I'm 18 years. I'm senior in high school. I have very good grades in school. I'm going to private classes for college to get in and I'm attending private classes for English, German and French. My mom...
I'm re-posting from Current Affairs as it seems quiet in there. In light of the fact that now Germany is on alert to safeguard it's Coptic Christian citizens this makes for interesting reading for...
Hi all I am trying to find a UK petrol Price comparison. Please could everyone just put there area plus AVERAGE Petrol and Diesel Costs. Thanks
North Devon
Petrol £128.9
Diesel £131.9...
I thought people might be interested to know that further this question related to the blasphemy laws in Pakistan.. http://www.theanswerb...y/Question965848.html ..a politician who dared to speak up...
Just need this iritating one to then release the last clue. 25d Trade commonly in road heading north for island 5l i---a This then triggers 28a One other to check on 29a Sharp cry coming from narrow...
I'm re-posting from Current Affairs as it seems quiet in there. In light of the fact that now Germany is on alert to safeguard it's Coptic Christian citizens this makes for interesting reading for...
http://tinyurl.com/373hpny Why are these women so keen to convert to the Muslim faith? Will these converts be happy to become almost subservient to their husbands, or will they set an example to...
Some of you may remember from yesterday that I was worried about Boots, well he died this morning. When I got up he'd had a massive nose bleed and could hardly walk. I took him straight to the vet and...
Hi, i need some sensible answers please (!) i have always considered myself a fairly laid back person. A few weeks ago one of my friends and his girlfriend came to stay for a couple of nights. When...
As you all know there are 1,001 ways to supposedly lose weight out there in the big wide world, but none as quite as extreme as the one mentioned in Brain Aldiss's short story "Supertoys last all...
Not sure where to put this... Couple of years ago my teacher had every one do a 4 square chart, a box for each of the following: aims, objectives, goals and something else... does anyone know what the...
when im 16 i want to move in with my boyfriend who will be 20 by this time. when im 16 i want to move in with my boyfriend and his family my boyfriend will be 20 by this time, he is lovely and he...
If the first bits of the question doesn't work, then ignore the second. 1) Can anyone be hypnotised, even if they're unwilling? And can you be hypnotised to tell the truth? 2) if part 1) works,...