or "wow, if id have done...
this happens almost always on my night shifts, but sometimes at home too. ill get a stomach ache, but i cant understand what my body is telling me! am i hungry? am i sick? i can honestly never tell....
okay, im feeling low, and i want some music to accompany me on way to hell. so, anyone know any really really depressingly sad songs? i dont mind what genre their in, so long as its in i-tunes so i...
How would i go about visiting Chenobyl as a tourist? Id love to see all those abandonded buildings. And it something im facinated in. Id love the photo oppotunities too. How much would it cost? what...
wheres the best place i can buy video game art books. My friend has this VERY cool concept art book bought for him by a relative for his birthday. Its from Metal Gear Solid 2. It looks awsome, the art...
okay, i might get assasinated by MI5 or some secret government organisation (and for their refence, im not thinking about it!) but i was wondering, what would actually happen if someone assassinated...
hmm...which would effect you the most psychologically? - seeing a car crash from a far, like a 5 car pile up, one of them even exploding cinematic style. or...seeing only the aftermath of the pile up?...
lets pretend your in a forest on a sunny summers day. the sun beams through the trees. is there a name for that effect where the sun shines through something, and leaves a sort of shadow hanging in...
so, lets say, for the sake of argument, that spirits and ghosts exist, then the world explodes, literally! shatters into tiny subatomic (if thats a real term!) particles! so, what happens to the...
Just out of pointless curiosity - if you were given the chance to choose between male, female, or neutral (i.e nothing!) - which would you choose? do you think people would, instead of a sex change,...
the third world? where the hell did that term come about? ive been thinking about it all day (well, all night seen as im on a night shift!). the most elaborate thing i could think of, which could...
ive recently been watching a good number of gritty british films, and wow! i never realised how powerful they can be. so raw and real. dont get me wrong, american hollywood films are good, but these...
can someone please please please explain this wierd phenomenon (sorry about that spelling) ive notice within the music industry, relating to rap music. why is it, an artist, like say, 50 cent and The...