I have been single now for about 4 weeks and have chatted to many girls but not really got aanywhere. Anyway, I am out this weekend with a group of mates. They keeep going on that it should be easy to...
Hiya.This coming weekend my son is going to his dad's and my boyfriend has to go away on business,so I'm gona be at home on my own,which has never happened.What on earth an I gona do for two days??
Has anyone booked a "meet & greet" taxi from SAnford airport in Orlando and can you recommend any company in particular?I've checked out the companies listed on the Sanford...
If you were on death row, what 3 course meal would you chose to go out on? mine would be garlic mushrooms followed by chicken Tikka masala with fried rice and a keema nan bread and for pudding it...
I moved house about 5 months ago and my 4 year old female cat seemed to take to her new surroundings like a duck to water - allowing my partner to make a huge fuss of her on every possible occasion -...
how often does anyone sit down and think to themselves how lucky they are to be here and how nice their lifestyle is compared to people for e.g in africa who are starving and have no family no homes...
How many people on this site are prepared to pay a charge to draw their money out? I have gone miles out of my way before just to avoid paying - probably used more in fuel than the charge so is...
My old Pentium II 233 Mhz PC with M717 Chip does not recognizes my RAM memory completely. I had installed 96 MB DIMM and it only recognizes 65. My question is what must I do for a full recognition,...
I would love for the family to go abroad on a plane but the prob is my hubby who WILL NOT get on a plane AT ALL,we only got our first passports last year so we could take the kids to disneyland...
I recently bumped into a teacher from senior school a few months ago. When I was at school he would organise the ski trips and I had the opportunity to go on them for a number of years. Recently, he...
Following on from Zara 4's star sign thread, what do you think are your best and worst personality traits? My worst ones are that Im neurotic as hell and too sensitive but my best ones are Im caring...
last night at 2 mins and 3 seconds past one the date and time was 1oclock 2mins 3seconds on the 4day of the 5month of the year6 123456 as the ed says this will never happen ever again ever ! just...
Anyone know a reliable website where I can start researching about buying a property in bulgaria. I'm looking just for a studio flat (new build, maybe, in a developing resort) in a ski resort that I...